View Full Version : This George guy must have some strong arms

02-14-2018, 02:45 PM
This is an overdue post. Sometimes life gets in the way of life. This is also long-winded. TL;DR: This a great community and thank you.

I've learned that George is known for his sticky fingers, but man, this dude must have forearms like Popeye cuz this package, to quote my roommate, "**** near broke my table." And from the looks of it USPS didn't appreciate how George took advantage of their "if it fits, it ships" policy. 214192

I don't have a story quite as ridiculous as some of the others I've read about George, but since I'm new here I figure I'll just say a bit about myself as a way of explaining how thankful I am for this big ol box o' boolits.

The reason I have the above mentioned roommate is because I decided to quit my job and go to grad school. I had always imagined getting my PhD (English) but by the time I finished undergrad I never wanted to see school again. But, now, here I am: 31, broke, and about 4 years into a 6 year program. Now I'm lucky because the program I'm in covers my tuition and pays me a stipend in exchange for teaching a few classes at the university, but the trade off is I can't have any other job so I'm stuck living off $17k/year. And it could be worse, I know plenty of people with families that are trying to get by on less. That said, I made more money when I was 19 than I do now and it's taken some getting used to.

Ok, so what does this have to do with George? Well, before I moved to central PA for grad school I had never even shot a gun, let alone owned one. I mean, plenty of beer cans met their demise at the end of my Daisy 880, but that doesn't count, right? So one day I idly mentioned to my Dad that I was thinking about getting a .22 just to plink around with because it felt like knowing how to shoot a gun was one of those things everyone should know how to do, kinda like changing your oil or a flat tire. To my surprise he tells me that my grandfather, who I never met, had a .22 rifle and pistol that have been sitting in my Dad's closet for 50 some odd years. And so it began.

The guns are a Wards Western Field rifle (I think mine is a Savage based on the barrel stamp but don't know for sure) and a classic 3 screw Ruger single six. So at 29 I started what most kids in PA start at 10--stalking squirrels like they were the most dangerous game in the world. I was hooked. Within a year I had added a 9mm, 12gauge, 30-06, 223, and a new 22 so I could take it easy on gramp's old rifle (my lastest is an 80% lower, 10.5in 300 BO). Of course, all those guns needed to be fed, so I started hand loading.

Right, probably a familiar story to many. So here's the deal. I didn't grow up shooting or hunting, and being in an English PhD program and being a hunter/gun owner means that everyone around me basically thinks I'm a nutjob. And I don't want to make this political, I've got my issues with liberals and conservatives alike. But when it came time to learn how to hold a gun, gut a deer, check headspace, run a ladder test, etc, I turned to the internet. And this is where George and others like him finally make it into the story. I've just been blown away by how welcoming and helpful people have been on this forum and a few others. I am naturally a very cynical person, and most experiences in my life have reinforced that cynicism. So to George and all his minions, and to the many others that will undoubtedly answer questions for me in the future, thank you for restoring a sliver of my faith in humanity.

02-14-2018, 07:08 PM
Welcome to castboolits. Please ask questions. I've been the beneficiary of George and I am learning day by day. You're in the midst of some of the smartest people who know so much and, here's the best part -- they are willing to share correct and truthful information usually without an attitude. I have been reloading for about a year and a half and in that time I have mentored 2 others. Boy, it is true, if you really want to know something just teach it. Welcome to the forum and make your time in grad school really count.

02-14-2018, 08:26 PM
Everyone has to start sometime. You started a bit later than some, but no matter.

I too have been a beneficiary of George. After more than two decades of reloading, I decided to start casting - that's a whole 'nuther angle. George came through here and dropped off a few things for me.

There's a good chance you will be a minion too, in a few years. One of the 'benefits' of this hobby is that one seems to accumulate 'stuff', that over time becomes detritus. George will swing through, and relieve you of some of your excess, to help a noob.

Welcome aboard !

02-14-2018, 08:43 PM
There's a lot of Georges on this site, but he's the most famous. I was visited recently by a "George" and received a Lyman Lubrisizer, Lee 6 cavity mold, and a few other items. This site not only has the most informative and gracious members, but the comradery is unmatched anywhere else.

Welcome, and enjoy.


02-14-2018, 10:41 PM
Welcome to the forum. Read, read, read, I still got thru the stickies all the time and ask questions there are no dumb ones. George has skimmed stuff off my bench in the past so watch out, keep your Glenlivets locked up and never let him see fear.

02-14-2018, 11:11 PM
George has been VERY gracious to me as well! This forum is beyond reproach, seriously, these are some of the most generous people I’ve ever encountered. I had a PM conversation with a former moderator about some arguments I was having with members. His words, “Some of these guys get a little wound up, but there isn’t one of them that wouldn’t give you the shirt off their backs to help you out!” He was correct.
I only hope to be able to pay some of that back in the future!
As others said, READ and ask! Buy as many manuals as you can, used, printed off, however you can come across them, you cannot have too much information in this hobby! Go slow, learn and understand each process, keep distractions at bay, check, double check and triple check your weights and measurements and you’ll be fine.
It sounds like George couldn’t have found a finer candidate to help out!

02-18-2018, 11:15 AM
Welcome to the forum. Read, read, read, I still got thru the stickies all the time and ask questions there are no dumb ones. George has skimmed stuff off my bench in the past so watch out, keep your Glenlivets locked up and never let him see fear.

Minerat havn't you learned that locks do not stop George sence he got his hands on the magic keys that will unlock any lock and for sure the liquor cabinet

02-18-2018, 12:09 PM
Minerat havn't you learned that locks do not stop George sence he got his hands on the magic keys that will unlock any lock and for sure the liquor cabinet

I keep hoping he looses the keys. It's the eternal optimist in me I guess.

02-25-2018, 10:15 PM
Yes sir ! That George has a Big Heart !

02-26-2018, 12:58 AM
Next time the wifes gets a bunch of emails saying packages are on the way (its an App she has, it snitches to much), i am blaming George stole my wallet and ordered me bunch of gun stuffs

Welcome to cast boolits. Feeding all those hungry guns gets expensive. Accurate ammo is pretty easy to make.

02-26-2018, 02:39 AM
I wonder if Santa lent him his bag

03-27-2018, 02:40 PM
And from the looks of it USPS didn't appreciate how George took advantage of their "if it fits, it ships" policy.

ROFLMAO! I had to wonder if the postman was curious about what he was delivering when I bought bullets. Small box, very full of lead...