View Full Version : Prayer Request

12-21-2017, 06:02 PM
Hey guys, I have a prayer request for myself.

I don't really have a lot of people I consider close friends. People I would invite over to my house or go fishing/hunting/camping with. I'm friendly with everybody but I only had a couple people I felt I could share my life with. I moved around a lot growing up so I have no childhood friends and people who were great friends when I lived other places slowly drifted out of my life as I moved. There are a couple people here I thought I had built a close friendship with. People I watched their animals for while they were away, went hunting with, fishing, confided in as a Christian brother and visa versa.

Well, for seemingly no good reason, and without getting into much detail or speculation, who I thought was my closest friend dropped off. Disconnected from me and is treating me as if I'd done some unspeakable act toward him. I even received a threat from him the last time I heard from him. That was about 6 weeks ago. No idea what happened but it hurt tremendously.

Then ~2 weeks another close friend, not as close, but still there, dropped off. He got into his head somehow that I had lied to him and stolen from him. I have no idea at all how this lie got into his head but it devastated me. I thought he was joking when we talked. He won't listen to reason and has disconnected from me. I balled my eyes out and wailed in my car on the drive home. It's hurtful to think of it even now.

Other than my wife I have one other person I consider a close, Christian brother, but I'm afraid to talk with him or be around. He's pretty busy with life and all anyway, but if something happened in that relationship I might not be able to get out of bed in the morning. I really don't get it, why I'm taking this all so hard but it feels very open ended and emotionally painful. My wife is trying to help me but I don't want to lay the burden of depression on her so I'm trying to keep up good appearances.

Since then for the past four weeks I've had a real, literal pain in my chest area. It's like my muscles are all contracting at once and there's something stabbing under my armpits. I had my blood pressure checked out and I'm exceptional (118/77), I have no problems in my heart, I'm in excellent health, and eat well. I think this is all emotional. For the past 5 days I felt no pain in my chest, then today I had to invoice my "friend's" businesses for their website hosting for 2018 and it all came flooding back to me. The pain came back about 4 hours ago and it hasn't gone away. I've been on the verge of tears all day. I was at the grocery store and the cashier actually asked me "Are you ok sir? Having a bad day?" I didn't even know my emotion was displayed on the outside. I just told him "Yes, but I'm sure it'll get better." and he made a joke that helped me smile.

I got to shake this, not only for my own sake, but for my wife and kids. This is awful and completely involuntary. I don't know what's going on with those two, they won't talk to me, they won't explain to me (outside of the second person with minimal explaination) but I just want it to go away. I want to disconnect but I also want to be able to trust people again. These were guys that I trusted, and this happened....

So... please pray for me. I don't want this to affect my family's Christmas. I've already had enough of a hard time working and I've lost plenty of sleep. I'm so done with it all. Thank you. :cry:

12-21-2017, 06:19 PM
Prayers sent, brother. Have a blessed Christmas and may it all work out.

square butte
12-21-2017, 06:33 PM
You have my prayers David. May the Good Lord provide you with exactly what you need

12-21-2017, 06:57 PM
I would like to start by saying ...if you are having physical pain get to a doctor . GOD expects us to take care of ourselves .

I have been sold out or abandoned a few times by ones I trusted . Life's lessons are hard . Move on and accept people with their faults realizing a relationship is possible though perhaps with limitations ..there are always limitations . A real friend understands and forgives , works with others realizing no one is perfect . Not saying that you were not wronged ...but move on .

12-21-2017, 07:38 PM
My prayers for your situation. There is a biblical way to settle disagreements among brothers in Christ. I would review that. It sounds that you are more than willing to resolve the situation, which speaks highly of your integrity and love for the brethren. If the people mentioned will not resolve then I doubt their spiritual maturity.
I am in no way a medical professional but do suffer from depression. Depression does not mean you are nuts, it just means that the brain is not producing some of the chemicals needed by the rest of the body. I am not even suggesting you may have depression. I would first make sure there is nothing wrong with the heart and then talk to a physician about your situation. Just saying. Again my prayers.

12-21-2017, 08:09 PM
Prayers sent up!

