View Full Version : Storing solder

01-06-2018, 09:28 AM
I have quite an accumulation of bar solder and am wondering if it is more saleable in its original 'bar' form or melted into ingots. A lot of what I have is unmarked as to pb/sn ratio so it could be 30/60 or 50/50 or 60/40 or most likely some of each as I have been 'collecting' for 40 some years. Also, a lot of the unmarked bars are partial having been used or cut. Am not really wanting to get rid of it but would like to consolidate inventory to make storing easier with a future disposal in mind. What say you potential solder shoppers: original (unmarked) bars or ingots???

01-06-2018, 09:58 AM
Keep it in original form.

01-06-2018, 10:23 AM
I very strongly suggest keeping it in original form. Even as such, I have quite an accumulation of "mystery bars", and am fearful re some of these's contents (cadmium? zinc? ??? ?) and have been reluctant to add to my pots. Rolled "wire" solder oft has flux in it, too -- resin, acid, and the like. Hence, if you keep your collection as such, buyers may determine what you're selling and if it is OK for their respective needs. As a side note, I once -- 30+ years ago -- bought a fair quantity of "bullet alloy" in Lyman ingots. After spending too much time with it, they all turned into very expensive (to me) down-rigger weights using Do-it! mould I bought just for that purpose -- purportedly all WW material, my thoughts was enough zinc or ??? was melted in to make it unacceptable for bullet casting. From this experience, I learned my lesson. Additionally, I do not recall particulars other than I was advised to not use a few bars I have, which were made to be melted and poured over oakum to seal waste pipes in New York City almost 100 years ago due to their alloy/content.
Again, I'd keep your stock as it is now.

01-06-2018, 11:43 AM
Your solder that is marked is more desirable to a potential buyer in its original form. I agree with the others, keep it as is. The unknown stuff I would melt together and cast into ingots. Thats what I'm about to do with a 5 gallon bucket of odd and mixed solder that I have. It has been wet for a long time and I can't read the labels on the spools. I'm going to melt it all together and cast it into small ingots. I'll send BNE a sample to test and I'll stamp the % on them.

Dusty Bannister
01-06-2018, 12:56 PM
I will agree with Lightman. I have purchased some reclaimed solder through the years that has proven to be close but not quite correct. At some point they will be blended into an average melt and some tin added to make it 50/50 but it will be used by me and not resold. That would be the difference. Selling solder in home cast ingots is always a gamble and some prefer to not pay the admission. Having the unknown batch Xrf scanned for percentages will be very helpful and would be the exception to the selling to others. Good to have a reserve of tin on hand. Dusty