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View Full Version : Is it just me

03-04-2018, 11:49 AM
That finds it just rude that some post a add looking for something and you take the time to make sure that you still have it and reply to there add and they don’t respond! Just a quick Thanks I found it, No thanks, Changed my mind or post quick reply on your add. This has happened many times not just here but all over different forums. Thanks for letting me vent Clint

03-04-2018, 11:55 AM
I must admit that is just rude. Good thing capt Woodrow call ain't around.

Preacher Jim
03-04-2018, 11:58 AM
Clint if they do not send me a PM and good response I do not bother looking because like you I can't stand rude folks when there are folks I can help.

03-04-2018, 12:27 PM
<< thinks it's mainly just people too lazy to delete/ mark found/sold/traded/ thx for looking/etc

Outer Rondacker
03-04-2018, 12:37 PM
I have sold many an item on many a forum. It mostly comes down to they are looking for it for free. Or next to free. I know several people who post on forums for a living looking for this and that and only buy at really good deals to turn around and sell it locally. Just my 2 cents.

03-04-2018, 01:07 PM
I hate when I send a PM to a prospective seller with a question, and he never answers.

03-04-2018, 10:12 PM
I work under the premise you are selling something I want and I have money to give to you for it,you can't be serious about selling said item if you can't respond to my offer.

03-04-2018, 10:41 PM
Its just modern times, but yeah, it seems rude to me too! I prefer old fashion manners.

D Crockett
03-04-2018, 10:51 PM
I hate when I send a PM to a prospective seller with a question, and he never answers.you hate it when the seller does not answer you. well here is what I hate. someone says they want to buy some of my product and I start making it. and they cut all com links with me. I send them 3 or 4 pm and they don't even bother to answer. even if it just to say sorry I have changed my mind. and now I have product hanging around the shop for ever and a day before I can get rid of it. and a lot of times I end up giving it away or junking it. anyway you look at it I loose money time and materials D Crockett

Thin Man
03-05-2018, 08:15 AM
Several years ago I read a post where a member was having fits trying to find gas checks in an odd size. It happened I had those and no plan to use them. I communicated with the member and offered to ship them to him for free. No charge for the gas checks, and I would even cover the postage. He was delighted and agreed to accept this gift. Off to the post office I went and shipped them to the address he provided. Time passed (perhaps 2 weeks) and I had heard nothing from him so I sent him a PM asking if he received my shipment. No reply. Two weeks later I sent out another message like the last one and still got no reply. I considered he could have been traveling, or got sick, or anything else that could happen to upset someone's routine. PM messages do not self-delete and I sent they through the same communication format as the original offer. About the only reason one could not respond would be either to be banned or to die. Then I looked at his profile and found he was still communicating on this site. Shrug. I guess some people live by the motto it is better to receive (a free gift) than to give (thanks for the gift). And so it goes. I hope he enjoyed the gas checks.

03-05-2018, 03:12 PM
What also gets me is someone wants to buy something I.E. "desperately need xxxxx". So you take your time to look and contact them saying you have it and offer to sell it for say a bit under Midway or Midsouth price plus shipping, just as if a big company had it. They don't want it and usually you never hear from them again. Must not have been that desperate for it. As you say, looking for it cheap so they can re-sell it and make a profit.

03-05-2018, 06:41 PM
Lookin for cheap. More than once I have offered something new for less than listed price and been ignored. This to answer an "I really need" post. Wasted time.