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View Full Version : 32/20 woes.

Four Fingers of Death
11-21-2005, 02:53 AM
I posted this on my previous post and didn't get any response, probably as most think its the same old stuff.

I finally managed to get to the range with the old 1914 vintage 1892 Winchester I picked up.

Bugger! The Winchester factory loads (lead flat nose bullets) are a poofteenth of an inch too long. They catch on the bottom of the chamber mouth. Absolutely refused to feed. Fired a three shot group Placed in the chamber manually, all with a ding on the nose), standing supported at 50 yards, went about 2", but I was pi$$ed and not having a good day anyway.

It looks like it needs a tiny bit of a chamfer.

I can tolerate a lot of things, but failure to feed ain't one of them!

Any ideas?

11-21-2005, 03:11 AM
Ya might try filin' the cartridge lifter back a poofteenth...

that'll let a longer O.A.L. feed...

Four Fingers of Death
11-21-2005, 06:50 AM
Ah! I'll have a look tomorrow night (too late now). Thanks.

11-21-2005, 08:29 AM
Ya might try filin' the cartridge lifter back a poofteenth...

that'll let a longer O.A.L. feed...

..........Sounds like the plan to me so long as it doesn't allow the next in line try to get in too.


11-21-2005, 09:33 AM
Sorry to hear of your woes with your vintage .32-20.

What is the o.a.l. of the Winchester cartridges you are using?

I would look at moving the cartridge stop back a poofteenth (What is a poofteenth?) on the carrier. That should allow the cartridge to feed.

Good luck,

Four Fingers of Death
11-22-2005, 06:11 AM
Rude term for a fraction of an inch, you more polite types might say 'a tad.'