View Full Version : oyster stew,who likes?

02-10-2018, 09:21 PM
Was outside in the cold all day, made up a pot and had 2 bowls over crackers. UMM

02-10-2018, 09:34 PM
I hope you made enough for tomorrow , just like chili it's always better as leftovers.

02-10-2018, 09:50 PM
I made crab stew Monday...some of those oysters FRIED would have been good with that!

02-10-2018, 09:53 PM
I like it a lot.
Made my mouth water thinking about it after just reading the title of the topic.

02-10-2018, 10:01 PM
Always in the past I made Oyster stew or clam chowder.

Pretty similar in a lot of ways, cut and saute some celery and onion in bacon fat until tender.
Add the seafood, add milk (Lactaid in my case, me and lactose not getting along so well)

A few chopped chives or green onion to garnish.

But this last batch I was in a mood for both at the same time.
So I opened a can of each. Liquid from the cans went in to simmer the celery.

I had about 2/3rds of a package of artifical crab chunks, so I sliced that up and threw that in too.

Made for some good eating for about 3 days.

If you can find the big sweet Videla green onions, they make a wicked good pot of soup.

Cut the bottoms to go in with the Celery and cut the tops to go on top just before serving.

With either oyster crackers or some good premium saltines, its fine eating.

02-10-2018, 11:00 PM
Man, I did not save any for Sunday, it's all in my belly. I would love to lay down about 2 plates of good fried oysters with a bowl of clam chowder

02-11-2018, 11:25 AM
Um um um um um.

02-11-2018, 01:53 PM
Love Oyster stew!

02-11-2018, 02:04 PM
My dad made a fine oyster stew. He and I were the only ones that ate it in our family.

02-11-2018, 02:25 PM
My grandmother made some fine oyster stew. Sometimes in the fall she would make it in a 20 gallon cast iron cauldron on an open fire. My mother was one of 12 so lots and lots of grand kids would show up. I miss those days.

mold maker
02-11-2018, 04:22 PM
My wife's family grew up eating salmon stew which is very similar. Can't say I ever developed a taste for either, although fried oisters are a welcome treat on a cold day.

Lloyd Smale
02-12-2018, 09:30 AM
never had oyster stew but clam chowder is my hands down favorite soup

02-21-2018, 11:10 PM
It is said in New England that if you must cook an oyster you just have to cook it in either Cream or sweet butter and other than oysters the only other two proper ingredients for oyster stew are Cream and Butter, so it is acceptable.

Tom W.
02-21-2018, 11:42 PM
I love it ! I have a shirt that labels me as a shrimpaholic, but almost any seafood except tilapia I like!

02-22-2018, 06:35 PM
tilapia is not seafood, it is an abomination raised in a cesspool

02-22-2018, 06:42 PM
I like clam chowder, have tried oyster stew, and didn't care for it. I can get down a few very small ones in gumbo, but if they are very big just do not like them. I do not even like the real big ones fried, but sure like the smaller ones fried.

I love me some fried froglegs , but can't handle them stewed either. I am the same way with okra, maybe fried anything is better. lol

02-22-2018, 08:32 PM
I would love to try oyster stew.

My favorite way to have them so far is cooked on the half shell on a charcoal grill with butter and garlic

Tom W.
02-22-2018, 10:03 PM
A good crawdad boil is hard to beat....

02-22-2018, 10:06 PM
It has a weird sweet taste that really makes me gag! And I love fish!

tilapia is not seafood, it is an abomination raised in a cesspool

02-23-2018, 12:36 AM
2 jars of fresh oysters
6 cups of whole milk (not 2% or skim)
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream (yum!)
Salt to taste
WHITE Pepper to taste
Butter to taste
4 tablespoons of REAL bacon bits (not bacos)

Simmer for 1/2 hour or so in double boiler

Perfect oyster stew

02-23-2018, 12:41 AM
Catfish are bottom feeders. (And excellent taste!!)

Tilapia were bred to eat the poop from catfish tank bottoms. That’s pretty low on the food chain.

And we now eat them in many seafood dishes! YUCK!

Any food you have to season heavily to make it taste (even close to) eatable does not deserve a place on ANY menu. Well, mabe Denny’s!

Tom W.
02-23-2018, 08:41 PM
Can't stomach Long John Silvers, either....

02-23-2018, 10:03 PM
They use pollock, a mush fish if it is frozen. Fresh it is semi firm and edible...

02-23-2018, 11:17 PM
The fake crab stores sell is made from pollock. In a HEAVY garlic and cheese Alfredo sauce over good angel hair pasta, it resembles real crab.........in a pinch! Sort of.

02-23-2018, 11:53 PM
Knew a guy that of caught a lot of turtles with bank lines. He saved some of the white bits of meat and made a stew with milk and butter just like oyster stew. It was as good as oyster stew and that's saying a lot.

Dad used to make a big pot of oyster stew, we ate all we could and saved the rest for breakfast. I do believe it was better the next day.

02-24-2018, 12:29 AM
I have ate a whole bunch of turtle over 60 years and never had it cooked into a stew, might have to try it.

Lloyd Smale
02-24-2018, 08:04 AM
people eat farm raised catfish that has no better conditions then Tilapia. then some will even eat the liver out of an animal that filters all the bad stuff out, a pig or chicken that spends its whole life standing in #2 or worse of all a hotdog that is made from ground up emulsified intestine and is even allowed a certain percentage of rat hair ect. and stick there nose up at a fish. Now I'm hungry. Maybe a can of span mixed with some eggs out of one of those dirty chickens ovarys. Ill eat them. Ill even eat fish sticks. In a perfect world id love to have walleye, pike or perch every week but even up here where there caught there as much in the store per lb as a t-bone steak.

02-24-2018, 02:59 PM
Now,now, farm raised AMERICAN catfish is good to go, fed a pelleted feed and raised with pretty strict standards. Foreign fish/shrimp is raised however they want, and that often includes human waste and garbage. Only a small percentage is ever inspected by AMERICAN food inspectors and the farms themselves are almost never. The fake Vietnamese catfish and farmed shrimp is putting the squeeze on farmers and shrimpers here in the US. Buy American, it really is a much safer and better product. Better yet, go catch your own!

02-24-2018, 09:59 PM
The big old channel cat I used to catch as a kid back in Iowa was “to die fir”. Not the stuff you get in restaurants/markets today. I love catfish grilled over misquite on the grill. The fish absorbs the smoke like no other meat. Skin down and do not flip over. A perfect meal.

Boner appetite!

02-25-2018, 01:27 AM
Flathead cats I grew up catching and eating were far better than the channel cats. They eat live food mostly and rarely scavenge like a channel cat. And yes take a 5 pounder and smoke it, grab the crackers and eat! It was one of the foods I served for the weekly poker night when it was at my house.

Local gravel pit is loaded with perch and sunfish and no limits since they were stunting. I filled my freezer last fall and just ran out, going to have to find some American raised catfish...

03-04-2018, 04:48 PM
Love it.
Fresh oysters make the best. Agree about it being better the next day.


03-04-2018, 05:19 PM
Can't stomach Long John Silvers, either....

Growing up we always called it "long dead slivers".

And on general terms a "pet peeve" of mine is anyone calling Tilapia "seafood" and it gives me a strong urge to perform a lobotomy on the person with a hatchet.

It is a FRESHWATER fish! and generally farm raised in muddy ponds!

If you want to talk seafood talk about Tuna or Marlin cooked on the grille, food of the gods!

A properly grilled marlin steak and you'll never ask for Beef again!