View Full Version : Blade Tech Revolution 1911 holster review

Black Prince
01-25-2018, 02:33 PM
After reading that the kydex holsters do not wear the finish on pistols like leather does, I bought a Blade Tech Revolution holster for a standard 5 inch government model Colt and a dual magazine pouch just to try a kydex holster. I intended to buy a top of the line model if I liked the cheap one. The magazine pouch came with a Tek-Lok attachment that even when tightened on the belt, lets the mag pouch migrate between the two belt loups and you never know where your mag pouch is located at any given time. The Tek-Lok is a fancy gadget that does not work. If you want your holster or magazine to stay on your belt where you put it, DO NOT USE IT.

The magazine pouch does fit the magazines very nicely however and the tension device works as intended and is easy to adjust to whatever level of tension you want on the magazines. Too bad the Tech-Lok does not work as well as it does.

The holster came with two methods of attachement on the belt, but one of them was only for a 1 1/2 inch belt and I don't use any belt under 1 1/4 inches, so I can't use it. The other attachment method allows adjustment to some degree, but is flimsy and the holster moves when the pistol is removed or reholstered.

So I called Blade tech and got a very bubbly young lady on the phone and explained what was going on and asked for advice on what to do to correct it. She recommended a drop and off set and an adjustable Stingray loop. I didn't know what either of those were , so I told her I needed it to fit a Revolution holster. She said all Tech-Lok products were "modular" and all attachments fit all holsters. So I took her advice and bought what she recommended. It came today and although the Stingray attachment will work, there is no way to attach it to the Revolution holster. There is no way to attach the drop and off set to the holster. There are NO INSTRUCTIONS on how to do anything or what fits on what. NONE of the holes on either the drop and off set or the Stingray line up with any holes on the revolution holster.

While I was on the Balde Tech web site, I told the bubbly young lady that I wanted a WRS level III holster to fit my staqndard government model, but could not find an option for it on the web site. She said that they had changed the web site at the first of the year and she would report the issue to their IT department. So I asked her if Blade Tech made a level III WRS holster for the 1911 and she said no, but she would put me on the list so if in the future they do make one, they will contact me.

She said Blade Tech DID NOT MAKE a holster for one of the, if not THE MOST POPULAR auto pistol being made today. Like I say, I am not familiar with the company or it's products, so I assumed she knew what she was talking about. After all, she answers the phone at Blade Tech and did not refer me to anyone else who might know. Futher inquiry on my part reveals that Blade Tech does indeed make a level III WRS holster for the standard government model 1911 pistol.

But now I am totally PO'd because there is so much confusion about Blade Tech products even coming from people who work for them and I am afraid to invest the $125 bucks they want for the WRS holster and not be able to get the attachment method I want on it. If I have had as much trouble trying to buy a simple holster attachment method for the Revolution holster as I have already had, WHY IN HELL would I want to take a chance on anything else I bought from them being correct? And it's a shame because I really like the holster, even though it is their cheap model. The WRS will be likely be even better.

So if any of you boys are considering a Blade Tech product, you had better dang well KNOW ALL ABOUT IT and what and how the verious attachment methods work because they do not give you any instructions and the people who answer their phones do not know their products or how they fit and work together.

01-25-2018, 06:02 PM
Try Cooks holsters. I have several of their products and they are superior to other brands I have used and reasonably priced. Their full sized shells can be ordered drilled for all carry and hardware options.

Black Prince
01-25-2018, 10:26 PM
Cooks does not make a comprable holster like the Blade tech WRS. I need level III retention. Cooks does not make a level III holster. But thanks for the suggestion. I just wanted you fellas to know that Blade Tech has some problems unless you know their product line. I don't, so their problems became mine. It's not a biggie, but it is aggravating. So I went out and cut, split and stacked some fire wood and got over it. Life is good. Screw Blade Tech.

01-26-2018, 07:12 AM
On the bright side a young bubbly voice sure beats a snarling ole hags voice!

01-26-2018, 04:35 PM
I have Blade Tech for USPSA and think it's the best I've ever used. Kydex is great to draw from and reholstering is easy compared to leather.

Black Prince
01-27-2018, 12:00 PM
I completely agree gnostic, and I like kydex gear. The base model Blade Tech holster I have works great except for when I am wearing a plate vest and running serious shooting drills or actually fighting bad guys. THEN I need a pistol holster that is slightly dropped and off set so it will clear the vest and the pistol will positively STAY in the holster until I want it to come out and Murphy is ALWAYS present in such situations. Blade Tech makes a great WRS LEVEL III retention holster option for defeating Murphy, but you'll play hell getting anyone there to send you one because the bubbly young lady who answers the phone doesn't know they make one for the standard government model Colt or clones.

But it's no biggie and I'll find a way to solve the problem. Adapt and over come. Can't never did anything.

One of the things I have managed to do in life is earn an MBA with a 3.9 GPA from a good university and spent 40 or so years in senior management positions where if you screwed up, people died. So when I see these kinds of BASIC THINGS going wrong in a company or any kind of operation, RED FLAGS immediately go up and I begin looking for other issues that are going wrong because you can dam sure bet that they are. If you can't get the basic stuff done correctly, you can't get the complex things done correctly either. The person who answers the phone represents the company to whoever is on the other end of the line and you can never tell who is going to call. So it is CRITICAL that whoever answers the phone represents your company well and if he or she does not, things usually go down hill from there and deals that might have been done, are not.

So maybe the people who own Blade Tech have all the money they need or want and don't care about how the company runs. That is the impression I have of them and that being the case, they don't need any business from me, nor will they have any. Ever. You boys are on your own if you do. They make good gear and it's a shame the bubbly young lady who answers their phone does not know what they make, or suggests another of their holsters that might serve your needs, or simply connect you with someone who does know about the company products. But there is NO INITIATIVE in any of the young people I meet today, so this is not a surprise at all because passive people don't get things done.

01-28-2018, 12:07 AM
I have 3 Bladetech holsters, OWB. Love them. Have Teklok on two. And the string ray belt mount - works.

I’ll buy another.

Carried a pistol in a ******** country once - fobus - $25 if. Worked well for the year.

Bladetech gives veterans discounts.

Geoff in Oregon