View Full Version : The need for rest

12-23-2017, 11:06 AM
I found this in my reading this morning thought I would share

It is said that the blessed John, while he was gently stroking a partridge with his hands suddenly saw a philosopher approaching him in the garb of a hunter, who was astonished that a man of so great fame and reputation should demean himself to such paltry and trivial amusements, and said: Can you be that John, whose great and famous reputation attracted me also with the greatest desire for your acquaintance? Why then do you occupy yourself with such poor amusements? To whom the blessed John: What is it, said he, that you are carrying in your hand? The other replied: a bow. And why, said he, do you not always carry it everywhere bent? To whom the other replied: It would not do, for the force of its stiffness would be relaxed by its being continually bent, and it would be lessened and destroyed, and when the time came for it to send stouter arrows after some beast, its stiffness would be lost by the excessive and continuous strain. and it would be impossible for the more powerful bolts to be shot. And, my lad, said the blessed John, do not let this slight and short relaxation of my mind disturb you, as unless it sometimes relieved and relaxed the rigour of its purpose by some recreation, the spirit would lose its spring owing to the unbroken strain, and would be unable when need required, implicitly to follow what was right.

John Cassian conferences 24:21

Preacher Jim
12-23-2017, 01:19 PM
RL that was a needed one for today. Finished toy drive, food drives, all the rest of the pre-Christmas things associated with a ministry like mine. As Boaz tells me God rested so should we, now if we just would do that how much more could we accomplish for the Lord.
God bless all of you on chapel and make this a truly Merry Christmas
Br. Jim

12-23-2017, 02:24 PM
God bless you both for this lesson. Paul

12-23-2017, 04:20 PM
Thank you rl69 . We need to stop and appreciate what he has given . Like Jim I hope everyone has a great Christmas !

12-23-2017, 05:02 PM
To all of the GREAT people of Cast Boolits. May you have the best holiday's ever.

12-24-2017, 06:44 AM
I was with my extended family last night, yet I was nearly brought to tears as I thought back on my day. I'm a healthcare worker, and couldn't help but think of some of the people I had contact with that day. A child with a debilitating condition, family that lost a father, husband, grand pa, a young mother that lost twins, and others. I am blessed, even though my family has trials. I'm going back through the doors in a minute for another day of it. I wish a merry Christmas to everyone, but I ask y'all remember those hurting and in need of God's healing. May God's blessings be on you all!

12-24-2017, 08:45 AM
Great lesson and great timing.

12-24-2017, 09:02 AM
I was with my extended family last night, yet I was nearly brought to tears as I thought back on my day. I'm a healthcare worker, and couldn't help but think of some of the people I had contact with that day. A child with a debilitating condition, family that lost a father, husband, grand pa, a young mother that lost twins, and others. I am blessed, even though my family has trials. I'm going back through the doors in a minute for another day of it. I wish a merry Christmas to everyone, but I ask y'all remember those hurting and in need of God's healing. May God's blessings be on you all!

Thunderstick, your post struck a note with me, having worked as an RN for a number of years. I know what it's like on the floor; please know my prayers are with you and those you attend to. May God rest ye merry!

Pine Baron
12-24-2017, 09:03 AM
Thank you rl69 and to all my brothers and sisters here in Castboolits. Take heed to this timely lesson. May we all have a blessed Christmas.