View Full Version : Just a thought ...You can provide a miricle

01-03-2018, 09:41 PM
The Scottish Rite hospital for children is an amazing place . Through GOD they help provide miracles in my opinion . I toured the hospital in Dallas Texas twice . It is unbelievable .
The Masons own and operate this hospital and any child from birth to 18 years of age receives treatment ..free . Burn unit , birth defects , disabilities these folks do work beyond your imagination . There are other Masonic children's hospitals most likely in your area . The first time I went it caused me great sadness , it tore at my heart to see these children struggling for normalcy...to even walk or cope with a physical problem . But the second time I went I gained strength and understanding the staff and these kids were working to improve life . I was filled with hope when I left . The whole situation is uplifting .

You don't hear about the Mason's soliciting donations much but they work hard to keep the good work going . Masons are known for taking a good ol boy and making him better .

Watch or not . If you want just let the video's keep going , they do good work .

Thank you !


01-04-2018, 08:43 AM
I have a neighbor that lost her foot as a child and you cant believe the great work Scottish Rite has done. When I worked the hospital was in my area and I had numerous chances to see the work they do. Truly impressive and the work they do is nothing short of God inspired! All for free and very well managed. Thanks for the post....Paul

01-04-2018, 10:48 AM
They do a good work.

01-04-2018, 11:38 AM
Most of the general public is unaware that St. Jude's was founded by a Mason, Bro. Danny Thomas. I dare say that he learned the lesson of charity quite well. The story of how this came to pass is on the 'net and very interesting. The work of these hospitals touches my heart. How many of us know someone whose child has had to go to one of them. Closer to home, when the Children's Home closed back in '98, the Grand Lodge established the Dyslexia Training Program which is hugely successful and is operated at no cost to students, parents, or the taxpayers. Masonry is possibly the oldest fraternity in the world and the only one that does not recruit members, as we say "to be one, ask one." I pray that God continues to bless their work with children. GW(PM)

01-04-2018, 11:55 AM
St. Jude's does amazing work ! I have never been there but am more than aware of the hope they give to children and their families . I remember Danny Thomas on tv helping them a lot . He was a good man . Thank you Goatwhiskers .

01-04-2018, 02:53 PM
the only one that does not recruit members, as we say "to be one, ask one."

I was told by a very elderly man I did business with that he would take up a petition for me if I was interested. I know they don't recruit but believe he asked because the lodge was very small & getting smaller.

Preacher Jim
01-05-2018, 02:30 PM
I think everyone should visit both of these hospitals it will open your heart to see these kids who are going through so much and have such great smiles from the love they experience from the staff and volunteers.