View Full Version : Shotmakers- 2018- New run, NOW

Littleton Shot Maker
01-09-2018, 08:12 AM
news on the Vendor Section threads. if you want to get a Shot maker or want to keep up with Littleton Shot Maker you may want to view. limited number of Machines in 2018, then….? Just no saying--- …it could be time to step away??

01-09-2018, 12:35 PM
Do you have a link? I just checked the vendor sponsor threads, there is nothing there.

01-09-2018, 04:08 PM
I'm interested too - can't find the thread either.

Littleton Shot Maker
01-10-2018, 11:52 AM
Could not do as a POST, it is in the YELLOW at top field as 'announcement'

Basically, I will be here to help and build machines for a while still.
I Have gone back for some training and looking to go back to work outside of my home based business, this does not pay the bills. It was alway a side to our bullet Co. But I shut that down a few years back.
Costs are going up….a ton, again. "labor and steel" fab work + powder coating at our local 'vendor- supplier' jumped up %16 over night. ON JAN 1-18 so glad
I got my orders in for 2018 in Dec. and paid up front to hold those prices. now I am not sure how I will keep those cost from getting kicked over to the final purchaser . Time for bids again I suppose.

Sales are down from previous years… and true actual Interest in making lead , casting, etc. is slowly going away. We loose sportsmen faster every day than we can replace them with, with fewer numbers of folks taking their place and rules chasing off hunting lands, or ranges getting shut down….it's getting harder

We gets tons of requests from over seas, but half of them are places I won't do business with or want the shotmaker to go.

NOT CLOSING THE DOORS. but not sure what the end of 2018 will look like.
Nor do I have any idea if and when I will have to raise my prices, we have not had to do that for more than 5 years and don;t want to now.

IF you are on the fence about getting a Littleton Shot Maker , contact me sooner rather than later would be my advice to get one before the price increase. I have several pre-sold now and will have a few on the shelf soon.

01-14-2018, 01:42 PM
Just go ahead and raise prices. Either the market can make your work worth doing, or it can't. Either way, you will know.

Littleton Shot Maker
01-23-2018, 01:22 PM
Talking with my suppliers. If I piggy back another order on top of the ones I have coming I can get last year's prices. That means I have to sell a few to double what I ordered…
AND not raise prices…

THANK YOU, to those that have already ordered and received their discount for being members of THIS forum.
I don't visit the other ones any more, too many 'talkers of things' not enough "DOERS" of much….

here I know folks are getting it done and sharing with others. NOT SO MUCH in the shot gun shooting sports only forums

This ( making shot at home) is about LEAD ( or BISMUTH ) not about trap or skeet shooting- I have not done that in 2+ decades & we only shoot what we eat. Grandma never did teach us to prep or cook Clay Pigeons?? Pheasant and Quail yes…

thank to all that are interested - PMs are hit and miss- email at home : littletonshot@msn.com phone number on the website….

glad to keep helping when I can, and those guys calling me last week ( thanks - really ) got me up fired up again to help SOME MORE-