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View Full Version : Darn it!!!! Graf & Sons finally nailed me :D

11-21-2005, 09:16 AM
..........I'd had an 01 FFL for almost 20 years, but I let it lapse after moving to town, rather then jump though all the hoops and crap THAT would have entailed. Being out in the county it had been bad enough. So my FFL died in Nov 01. Since then good ole Graf had continued to send me dealer catalogs,and you may believe I continued to make use of them.

Midway was Johnny on the spot and e-mailed that unless I sent in a new one I would be removed from their dealer rolls. Guess who had been getting my business? Last Sunday I faxed in an order from work. I hadn't gotten it Friday so I called. I guess the guy was searching his computer screen with my info trying to find the order (which he didn't and said they never got it) but he did comment that he needed my new FFL.

I had to laugh and fess up that I didn't have one. Could he please ship the order retail? He said sure, so my $174 less shipping order turned into a $213 + shipping order. Oh well, it was a nice ride while it lasted!


11-21-2005, 11:59 AM
Rick, get a C&R @ $30 for three years. Graf, Midway, and Brownell's treat me like a real dealer.

Herb in Pa
11-21-2005, 01:49 PM
What NVcurmudgeon said..........................

The Nyack Kid
11-21-2005, 10:00 PM
isnt there a minamum age that one has to be if they are to quilify for a C&R lisence ? ......... sory i couldn't help myself.

11-22-2005, 01:26 AM
Nyack, I am over the minimum age for EVERYTHING.