View Full Version : I love Lee Pots!

02-05-2018, 12:43 PM
I have used Lee pots for years. This last one for over a decade. A 20# pot. No drips at all. When I got this one as I got my others, I removed the spigot, put Clover on it, replaced it and turned it untill smooth and turned it every time i turned it down or off. I also always melted my raw ingot stock outside the pot.
No drips and works well.
I guess I am one of the lucky ones.
Lee for me. All the way.

02-05-2018, 02:23 PM
I have had great service from Lee pots since 1981. My old Saeco #34 from Carpenteria California works too, since the 60's that I know of.

02-05-2018, 03:45 PM
I have a great Lee pot as Well, Thanks LEE

02-05-2018, 05:10 PM
I use a Lee Magnum Melter 20# pot it never drips unless I get sloppy with the ladle. :-) Good pot at a good price. Lot of pots to choose from in the market place, many of them good but Lee tends to get the job done for me in most cases.

02-05-2018, 10:59 PM
I switched from 7" cast iron pan on the kitchen stove to a small lee dipper pot. Wow, set it up on a casting table, no clean up, no fuss, plug it in, wait a few minutes and go.

Then I upgraded to a new one with a rheostat on top. Hey we are in the business now.

Then I heard about the magnum melter. Yeah I got one, yeah I love it.

Call me old school I like dipper casting. It just plain works. Hums more than the smaller ones did, but its working harder.

Yeah I love Lee pots as long as they are not bottom leakers.

02-08-2018, 06:05 AM
decone 31 hate to sound dumb what is. I removed the spigot, put Clover on it. I just bought a lee A 20# pot and if there is a upgrade im interested.


02-08-2018, 10:36 AM
I bought a Lee pot , the 4-20 in 120 volt and it work fine.

02-15-2018, 05:02 PM
I also just bought a Lee pot , the 4-20 in 120 volt. My problem is that the thermostat just doesn't work right. I start out at setting it at 7 on the scale and it goes to close to 900 degrees. I turn it down to 3 and yes it cools down. if I set it to 5 and it just keeps going to may be 800. It doesn't seem to matter where I set it it just does what it wants. Does any body have a ideal what to do. I did send a email to LEE.

I just got a reply from LEE and they are going to send out another thermostat. That was fast as I just sent them a email a few hours ago.

02-15-2018, 06:17 PM
I use a Lee Magnum Melter 20# pot it never drips unless I get sloppy with the ladle. :-) Good pot at a good price. Lot of pots to choose from in the market place, many of them good but Lee tends to get the job done for me in most cases.

I wish I had bought one years ago. I love that big boy. That 20 lbs of metal is sweet !
I started with the little precision melter 1971 ( 5 lbs ?). Then felt the need for a bottom pour so got Lee production pot...liked the 10 lb. capacity but I could never master the bottom pour technique.
Got that Magnum Melter with 20 lb. capacity when they were on sale at Midway ($57.00) and sent the bottom pour to a fellow member so he could use it.
All three are still working....I use the 1971 small pot for casting sinkers....for the price the Magnum Melter is a good deal .

Lump me in with the old school bunch...I'm a dipper too.

02-15-2018, 08:24 PM
This is my first dealing with LEE and they were awesome. I just got another reply from LEE. The parts are on the way. All in a matter of hours amazing.

02-15-2018, 08:59 PM
The post where he said he put clover on it. You take clover valve grinding compound onthe rod set it back in the hole and spin it to mate the two serfices togeather. It will polish the stem and hole to make it not drip.

02-15-2018, 09:26 PM
Lump me in there too.

A while back a new website hit the web. Being free to join, I offered as my dues, a thread on Lee bottom pour ten pound pots. In the thread are several improvements that can be made to the humble tool. The modifications address the most common complaints with many pictures and input from several Lee pot users. http://gunsrus.proboards.com/ is the address.

The thread is in the casting section labeled "Lee #10 redneck racing version". You wanna produce match grade projectiles? Read this and enjoy the difference.

