View Full Version : Sources in Treasure Valley Idaho

01-29-2018, 08:59 PM
Point me in the right direction if this has been discussed.

I'm getting back into casting after a long hiatus and need some raw material of course. We've been gone from the Treasure Valley so long I don't have any good sources, anyone know of some?

Thanks in advance.

01-29-2018, 09:20 PM
Point me in the right direction if this has been discussed.

I'm getting back into casting after a long hiatus and need some raw material of course. We've been gone from the Treasure Valley so long I don't have any good sources, anyone know of some?

Thanks in advance.

Pacific Recycling...

01-29-2018, 09:46 PM
I'm not familiar with the area but the normal places that produce are tire and auto repair shops and scrap places. Get out on your day off and ask around. Lead is still out there, just not as available as it once was. Perhaps if you could meet some fellow shooters you might get turned on to a source. If you are in immediate need there is often lead for sale here in the swapping and selling section for reasonable prices. Good Luck in your quest!

01-30-2018, 12:20 AM
Pacific Recycling...

I've tried Pacific here in Poky and they won't sell lead of any kind.

01-30-2018, 12:07 PM
I've tried Pacific here in Poky and they won't sell lead of any kind.

I heard there's a guy in Soda Springs that gives 5 gallon buckets of WW's away, think he even sorts them for you into SOWW and COWW, then sets them out by the garage for you to pick up late nights!:bigsmyl2: