View Full Version : Lee Alox Lube

01-02-2018, 02:50 AM
Does anyone have experience with using Lee Alox lube on boolits that were found to be defective AFTER they were lubed, and were then returned to the pot for re-melting? I'm wondering if the Alox will contaminate the pot or molds, in any way?
I have a lot of lubed boolits from several molds that are not good enough to load and shoot, and I've been hesitant to return them to the pot, for fear of ruining the alloy mix and/or molds with Alox. To those of you who are laughing at my not spotting the defects before tumble lubing them with Alox, all I can say is wait till you're 80 years old and have Macular Degeneration!
Fred (Honcho)

01-02-2018, 02:58 AM
Just clean it of with mineral spirits and let dry. Good to go back in the pot after that.

01-02-2018, 02:59 AM
I have smelted LOTS of Alox-lubed bullets that didn't make the cut after sizing and lubing. I smelt in a cast iron vessel other than my casting furnace, FWIW. The lube melted, floated to the top, and stunk something awful--ventilate your area well while doing this. The beeswax makes a half-decent fluxing agent for the salvaged metal. I just burn the stuff off and remove the ash.

01-02-2018, 03:01 AM
You could also put the suspect boolits aside and run them with your next smelt. (Assuming you smelt your own stuff) if you don't you can without contaminating anything return them to your pot a few at a time. Will smoke and stink ,but shouldnt be any issue - CASTER

01-02-2018, 03:39 AM
Thanks guys, I much appreciate the feedback!
You're right about the smell of the Alox, I've been doing all my lubing and drying in the Guest bedroom/Loading room, and it sure stinks of Alox! Can't seem to get the smell out, even with ventilation! Guess it's time for my wife to banish me to the garage!

01-02-2018, 09:58 AM
Funny, I use Alox and Xlox all the time. I don't think it stinks.

I actually like the smell of 45-45-10, and BLL.

01-06-2018, 08:20 PM
Love the smell of alox and Hoppe's #9.

Bacon frying, fresh bread baking and chocolate chip cookies, too!

Don Purcell
01-14-2018, 01:38 PM
Women don't realize what a good man they could catch if they would put a bit of Hoppe's #9 behind their ears.

01-17-2018, 01:14 PM
Me too, I like the smell of 45-45-10, I wouldn’t think twice about throwing lubed boolits in the pot. Just a bit more flux. I have a friend ( a woman and shooter/hunter) who wrote a beautiful poem about her grandfather and the smell of Hoppes.

01-17-2018, 06:06 PM
I just melt them in my pot it works like flux no problem.

01-26-2018, 11:32 PM
I toss my lubed bullets back into the pot. World hasn't come to and end over it. I try to pick over a batch before I lube, but the odd one does escape. Actually, I tumble lube most, if not all my rifle bullets with Lee Alox, then, if they are going to fired at a higher rate, I add blue lube to the grooves by hand. That way, they get a good looking over.

Jack Stanley
01-27-2018, 09:01 PM
They melt in my pot without an issue , I'm careful not to add to many at once so as not to overload the exhaust fan .
