View Full Version : Did God answer my prayers

01-17-2018, 12:08 PM
I started a thread on why God doesn't answer prayers awhile back.

Well after sending my child a letter 3 yrs ago that stated I wasn't happy about seeing my Grandsons 2 times a year and they only live about 1 mile away wasnt acceptable! I have not heard a peep. This is the short version

Now after three years. I have 3lb of cookies and brownies being delivered Thursday the 18th. FedEx told me.

So did God answer my prayers? Or did I just get 3 lb of baked goods
FYI this child is a fantastic baker she is now 42.

I have no idea what to think or do! Except eat the baked goods.

01-17-2018, 12:14 PM
When we don't get the answer as soon as we want, or as obviously as we want, or the exact answer that we want, it's easy to wonder if God really answers prayers.

But I believe that He does and have seen it in my own life.

I wish you the best in keeping up on your relationships within your family.

01-17-2018, 01:15 PM
don't mean this to be hurtful but if they live a mile away you could just as easily go there as opposed to them coming to see you. I must be missing something.

01-17-2018, 01:23 PM
don't mean this to be hurtful but if they live a mile away you could just as easily go there as opposed to them coming to see you. I must be missing something.

Yes your missing a whole lot. Grandparents have no rights in IL

01-17-2018, 01:35 PM
She sent you cookies via Fedex when she lives a mile away? Better than nothing, but between this and you sending her a letter a few years back, I’m not getting the sense that you’re very close. Not judging, I don’t talk to my dad more than once or twice a year and I see him once a decade or so, hope that I have a better relationship than that with my daughters, but I don’t know.

If I was in your shoes I would look for a way to do something with her family that is easy for them. Maybe offer to take the kids so they can have a night out, or even a weekend away? Maybe just have them over for dinner? Maybe just stop in to thank them for the treats. You gotta get face to face and then you need to put aside the hurt you feel so she can stop feeling guilty about not seeing you more, and then things may be able to move forward.

Or her husband is in a cult and she can’t escape, or maybe she’s unhappy about something in your past, just no way to know. For all we know she’s upset that you haven’t made an effort to get to know your grandchildren.

Last thought, perhaps God has answered your prayer by opening her heart and having her be willing to have you play a role in her family, but you’ll never know if you don’t go do your best to build the relationship with her family that you want.

I’ve assumed a lot, and am surely off the mark in many ways, and for that I apologize.


01-17-2018, 01:45 PM
She ordered the baked goods from a place in Ohio.

01-17-2018, 01:51 PM
Listen, guys, she didn't have time for me. I have not seen her at Christmas or Thanksgiving for over 20 yrs. No thank you's for anything sent to Grand kids. 3 yrs ago I told her so.

Are we clear now!

square butte
01-17-2018, 03:09 PM
I don't know if God answered your prayers - But i do know He is in the business of answering them. Seems you have at least a few choices in the matter. I can't tell from your post if you are asking for advise or not. Ill take a chance and tell you to take the high road - Send a thank you note and leave what happened before now out of it. At least it leaves the door open. On the other end of the spectrum of choices, You could hold on to the bad stuff untill the end of your life. I wouldn't fault you for either. 7 times 70

01-17-2018, 03:36 PM
I don't know if God answered your prayers - But i do know He is in the business of answering them. Seems you have at least a few choices in the matter. I can't tell from your post if you are asking for advise or not. Ill take a chance and tell you to take the high road - Send a thank you note and leave what happened before now out of it. At least it leaves the door open. On the other end of the spectrum of choices, You could hold on to the bad stuff untill the end of your life. I wouldn't fault you for either. 7 times 70

Thank you and 70x7 is something I live by

Der Gebirgsjager
01-17-2018, 04:21 PM
This may not be a closed chapter yet. Give it some more time. Hearts and minds usually aren't changed instantly. Perhaps God is still working on it.

Preacher Jim
01-17-2018, 04:28 PM
DCP I work with folks going through that situation, my suggestion that has worked a few time was to write notes from grandpa every day to each grandchild short notes that let them know you love them. Takes time, hurts but eventually it does get the message to them. And your daughter to. She has a wall only love can remove.

01-17-2018, 04:30 PM
It's a step in the right direction! Be patient for God to continue working on it.

01-17-2018, 07:08 PM
Every time I see a post from you, I wonder how things are progressing in your family. I have many issues going on in my own life, my youngest is still in jail, my wife has had, for all practical purposes a nervous breakdown and resigned her job. I'll tell you though, the prayers I've asked for and prayed myself are being answered! I have to keep in mind that what I think is best for me, may not be what God thinks is best for me or others.
I'll keep praying, keep faith, keep listening, and keep trusting! Pray for the path God wants you to follow! God doesn't forget us! Was this an answer to your prayer? Perhaps!

01-17-2018, 08:48 PM
Sounds like an olive branch of sorts. First and foremost continue to pray! Send cards when appropriate, 'hello or I love you ' texts occasionally just to let them ALL know you're available. I have a daughter about that age and have to limit our exposure to each other in order to have a healthy relationship. Did I mention to keep praying?

