View Full Version : From ringin ears to burnin

08-20-2008, 10:08 PM
Yesterday my ears were ringing from shooting a new(to me; again) Ruger BH 357. Today they be a burnin. My house just got hit by burglars. Low life scum sucking parasites.

Got 5 firearms, a big screen TV, air compressor, chainsaw, and a few other small item of small consequence.

Lost my old 1974 TC Hawken and a 22 rifle that was my wifes dad's gun. More sentimental value than cash. And a Mossberg 500 shootgun, a 22 Hornet handi-rifle and an old kit 54 Renegade.

Really need the compressor, living out here in the country and my TC Hawken will be sorely missed.

Ole well, it coulda been a lot, lot worse. I can't list all that they overlooked and won't.

08-20-2008, 11:59 PM
Been there, lost 13 guns the first time, mini 14 and new tv and vcr last time. Thieves don't want to be caught or judged by me. Sorry to hear of you loss. DALE

Southern Son
08-21-2008, 02:48 AM
Yeah, but if you caught the vermin and fed them to your dog, some long haired dope smoking hippy freak would say that you were the bad guy for not offering them a cup of coffee while they were stealing everything.

08-21-2008, 03:55 AM
sorry to hear about your loss, hopefully they will get whats coming to them

08-21-2008, 10:13 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss, hope they catch the vermin.

08-21-2008, 08:58 PM
don't matter what they took, they took it. i hope they are caught.
if by you, i know some lonely roads in the wyoming desert.

08-21-2008, 09:36 PM
I guess by now everyboby knows I'm a cop and believe me we hate those bast#%*s. I don't know why the world tolerates that behavior. Judges just need their houses broken into then they would know that feeling. I had my truck broken into once. They took my first AR-15, haven't seen it yet but the way I felt when it happened there is no telling what I would have done if I had caught them. It's another story when it gets personal. Got them back though, I own 4 AR's now.

Down South
08-21-2008, 09:42 PM
I had a couple guns stole from me once. I was lucky, I got em back. I had all of my fishing tackle stole from the back of my truck once. I caught a burgular in my house once. He didn't make out too good. Nope, I didn't kill him. The two loads of 12 gauge bird shot I put in his butt only seemed to speed him up.

I hate to hear about your loss. Hopefully you will get lucky like I did and find the guns.

08-21-2008, 11:13 PM
MumblyPeg you Sir are SO RIGHT!Judges and lawyers BOTH need to be more on the recieving end of crime!
HPDrifter,do keep your ears peeled,word of mouth among your friends and pawn shops,gun shops,flea markets will work wonders sometimes.

08-21-2008, 11:21 PM
i f#c&*!ng HATE thieves.

08-21-2008, 11:24 PM

Sorry to hear of your losses. The vast majority of my firearms stay in my gun vault which is bolted to a cement floor. So far in life I've only lost 2 firearms to thieves. That was long ago and I was a much more trusting person.

As for dealing with them, I can only hope to never have to. However I do have a plan, and that is to make damned sure they're extremely happy to see Mr. Policeman show up.

If it's just one? Toss him the phone and make him call in on himself at gunpoint, also have him drop his pants to his ankles as a 'safety' margin cause ya' don't want him to be able to bolt and run.

If there happens to be more than one? Same routine, just add to it by requesting they hold each others genitals until the police get there.

It's amazing what people will do at gunpoint, especially when they know the bearer of said gun has every right in the world to shoot their sorry asses if they fail to do his wishes.


Just Duke
08-21-2008, 11:51 PM
Did your insurance cover your losses? Maybe check in on the city victims compensation fund.
Anyone you suspect?
If they catch the guy put a lean on his home and see who runs out of money first!
I have two homes that USED! to belong to scumbags!!!!

08-22-2008, 12:32 AM
Check YOUR local laws about holding some one at gun point and or shooting the scum. Some localities make the home owner the bad guy in this situation. A good lawyer can have them living in YOUR house after a SPEEDY trial. Does the term" shoot, shovel and shut up" mean any thing to you? Even IF you get caught, you have the satisfaction of KNOWING they won't rob any one else!

08-22-2008, 03:51 AM
Check with the NRA. All members have insurance automatically and your firearms are covered. It happend to me one time and I got the value of the guns back to buy new ones. I bought reloading stuff instead and got into casting.

08-22-2008, 03:55 AM
I deal with them once the legal system is finished with 'em and believe me most do not care what they have done to you and are only too willing to repeat their mistakes.

There is a Magistrate here at the moment; everyone is complaining about the number of people he is sending to prison but he has a low tolerence for lawbreakers. He sent one in the other day because he refused to apologise to the Police face to face as part of his bond agreement; one night inside changed his mind.

Sand is very easy digging and spades are cheap.

08-22-2008, 05:31 AM
Been there done that..... When you file your loss with the Ins company, on guns, sights, scopes, things added to any gun or gun cases, ammo etc is personal property, they don't pay what the gun is worth so go with the personal property thing.
Once your ins is done, they will try to screw you over, file the rest with your NRA ins, they will do you right by making up much of the loss.

I was truly amazed at how the NRA bent over backs to make things right.
Happened in 1990.

08-22-2008, 08:11 AM
Been there done that as well. The ******** broke into my new house 2 weeks after we moved in. Just kicked the door in. Apparently they were casing the place while it was being built. Here in KY their ass is yours as long as they are in the house although out here in the country I doubt that the jury would be on the crooks side.
Lost some guns in a fire years ago and the NRA insurance paid up quicker than my home owners. There is some kind of deductable but it doesn't take long to get past that. Also had a buddy collect on it when a 10-22 was stolen from his truck. Darn good benefit of NRA membership if you need it. I figure it offset many years dues.


08-22-2008, 09:50 AM
In the first burgulary NRA insurance paid $900 ($1000 limit less $100 deductible) on the 13 guns, in the second they paid more than I paid for the used gun even after the deductible. DALE

08-22-2008, 09:50 AM
We had a series of break ins in our neighborhood after a big hail storm and all were houses this one roofing co. did, the detective saw this pattern and most stuff was recovered. Come to find out this co. had been following storms across the country and the amt of stolen goods was staggering.
Be sure of who you let in your house, and even the co. you let work on your things.Hope you recover your guns.