I'll confess I HAVE a friend that I was hurt by and it took me 18 months to move past it. Fortunately he's a real brother and we have made amends. Give God time and space to work, after all God may have removed him from your life for a reason! One more thing, never speak ill of him, ever!

12-22-2017, 09:42 AM
Hang in there things will get better, Prayers.

12-22-2017, 10:34 AM
I will say one for you.

12-22-2017, 10:55 AM
praying for you this morning .

12-22-2017, 11:47 AM
Thank you for the encouragement and prayers guys.

I think it's at least bordering depression. My mom suffered from depression pretty bad so I've seen it happen. I hate it and it's involuntary. Sometimes I'm good and sometimes I'm not. I know this will pass, but sooner rather than later would be wonderful. I don't want this feeling to hurt my relationship with my wife and kids. It's already a little difficult for my wife.

Physically, I had my blood pressure checked and I'm in good range, but if this doesn't stop in my chest I'll take further steps to have bloodwork run and whatnot. Thank you for looking out.

12-22-2017, 11:50 AM
Praying for you
Move to Amarillo and we will buddy up :)
My pals and I are stranger than you, he he he
You will add normalcy to our adventures.

As to your physical ailment, maybe a stress attack,


12-22-2017, 12:03 PM
Prayers for u David!

12-22-2017, 12:36 PM
Father please be with David during this Christmas and remove the stressors that are causing his health problems. Please open a path to the two "friends" so that their differences can be resolved. Please be with David's family and help them to support him and help with stresses that is effecting him. AMEN

Pine Baron
12-22-2017, 01:47 PM
Father please be with David during this Christmas and remove the stressors that are causing his health problems. Please open a path to the two "friends" so that their differences can be resolved. Please be with David's family and help them to support him and help with stresses that is effecting him. AMEN


Preacher Jim
12-23-2017, 01:28 PM
Brother Satan is alive and well and the father of all lies, keep praying in the name of Jesus an he will be exposed.
Lord put a hedge of angels around him and all the ones in this chapel God is using them so Satan is fighting us as hard as he can. We read the book and know we win so Father we are fighting with the name of Jesus an he will hold us up through the battle.
In Jesus name we pray

12-23-2017, 02:25 PM
I strongly believe there is a reason for everything. Not 30 minutes ago I got a text from my younger brother who I haven't heard from in almost 5 years. Had some type of disagreement back then and just cut me off. It was over something really ridiculous. Long story short-we good now. My point is David, that for one, everything happens in "God's version of time". One day to us is a thousand years to him and vice versa. I have depression also but it's "clinical" not "manic". Clinical depression can be handled with any number of anti-depressants (have to find the right one that works for you). But long story short, I know where you coming from! I don't only believe, but I KNOW that God is bigger than ANY problem we have! Stand on that and that shows Him that we trust him. That is how we get answers. God is Jealous and has every right to be. He is jealous in many ways, not just in simple definition.

I will pray for you, your family and ask God to bless you from this moment on! God IS the great I AM! Merry Christmas brother![smilie=s:

AK Caster
12-23-2017, 08:29 PM
If some of your closest friends are telling you that you did something wrong maybe it is time to take a long look in the mirror.

Der Gebirgsjager
12-23-2017, 09:51 PM
The accusations made by the one "friend", and the behavior toward you by the other would lead me to believe that you have an enemy who is spreading false tales about you. That enemy might be Satan or one of his minions, but is likely human. Remember that our God refines our gold through trials. I will pray for you, and I predict (not because of my prayers) that the matter will be resolved through God's intervention, seen or not, because you have thought to bring the problem before him and his followers. May God bless and be with you.

Wayne Smith
12-24-2017, 08:54 AM
I will be praying for you and your situation.

You mentioned website hosting - all kinds of misunderstandings occur online - we have seen it here. Unfulfilled expectations, unrealistic expectations, and simply poorly articulated statements all occur on one side of the relationship and not the other. If I am not willing to tell you what you did/said/did not do that affected me so strongly you can do nothing because you are literally unaware.

Be aware also that some depression is genetic. It might be interesting to ask your mother at what age hers hit and compare that to how old you are. Some genes have age triggers.