View Full Version : scope- shoot around the square??

01-20-2018, 07:35 AM
UGLY but it works. We have a Sun 4x Tactical on a AR15 and yesterday out of boredom I decided to do the old shoot around the box. Shoot then 4clicks to right, shoot then, 8 clicks down shoot, 8 clicks left shoot, the old make a box with the scope checking the tracking. Wow this scope went nuts and made more of a oval then a square where I adjusted for BUT it ended up within a 1/2 inch of where I started and it does hold. No more of these for me but I thought it was interesting. Yup, you get what you pay for!!

01-20-2018, 11:08 AM
Absolutely correct .. I can not tell you how many CHEAP scopes we replace in a deer season ..
Customers come in to have gun bore sighted after missing the "monster" .. Almost without fail the scope will not adjust correctly ( jumping all around during simple LR UD adjustments) or not at all
Very rarely is it a matter of the scope just losing adjustment .. Totally different story on the hi end scopes if dropped/banged they usually will readjust properly

01-21-2018, 09:14 PM
Just ran into one that probably can't do a square, mebbe an egg. If I adjust down it goes down & left. "Up" goes up & right. Go from 3-9X and impact shifts. Good thing I still have the box.