View Full Version : New S&W 22s

02-06-2018, 08:54 PM
Just picked up a couple nice S&W .22 revolvers on some trades. Got a nice 18-2 and
a 617-6. Both had Pachmeyer grips which I can't abide. Stuck some old Fitz on 18-2
until factory set gets here, already in transit. Just got 617-6 today and don't have any
thing that fits K rd butt so have to put up with the Rubbers for awhile. 617-6 is first
S&W 10 shooter for me. It's a good bit heavier than the 18-2.

02-06-2018, 09:16 PM
That 10 shooter is nice, reminds me of the old bugs bunny cartoons, you know where it goes from 6 shooter to 10 shooter. My buddies is hell on wheels plinker and he often uses it to shoot mice and varmints in the chicken coop.

02-06-2018, 11:19 PM
I love my 617-6. Mine wears my usual Tyler T and magna grip combo. It’s acurate, but I do wish it wasn’t a full underlug to reduce weight. Haven’t had any issues, but my sons and I have only put about three bricks of various ammo thought it. I’d love a Model 18, or an older Model 17. In due time. Congrats on your 22’s, enjoy the heck out them. Side note, the Speed Beez Speed loaders work great!

02-07-2018, 12:17 AM
I am into the older S&Ws blue. I have a few 17s, 18s, 34s and some older ones. Never fooled with
any stainless except a 63 and I didn't notice big weight difference between it and 34. The 617-6
feels like a brick. I believe it weighs more than a 6" m17 ( 617-6 is a 4"ER) only got it today and
due to lousy cold weather I just shot a box at ice sickles on a high wall. While you are shivering
the extra weight is a plus.

02-07-2018, 12:54 AM
Now those are targets I never thought about! I’m an equal opportunity Smith fan, from my 15-1 to my 625-8, whichever is a good deal, I find them a welcome addition. Thanks for sharing.

02-07-2018, 01:01 AM
Nice revolvers.

And here I was expecting to see this:


A smith and Wesson 22s

02-07-2018, 11:46 AM
I also have an older 617 which I love, what a magnificent gun to shoot! Heavy yes, but well balanced and super accurate.

I have a Jerry Miculek wood grip on mine (Hogue makes these now) which feels just perfect on it and looks great too!