View Full Version : Prayer request

Wayne Smith
02-02-2018, 09:54 AM
Just received an e-mail that I was nominated to be a Deacon. Never done this before - set of classes to take before I have to make a decision.

LOML is retiring this fall so that will free up some of my time.

Simply pray that The Lord will inform me of His will.

02-02-2018, 10:40 AM
We are praying for you that God will guide you in this case.

Preacher Jim
02-02-2018, 11:49 AM
I will pray for you to know if God is calling you to do this. Remember a deacon is a co-laborer with his pastor in the work of the ministry. He is not a governor of the church but a servant of Christ.

02-02-2018, 12:10 PM
Prayers sent that you will reach the correct answer.

02-02-2018, 02:51 PM
Prayers and congratulations!

02-02-2018, 08:10 PM
Wayne from what I know of you here I hope you accept . It's speaks highly of you that you were considered . I will pray for guidance for you .

Pine Baron
02-03-2018, 08:49 AM
Seems like quite the honor just to be considered. May God's will be revealed.

02-03-2018, 09:02 AM
I believe this will be just a continuation and expansion of what you are already doing, brother Wayne.


02-03-2018, 09:10 AM
Prayer sent.

02-03-2018, 09:15 AM
Sir in my experience HE will put us where we are supposed to be;it's up to is to listen and watch for the que's and keep our hearts open for guidance.

I will pray for you to receive guidance and wisdom.

02-03-2018, 02:17 PM
Father please guide Wayne down the path that You want him to follow. Give him the insight necessary to know to go down that path as well as the insight into how to do this new deacon undertaking. I give You all the praise. AMEN

02-03-2018, 03:32 PM
The Good Lord won't ask you to do anything that He will not help you with. Trust in Him.

God's blessings, grace, and wisdom be with you!

02-05-2018, 12:36 AM
Father God I ask that you be with Wayne Smith and Your will be done in his decision. In Jesus name, all my praise and glory to you.

02-05-2018, 06:33 PM
Praying for the best possible outcome to this life changing opportunity