View Full Version : Buck and Slug Reloaders on Facebook

Blood Trail
01-13-2018, 03:36 PM
Last year, I started a Facebook groups called Buck and Slug Reloaders: https://m.facebook.com/groups/213522172431808

Would love to have some of you on there to share your knowledge and experience with our craft. Uncle D and few other CB members are on there. Jeff from Taufladermous is a member there as well.

I linked up with Ballistic Products to sponsor the page and they agreed. They offered a $5.99 flat rate shipping (Steel/lead shot and powder don’t apply) to the members. The coupon code is FBLG18.

Would love to have you guys to join!

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01-13-2018, 04:25 PM
Already a member, but had to use wife's account because I don't have one

01-13-2018, 05:05 PM
I just requested to join!

01-13-2018, 06:15 PM
Don't know if AJ is still active, but he was the all time great in useful posts
Would be nice to get him on board if he has any interest
Nice job on the page and sponsorship

01-13-2018, 07:02 PM
I contacted Ajay not long ago but he said he hasn't been doing much since he left here. Too bad. He was a great source of info and inspiration. It woul dbe worth contacting him.

Unfortunately I don't (really want to) do Facebook.

01-13-2018, 07:17 PM
He is my one and only friend on FB
I joined just to keep up with him when he was still very active
I will shoot him a message
Who knows, he may cycle up which would be a blessing

Blood Trail
01-13-2018, 08:23 PM
AJAY has a Facebook page called Super Blazing Sabots.

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01-13-2018, 08:43 PM
That's right! I had forgotten about that. Maybe I should rethink my Facebook policy but in all honesty I just haven't had interest in Facebook.

His response to me was that he wasn't doing much with slugs lately. Hah! I should talk! I've been casting and loading and talking but not shooting for quite some time. That is about to change though!

I always found Ajay to be most helpful and miss his posts.

Oh well, life goes on. I'll have to think about the Facebook thing though.


01-13-2018, 08:56 PM
He has been very active but not so much on the sabots he was developing

01-14-2018, 12:23 PM
I have cleaned this thread up. The member has been un-banned and is welcome here.

01-14-2018, 02:12 PM
That is a nice gesture No. 1 and I hope Ajay will return. His pictures were often worth 1000 words. Also, has anyone heard from Carl (cpileri) lately? He is missed greatly for technical info and meticulous testing and reviews.

uncle dino
01-14-2018, 02:42 PM
It's been quite a few months since I've talked to Carl... I know his job has him quite busy..d

01-14-2018, 02:48 PM
That is a nice gesture No. 1 and I hope Ajay will return. His pictures were often worth 1000 words. Also, has anyone heard from Carl (cpileri) lately? He is missed greatly for technical info and meticulous testing and reviews.

I have been told he may have lost interest but am hopeful to spark interest again. I will bump a few of his threads and see what happens.

01-14-2018, 02:52 PM
I would love to join but I think you blocked me from it. I tried joining many times. My FB is kinda sketchy. I do not use it like most of you do.

01-14-2018, 02:56 PM
just did a search for it and it does not show up.

01-14-2018, 03:09 PM
I just spoke with Ajay
He is grateful and still driven to share and help
This sub-forum has always been special and tight-knit and has a great sense of comradery

01-14-2018, 03:23 PM
Sorry for the crazy and rude thread drift
I will be joining your page

01-14-2018, 03:27 PM
I'm a member there as well. Good page.

uncle dino
01-14-2018, 03:38 PM
I agree jmort. This sub forum is one of the best...great group of guys...d

01-14-2018, 03:44 PM
I just spoke with Ajay
He is grateful and still driven to share and help
This sub-forum has always been special and tight-knit and has a great sense of comradery

I am looking forward to his post.

01-14-2018, 05:29 PM
WooHoo!! Ajay is comming back!!

The FB Forum is awesome too. Lots of activity. I love it.

Kraken Fan #69

01-14-2018, 08:09 PM
I thought about the whole facebook thing a couple of years back and positively no disrespect to you guys, I just have deep misgivings about the larger expanded, intrusive social media beyond this site and a few others. My wife of course practically lives on the thing so I will keep up through her phone from time to time.

01-14-2018, 11:13 PM
Looks like a good group, just requested membership.


Blood Trail
01-15-2018, 01:45 PM
I would love to join but I think you blocked me from it. I tried joining many times. My FB is kinda sketchy. I do not use it like most of you do.

What’s your name? I have other mods that may have.

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Blood Trail
01-15-2018, 01:52 PM
just did a search for it and it does not show up.

You’re good now. I’m sure it was in error.

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