View Full Version : Sambar stag or elk?

02-04-2018, 01:05 PM
Hi Folks,

I have an itch for a set of antler grip panels for one of my 1911 pistols. It's a significant expenditure for me, so I want to choose right the first time. Are any of you experienced in this subject?

There are differences between elk and sanbar stag, including Indian export restrictions on stag, cost, density, etc. My information is that elk can be very good, for about half the price. But what do I look for? Who is a trustworthy craftsman and seller? Are there any artisans here who are vendor/sponsors?

In short, help please?

Thanks, Tom

02-04-2018, 01:16 PM
I like my Elk antler grips that i got from http://grashornsgunworks.com/ 213356

02-04-2018, 01:29 PM
Sambar is the REAL DEAL stag grip. Accept no substitute!

02-04-2018, 01:42 PM
Sambar is the REAL DEAL stag grip. Accept no substitute!

Why, specifically?

02-04-2018, 01:48 PM
Because the bark on it is deeper and thicker and the "popcorn" is much more character than elk antler. Elk has a paper thin color on it, it does not have the deep browns or the popcorn texture that Sambar has, and Sambar is a commodity that if it is cut with all the good qualities, will escalate in value. Elk will not.

A really nice new pair of Sambar panels will run in the high $200 - low $300 price range on ebay. Just type in "Sambar Stag 1911" without the quotes and have a look. Plain ones are half the price. By contrast, a VERY NICE pair of vintage grips that have all the qualities that Sambar is desired for, are currently $499.

Look over on the left and check the "Completed Listings" box and scroll through the ones that sold, denoted by having the sale price highlighted in GREEN. Observe that the nicer ones fetched over $300, and observe the color and the texture and the popcorn. This is what makes the Sambar desirable. Keep scrolling and observe the two VERY NICE pairs that sold for $599 each set. These are nothing short of STUNNING on a 1911 and that's why they bring the prices they bring. Elk will never achieve this level of desirability. On it's best day, 1% of elk antler grips is an attention getter. The majority of elk grip panels are just blah compared to Sambar.

02-04-2018, 01:50 PM
Because the bark on it is deeper and thicker and the "popcorn" is much more character than elk antler. Elk has a paper thin color on it, it does not have the deep browns or the popcorn texture that Sambar has, and Sambar is a commodity that if it is cut with all the good qualities, will escalate in value. Elk will not.

Thank you. Lot's of good information, especially the variety on the eBay search.

02-04-2018, 05:26 PM
Can’t really add to that, except to say that stag is beautiful. Elk is OK, but between the two I’d take stag every time. Can you even find Sambar stag any more? I thought there was some prohibition on importing it.

02-04-2018, 05:29 PM
India halted the export of Sambar stag not because the stag are endangered, but because Bengal tigers are endangered, and they depend on the stag for food. However, there have been some limited releases of stag antler, enough to keep the trade alive.

Green Frog
02-04-2018, 06:19 PM
It's more likely that a piece of Sambar Stag will have sufficient span and thickness to make a quality grip without running into the more porous core you see in most pieces of Elk "stag." For a pair of relatively flat, thin scales needed on a 1911 grip, you might get the good strength of solid outer layer antler, but it is less likely still that the grain and color will be as striking. Sambar is very hard to match for the combination of character and strength. That said, some makers like Grashorn who was mentioned in Post #2 are getting a quality product out of Elk, even if they don't quite have the cachet of "real" stag.

As for supplies of Indian Stag, there are a lot of political games being played between nations, environmentalists and other special interest groups in much the same way as with ivory... there are tons of it out there, but getting access is not always as straightforward as it would be without all of those political considerations. I look for shed antlers of Sambar Stag to become available again once the price has been run up and stored supply becomes too expensive to keep out of the market. JMHO


02-05-2018, 12:58 PM
India halted the export of Sambar stag not because the stag are endangered, but because Bengal tigers are endangered, and they depend on the stag for food. However, there have been some limited releases of stag antler, enough to keep the trade alive.

Why don't they just harvest the horns after the stag is killed by the tiger?

02-05-2018, 01:46 PM
Why don't they just harvest the horns after the stag is killed by the tiger?

Yeah, just require the tigers to deposit the leftovers in handy, convenient recycling bins. :mrgreen:

02-05-2018, 09:00 PM
one more link for you to look at https://www.boonetrading.com/

02-05-2018, 10:15 PM
I have no experience with either, But I personally prefer the look of elk. I like that it doesnt yellow like sambar. I also like that the grips come from the horns of a North American animal.

Lloyd Smale
02-06-2018, 06:31 AM
Ive had a few sets of both. Heres my take. Sambar stag is far superior to elk. Sambar stag is dense and hard. Elk is porous and soft. One set of elks I had on one of my custom 41 mags was so soft that I tightened the grip screw and pulled the insert right through the grip. If you do want to save some money and go with elk I would suggest you specifically ask for elk stag with very little bark. Plain elk horn without bark looks a lot like aged ivory and is much denser then the pieces with bark. Looks wize its sambar hands down for me. Elk looks to white and dull. Absolute only down side to sambar or even ivory is its gotten so expensive and hard to get most look elsewhere. One good substitute that isn't near as expensive but is tough and good looking is mammoth bone and even camel bone.

02-06-2018, 01:46 PM
Yeah, just require the tigers to deposit the leftovers in handy, convenient recycling bins. :mrgreen:

I forgot the purple font.

02-06-2018, 03:13 PM
I’ve got several sets of elk grips from Patrick Grashorn. While not Sambar I am satisfied with the look of Elk and Mr. Grashorn’s work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-06-2018, 03:32 PM
I've had stabilized Elk that seemed acceptable to me strength wise, but I'll always take Sambar over Elk if given the choice.

02-06-2018, 05:26 PM
I forgot the purple font.

Heh! Sorry, man, I live near Austin, TX, the Portlandia of the south. Can make my ears insensitive to purple prose.

02-07-2018, 02:21 PM
Heh! Sorry, man, I live near Austin, TX, the Portlandia of the south. Can make my ears insensitive to purple prose.

HA! No need to apologize. I was born in Huntsville, TX. May father worked at the prison there after he got out of the Navy shortly after WWII.

02-07-2018, 05:09 PM
If you get elk, be sure it is specified as stabilized.