View Full Version : Finally, chili weather

12-23-2017, 03:26 AM
As the Christmas cooking days approach I offered to make chili so SWMBO wouldn't have to mess with daily cooking while she works on Christmas dinner. She readily agreed. I just can't bring myself to make chili with ground beef; always with some kind of roast or sirloin cubed in small pieces. Scratch blended the seasoning in the Wick Fowler style but easy on the cayenne since SWMBO can't tolerate a lot of heat. It's a small batch with just 2 pounds of roast in it but it will make Christmas prep easier and I've been wanting to cook chili anyway. She insists on beans. I will serve them in a separate bowl and she can do as she pleases from there. It will cook in the crock pot overnight for tomorrow's lunch.

12-23-2017, 08:07 AM
Chili has become one of those words that has lost all meaning. For instance. We have a chili cook off at my work every year, and the concoctions that are passed off as chili :shock:? Just what is chili? Is like saying, "I'm going to make soup"! Is chili soup with chili pepper in it? Does it have to be dried red chili pepper, or does green chillies count? Beans or no beans?

One of my favorites now days is "white chili", aka, white bean turkey soup with green chilies and cumin! O well, such it is in the chili world!

12-23-2017, 07:28 PM
Every Christmas Eve , since 1973 , I've made a big pot of chili for family and friends.....guess what I'm making tomorrow night.....Yeah, you guessed it CHILI !
When I suggested making gumbo this year my wife and daughter wouldn't hear of it !
Daughter said She's had chili every Christmas Eve of her life... Wife said no gumbo ..chili , it's a family tradition!
I never thought of it that way...so I'm making chili.
I don't guess white chicken chili would pass muster with them so I'm not going to even bring that subject up...
Bowl of red, beef and pork, no beans....make mamma happy !

Rick N Bama
12-23-2017, 08:02 PM
I'm not especially fond of Chile, but I do eat it unless it's White Chili! Then if it's made with Turkey I would probably throw it at whoever tried serving it to me.

12-23-2017, 10:13 PM
French onion soup for us. 30+ minutes to carmalize the onions.


12-23-2017, 10:46 PM
I use chopped round steak in chili since I always have a lot of it. 2 pounds steak, 1/2 cup+ of store chili powder(that stuff is mild) and then my homemade 13 chili powder for the heat and more flavor. Half a beer, beef stock, just a 1/2 pint of tomato sauce(it is chili, not tomato soup!) lots of garlic and onion when I brown the beef... pintos on the side unless I am lazy then in the chili...