View Full Version : Bonanza CX 1 gauge

01-10-2018, 02:08 PM
Again I prevail upon the collective knowledge base of “classic” reloading gear from the folks gathered here. In a package deal I received what is cast onto the bottom a Bonanza CX 1 gauge in pretty good condition. A little bit of scrubbing on the base and piece parts and a drop or two of oil on the indicator shaft it actually seems to be in perfect working order. I still have a little more to clean up on the indicator but I want to take my time on that as it is a bit more delicate than the base parts.

As far as I can tell it may be called a Co-Ax Indicator, but google is not being helpful on this make/model at all. Forster (who I believe bought out Bonanza) comes up on the internet searches still sells a close version identified as the Forster Co-Ax Case and Cartridge Concentricity Gauge but the on line instruction manual is for the improved model that also uses pilots for doing the case neck thickness checks. This version does not have that capability (no hole for the pilots).

Would anyone happen to have a copy of the original Bonanza manual/Instruction sheet I could get a copy of? Any tips and tricks to make this little jewel perform consistently?