View Full Version : Wet tumble container????

12-18-2017, 05:04 PM
Has anyone tried to use these for a tumbler container.
It's suppose to be air tight.
Flat sides so maybe no paddles needed inside.
Listed as #25 capacity.

12-18-2017, 05:07 PM
Doesn't look like it will roll very well for wet tumbling. What are you using to rotate the container?

12-18-2017, 05:19 PM
Maybe he is using square rollers

That lid system can be a little tricky holding a good seal (don't overtighten)
You stuff that in a round something and you'll be golden. No paddles needed.
I built a polisher

but I wedge this square 2# peanut jar in the bucket for small batches

and it works great

12-18-2017, 10:21 PM
OMG - Lord have mercy, I just had an EPIPHANY!

I've been using a small Harbor Freight cement mixer for years to wet tumble brass, and it works great - outstanding, actually. But it works best for large batches, like 2 gallons of brass at once, which is a time-consuming chore and needs to be done outside on the patio. I've been yearning for a smaller system, just too cheap (broke) to buy one.

But Grmps just gave me an outstanding idea, to fabricate an "insert" drum that will fit inside my cement mixer! That's all I need! A watertight insert to put in my mixer for small batches, and I could run it inside the garage or even in the shed.

Oooo, must pursue this idea! Thanks Grmps!

12-18-2017, 10:42 PM
I just fired up the Orange Monster (Lyman Cyclone) for the first time, I'll remember that idea - Thanks! Been thinking once I move I might make a larger one, but really 1k 223 hulls at a time's a fair capacity. Used a vibratory in the past but faster and cleaner is good :) Pets don't completely trust that noise from that tumbler yet, but they'll acclimate.

12-18-2017, 11:39 PM
Haven't even looked at one yet.
They have different sizes.