View Full Version : Please pray for the families in Mashal County Ky school shooting.

01-23-2018, 01:29 PM
Please pray from the families here in Marshal County Ky. There was a school shooting this morning. At least one dead many others injured.

01-23-2018, 02:15 PM
I'm already praying for victims and families , heard it on the radio . Don't know how many fatalities or injured . Thank you for posting .

01-23-2018, 02:37 PM
God's protection, healing and grace on all those envolved.

01-23-2018, 02:39 PM
So far. 2 dead. 1 15yr girl and 1 15yr boy. The shooter was also 15.

01-23-2018, 03:12 PM
Total of 19 injured. 14 from being shot. Pistol was used. The shooter ditched his firearm and went inside the safe room they set up away from where the shooting happened. They called him out to ask questions and he came out. They arrested him then.

01-23-2018, 03:24 PM
I have long and deep experience with the human being, but every time something like this happens, I am astonished all over again. What possessed a young man to do something like this? The consequences of this acts bring so much pain, sorry and suffering.

I have prayed for all, including the little esso bee that did the deed, and will continue to do so in the coming days.

01-23-2018, 03:28 PM
Prayers for the families and all those affected. I don't understand it either, but pray nonetheless.

Pine Baron
01-23-2018, 09:38 PM
I'm heartbroken. Praying for the families and friends affected by another senseless tragedy.

01-23-2018, 09:41 PM
Too close to home! Praying for all involved.

01-24-2018, 12:29 AM
Very close to home.

01-24-2018, 08:19 AM
I am heartbroken over this, Added to our prayer list.

01-24-2018, 08:37 AM
prayers sent.

01-24-2018, 01:29 PM
First prayers for all the families and victims. God help,heal, and comfort them.
I have often wondered why these things happen. I originally thought that criminals like this had to be demon or demonic possessed. But I have come to think lately that they have the depraved or reprobate mind spoken of in Roman's 1. If you think about something long enough you can justify yourself doing it regardless of how awful it may be. We under estimate how powerful the mind can be and the control it has over our body.

01-30-2018, 08:19 AM
I'm wondering how the 15 yr old was able to obtain the weapons he used. Aren't guns supposed to be locked up? This could probably have been eliminated by the parents locking up the guns and ammunition. My heart also goes out to these families and I hope they can heal quickly.

Maybe its time to work on education of all children in our schools. Maybe if they are taught proper handling and respect this might have a two fold effect.

01-30-2018, 09:24 PM
In this Commonwealth we don’t have any laws that require you to lock up or use any type of locking device on a firearm. You can lock them up, but that’s no guarantee no one can get to them. I raised 3 kids to adult hood with my firearms load and unlocked in my house. They was taught at an early age what the firearms can do. Taught to respect them and people. Again never had a problem. Like I said it don’t matter if they are locked up or not. If someone is intent on getting a firearm they will. It don’t matter if they are a teen or an adult.

It’s a shame kids and adults don’t know how to control their emotions and letting them get to the point they feel they got to go kill someone. I feel for the people that this happened too. But there is nothing anyone can do to prevent these or other shooting or killings from happening.

01-30-2018, 09:25 PM
I agree all kids need to be taught about firearms. I do believe it would help to some degree.

02-01-2018, 11:09 PM
In this Commonwealth we don’t have any laws that require you to lock up or use any type of locking device on a firearm. You can lock them up, but that’s no guarantee no one can get to them. I raised 3 kids to adult hood with my firearms load and unlocked in my house. They was taught at an early age what the firearms can do. Taught to respect them and people. Again never had a problem. Like I said it don’t matter if they are locked up or not. If someone is intent on getting a firearm they will. It don’t matter if they are a teen or an adult.

It’s a shame kids and adults don’t know how to control their emotions and letting them get to the point they feel they got to go kill someone. I feel for the people that this happened too. But there is nothing anyone can do to prevent these or other shooting or killings from happening.

I think you are entirely correct about the idea of teaching respect. There is an illness in the land, and it is the belief in absolute individuality. No one is responsible to anyone else, and no one has authority over the supreme individual. The trouble is that people are made to live in society, and without the support of others, minor problems mushroom into tragedies like this.

02-02-2018, 06:21 AM
Does there have to be a law before parents are responsible enough to lock up their guns and ammunition? How stupid we are that we as parents and adults cannot be responsible. Yes, if your child goes to school armed its your **** fault for making it possible that your child has unsupervised access to those firearms. I don't have any young children at home as my child is 45 years old, I still lock up firearms with the exception of one 1911 that is in my dresser drawer. Prior to the grand daughter coming over (she is 9) I lock it up too. Believe it or not it would seem that a few of these shootings wouldn't have happened if someone didn't have access to those guns.

Education.... public and private schools need to have firearm education. This needs to be taught just like Math or History and a grade earned. This would eliminate the so called accidental shooting with a gun someone thought was a toy. ALL guns whether they are toys or real need to be treated as real.

Its our fault as adults that we haven't demanded from ourselves and our law makers that some type of educational laws be passed. We don't need more gun control laws. We need to inforce the ones we already have and inact some that deal with responsible handling, storing of ammunition and education.