View Full Version : Lyman 439186 370 gr to 458-460 ?

02-07-2018, 10:40 PM
Has anyone tried PP the Lyman 439186 370 gr. bullet up tp .458-460 diameter for use in a 45/70 ? Have a Ruger number 1 in 45/70 and was wondering if it might work.

02-08-2018, 09:57 AM
I have taken that bullet up to .447 to use in a .43 Mauser, but never thought about going any bigger. I won't cost much to find out, just two more wraps of paper! Perhaps you could wet wrap the first patch then when dry add a second dry patch to bring it too .460? There is a thread by HABCAN about patching a 309 up to 338 that is very interesting, so I'll be watching that one also. Let us know how it works for you.