View Full Version : Hornady Casefeeder Summary of Work Done

02-28-2018, 06:27 PM
I Thought I'd summarize my recent work on my LNL case feeder. It dates to about 2003 as best as I can remember.

First, I replaced the old pivot body mount with a new cam block mount. This eliminated any upward or side to side movement of the pivot body as the ram is raised. This was a huge improvement over the old style. All I had to do was request the parts (they were free) and then drill the case feeder standard for the new bolts.

Second, I replaced the pivot torsion spring. My old one was Tango Uniform and it would not return the pivot to full back. I also polished off any burrs I found on the pivot base and I lightly oiled the pivot shoulder bolt. This bolt was an upgrade 5 years ago from the original *** that kept working loose. Again, no charge for the parts.

Third, I replaced the push rod bushing. This bushing has to be super glued into the pivot base. Nothing says that but I could see the remains of old CA on the old bushing so a drop or two of thick gorilla super glue after a careful degrease and we are golden. Again, no charge for the part.

Next I replaced the push rod tip. Again, super glue holds it in place. No charge for the part.

Then I replaced the case slide assembly. All I needed was the slide bushing but they insisted it come as a unit. No charge.

Next came the slide cam. My old one was scarred and it dragged so I replaced it. No charge.

Finally, I added a case feeder tip stop (their latest mod to stop cases from bouncing off the feeder platen) That I bought. It was less than $8.00.

So, it works perfectly. Better than new actually. Now if I could just get those crappy bullet feeder dies to work.....
Reece aka omgb

02-28-2018, 09:24 PM
Glad you got it working

02-28-2018, 09:55 PM
Slicker ‘n snot with 100% function rate

02-28-2018, 10:54 PM
Here's what rankles me a bit. The original instructions from back in 03 never once showed how to align the primer pick up hole with the center of the primer drop tube. I had to figure that out myself and it took a couple of years. Also, no one ever mentioned how critical it is to keep the shell plate and primer feed free of dirt, dust and powder. Just a smidgen can cause a malfunction. I keep compressed air handy JIC

The original case feeder pivot base had a flimsy mount. It was a problem from day one. Why did it take so many years to fix it? They have also modified the primer cam wire so that rather than bend it now pops out if stressed. Why did that take so stinking long? The original primer feed did not utilize a weighted follower rod. That came out maybe 10 years ago. Again, why so long?

03-01-2018, 12:28 AM
Here's what rankles me a bit. The original instructions from back in 03 never once showed how to align the primer pick up hole with the center of the primer drop tube. I had to figure that out myself and it took a couple of years. Also, no one ever mentioned how critical it is to keep the shell plate and primer feed free of dirt, dust and powder. Just a smidgen can cause a malfunction. I keep compressed air handy JIC

The original case feeder pivot base had a flimsy mount. It was a problem from day one. Why did it take so many years to fix it? They have also modified the primer cam wire so that rather than bend it now pops out if stressed. Why did that take so stinking long? The original primer feed did not utilize a weighted follower rod. That came out maybe 10 years ago. Again, why so long?

That’s the $64,000 question isn’t it. Poorly designed engineering, incompetent sales department, rush to get it out? Take your pick.
I think it is a good simple designed press that has had growing pains. It good have been a great press right from the start if more thought and better quality parts would have been used.
I have had some issues that shouldn’t have happened but Hornady took care of everyone every time. One thing I didn’t have problems with is the primer system as it has worked since day. I had one issue with a primer punch and two issues that were my fault.
The case feeder has been a challenge but is working now. I’m still having issues with case retainer springs kinking and think there is something not right with the sub plate and or drive hub.
I’m confident Hornady will make it right but if I buy another progressive it will be a 650.

Lloyd Smale
03-04-2018, 10:17 AM
650s were designed right out of the gate to use a case feeder. LNL case feeders were an add on. Kind of like the difference in buying a ford eco boost turbo'd pickup or buying a turbo and bolting it on to an old straight six and expecting it to work just as well

03-04-2018, 11:20 AM
650s were designed right out of the gate to use a case feeder. LNL case feeders were an add on. Kind of like the difference in buying a ford eco boost turbo'd pickup or buying a turbo and bolting it on to an old straight six and expecting it to work just as well

That about sums it up. The present design is fairly reliable....actually very reliable. I wish today's design had been in place 14 years ago. Now however, I think I have the latest in upgrades and for the last 500 rounds it has worked flawlessly.

03-05-2018, 03:55 PM
What exactly is the tip stop? Tipping is the only thing I still have issues with. Sometimes I get tips where the case meets the shell plate as it's attempting to be pushed forward and into the plate. 99.9% of the time everything is perfect, but every once in a while I get a tip and have to stop for a split second and help it into the shell plate.

Is this what it's designed to solve, or is it for tipping at the case drop? I solved that with a 3d printed part I got off ebay. Keeps the case captured until it settles.