01-17-2018, 09:16 PM
I don't know if God answered your prayers - But i do know He is in the business of answering them. Seems you have at least a few choices in the matter. I can't tell from your post if you are asking for advise or not. Ill take a chance and tell you to take the high road - Send a thank you note and leave what happened before now out of it. At least it leaves the door open. On the other end of the spectrum of choices, You could hold on to the bad stuff untill the end of your life. I wouldn't fault you for either. 7 times 70

I agree with square butte.....sometimes something so simple as a thank you will open doors....God does answer our sincere prayers....sometimes it is a no and the rest of the time it is at his time....He maybe working on the other person to try to turn them back toward you.....good luck and you do have my prayers and hope for success......Paul

01-17-2018, 10:02 PM
A God can do a lot, but even he can't change a person's heart if they are being stubborn.
Free will, ties his hands, yes, but it is not mindless slaves he wants.

B If you want those grandhildren in your life you have to show your daughter that you are no longer the person she left behind. Think about it, hard. What did you do or say to leave that kind of lasting effect on your daughter? And what can you do to say I'm sorry, I'm not that way anymore.

Mothers are above all else, protective. If you hurt her, meaning to or not. She will protect them by keeping them away from you.

The ball is in your court, and none of this is going to be easy.

I will be praying for you, and hope that you find a way to heal this rift.

Because I think YOU have to do it.

Start by looking at it from your daughters point of view, not yours.

Talk to any other available family members.
Swallow your pride, ask for help.

Best of luck to you. Sorry if all this hurt.

01-18-2018, 09:48 AM
A God can do a lot, but even he can't change a person's heart if they are being stubborn.
Free will, ties his hands, yes, but it is not mindless slaves he wants.

B If you want those grandhildren in your life you have to show your daughter that you are no longer the person she left behind. Think about it, hard. What did you do or say to leave that kind of lasting effect on your daughter? And what can you do to say I'm sorry, I'm not that way anymore.

Mothers are above all else, protective. If you hurt her, meaning to or not. She will protect them by keeping them away from you.

The ball is in your court, and none of this is going to be easy.

I will be praying for you, and hope that you find a way to heal this rift.

Because I think YOU have to do it.

Start by looking at it from your daughters point of view, not yours.

Talk to any other available family members.
Swallow your pride, ask for help.

Best of luck to you. Sorry if all this hurt.

Boy are you wrong

Let's see now.

I wrote my letter to her after she gave 0 support to her stepmother and myself during her fight with breast cancer that almost killed her

My Daughter is selfish and self-centered at 12 she asked if she could come when she wanted to see us. That was the last weekend she spent with us. She uses folks and gives nothing back.

On the day I went through colon cancer surgery she came up to see me. So when I was recovering the wife called her told her how I was doing and asked her if she could take the boys to see me in the Hospital. She said she did have time and had to go.

The boys were riding their bikes over to see us. She caught them 2 days in a row and that end

I could go on forever
I was an LEO for nearly 35 years and a school bus driver for 17 years. So I know how to deal with children. Most days lol.

I also told her in my letter I was not perfect and ask for forgiveness for anything I might have done to hurt her.

01-18-2018, 04:44 PM
18 very nice Cookies came today
Note in box that was all typed, said

Her name

Happy Holidays
Love You

There Names

I think I will wait couple weeks and send a thank you. lol

Seriously I will send a thank you this week.

I need to pray for what more I might say! as I only see a very small crack in that door.

01-18-2018, 06:05 PM
The only thing I will say is
Kill'em with kindness and continue being patient
You only have control over your end of the relationship
Sorry to hear this but better things are ahead from what I see

01-19-2018, 05:44 PM
Well, guys 1st of all thanks to all who took the time to give me your input.

I lost about 3 hours sleep again praying and trying to figure out what to do or say.

I came up with the following that I will mail the 1st of the week.
It not much but at least it won't make things worst

Thanks for the cookies, we sure enjoyed them.
We hope all is well there. Things are a bit different here now. Give our love to all.
Vaya con DIOS

01-19-2018, 09:01 PM
Nice letter. I would change vaya con dios to, hope to see you soon. But that's me ?

01-19-2018, 09:17 PM
Agreed, with all due respect...the Vaya con Dios part could be left out. That is pretty much saying good bye.

01-19-2018, 09:43 PM
Agreed, with all due respect...the Vaya con Dios part could be left out. That is pretty much saying good bye.

I thought Vaya con Dios means Go with God

01-19-2018, 09:58 PM
It does mean that literally DCP, but it's also a way of saying farewell or a goodbye.

01-19-2018, 10:24 PM
It does mean that literally DCP, but it's also a way of saying farewell or a goodbye.

Ok, I see both your points. So how does BLESSINGS sound? That what I mean by Vaya con DIOS anyway

01-19-2018, 10:32 PM
Much better not so final

02-09-2018, 12:38 PM
Well, any hope that was there is gone. There has been Nothing from her at all. Monday I left a message on her phone that an old friend of the family died and I thought she should know. I sit here with a little puppy sleeping in my arms and I think just how great GOD is.

Der Gebirgsjager
02-09-2018, 01:54 PM
Idea...why not send her some flowers and a "thinking of you" card?:-D