Mike W1
02-15-2018, 11:07 PM
Like my 10#ers as well. Picked up some good tips from the site mentioned. Never actually saw a 20# but being used to the 10's I suppose didn't care for the looks of the pouring mechanism on the 20. Haven't looked at that site for some time as it wasn't doing much. Think I'll have another peek.

02-16-2018, 01:53 AM
Me too, I've used fine valve grinding compound.

02-16-2018, 07:15 AM
Good to see a positive post on Lee.
There is a lot of negative post on Lee, they are in a good price point, and a decent product.
I have a 20lb so-called drip-o-matic, so what if it drips a little? Does it really matter?
It doesn't drip over a spoonful over a whole casting session.
Mine works good enough that I cannot justify spending 6x the money for a different brand.

02-17-2018, 09:23 PM
Good to see a positive post on Lee.
There is a lot of negative post on Lee, they are in a good price point, and a decent product.
I have a 20lb so-called drip-o-matic, so what if it drips a little? Does it really matter?
It doesn't drip over a spoonful over a whole casting session.
Mine works good enough that I cannot justify spending 6x the money for a different brand.

I have one 40# Magma,one 20# RCBS and 3 10#Lee which I don't use any more.But since I started on the Coleman stovewith a 4# iron pot,I'm not about to badmouth the Lee.Even if it drips,it sure is an improvement over the 4# on Coleman pot.I see the Lee pot(s)as part of my progression in casting.And you know what?I'm looking with lush eyes at the Magma 90#pot!Hope my bank account lets us meet one of these days!

02-22-2018, 11:35 PM
Also love Lee pots been using one for ten years or so works great.

02-24-2018, 04:56 PM
Used my 10 lb for 16 years I smelt in it ( I know I shouldn't) but I do flux well only get the odd drip .cold never have afforded to start without Lee kit!

02-24-2018, 07:47 PM
I started with a Lee, accumulated several for different alloys. Haven't seen the need to "upgrade"

02-26-2018, 02:40 PM
I just started casting 3 weeks ago. I bought someone's setup and it came with a Lee 4-20 that leaked like a sieve. After checking out this site I found the cure, I emptied the pot cleaned out of the old lead down to bare steel and made sure the spout was clean. I didn't use Clover I just chucked up the rod and spun it for about 10 seconds. I just cast 150 173gr 30 cals and about 100 38 cal round balls this weekend and I had 4 drips for the whole session. Worked like a charm. By the way I cleaned the spout by heating it with a torch and blowing through it with 85 lbs of compressed air (another suggestion from this site). So far I am very satisfied with the Lee pot.

02-26-2018, 03:48 PM
As long as your alloy is completely clean a Lee pot won't leak. If there is any debris in the alloy then the pot will more than likely leak. And once they start they can be a pain to get to stop. I use a Lee pot but I've gotten to the point where I clean it regularly and I have spare valve rods on hand.

For the price they can't be beat. But I wish they were slightly more money and have a better valve setup. One day I will buy a Magma 40# pot and not look back. 20#s isn't big enough and leads to a good bit of down time.

02-26-2018, 04:20 PM
I also just bought a Lee pot , the 4-20 in 120 volt. My problem is that the thermostat just doesn't work right. I start out at setting it at 7 on the scale and it goes to close to 900 degrees. I turn it down to 3 and yes it cools down. if I set it to 5 and it just keeps going to may be 800. It doesn't seem to matter where I set it it just does what it wants. Does any body have a ideal what to do. I did send a email to LEE.

I just got a reply from LEE and they are going to send out another thermostat. That was fast as I just sent them a email a few hours ago.

Buy a PID from Hatch or make one yourself if you are electrically inclined. I made up one a couple of years ago and holds temp perfectly. Just turn the lee thermostat to high and fergit that thing.... PID can be set for exact temp you want.

Mine will drip a bit, but if I get it set at right spot, it doesn't. I close when I finish casting.