View Full Version : Brassy Clause visits - Am I Promoted?

12-22-2017, 07:23 AM
I am no different than many on this forum. Between loading and casting sessions my bench seems to gather junk all on it’s own. It is important junk, not throw away junk. I decided to build a new shelf on the wall above my bench to hold some of that junk. Got it mostly sorted out when I heard a slight bang then a tinkling as something metallic rolled down the roof. It certainly had my attention as I looked up, away from my work and it happened again. Bang ...tinkle..tinkle. Then again, bang, tinkle. What the? I went to the door to look outside and saw a jolly old man tossing brass onto my roof. He would reach into a large Flat Rate Box, grab a few cases and toss them onto my roof. I watched in silence for a short time before he spied me and with a wink just simply vanished.

In his place was a second box, not quite as large, but clearly the recipient of the post office package rolling game. I went out to see what was in the boxes. The first was clearly marked that it was from Brassy Clause, but, the second was not marked so clearly. I had heard George One Dollar Bill has minions and they appear in crazy ways, sometimes taking things and sometimes leaving things. This was a leaving episode from Brassy Clause and a minion, I am sure of it.

Inside the first box was some lead ingots, some 45 cases and some 9mm cases. Now I wonder, how did Brassy Clause know I needed lead? Furthermore I only had a few 9mm cases left? Now it gets weird, I do not shoot 45, but, I am mentoring a man who does. How’d he know that? Thank you Brassy Clause for giving me a supply and so I could give some to my student.

Now the second box had seen better days. Georges minion had been carrying this for some time resulting in the box being beat up pretty good. Inside was .40 cal. Cases that were as shiny as new. I don’t shoot .40 either, but, my Son-In-Law does as do both of my sons.

Seems cleaning my bench was futile since I had a mess again. I certainly do thank the minion also. This guarantees fun in the future. I will be able to make at least two other people’s Christmas better by far. Hmmmm… That’s a nice feeling for sure.

Wait a minute……………………………..With this over abundance of cases I can’t use have I just become a minion? Sure looks like it.

Merry Christmas to all, I cannot emphasize my thanks enough, George!!!!

12-22-2017, 08:08 AM
I think that becoming a minion is not so much a promotion, more of a natural progression. Besides that, I hear it's fun !

Brassy Clause, and George, are something like the Godfather - they do you a favor, and maybe someday you do a favor for them.:bigsmyl2:

This is a funny hobby. When one starts, there is a seemingly never-ending list of "stuff" to acquire. As one progresses in the hobby, there is a seemingly never-ending pile of "stuff" that is accumulating.

I think that being a minion also serves as a "blow-off" valve of sorts - some of the stuff that is falling off the shelves gets transported to somebody else's shelf.

Congratulations on the swag. You'll enjoy it, I'm sure.

12-27-2017, 12:39 PM
Not a promotion,but quite possibly collusion [smilie=s: