View Full Version : Maintenance Lyman RB Mold

12-15-2017, 10:44 PM
Got a used Lyman RB (.570) mold with handle - I have only used lee aluminum molds - not sure how to clean up this mold or if any special maintenance, care is needed

12-15-2017, 11:43 PM
Clean up with an old toothbrush with hot soapy water or alcohol or carb cleaner or acetone and wipe with a clean paper towel. The idea is to remove any oils. Dry the mold and lube the sprue plate screw and the top of the mold with synthetic 2 cycle oil. Check that the sprue plate slides off the mold top by just tipping the mold. When done with casting, coat it with what you coat your guns with and put it away in a sealed container, like the box it came in or I use small zip lock bags.

country gent
12-16-2017, 12:51 AM
What Yodogsandman Said. Is good advice. I lightly oil the bottom of the sprue plate and tops of blocks with a q tip and a drop of 2 cycle oil. Spread this evenly then use the dry end and wipe again, you don't want to see oil but just the sheen on the parts. I also put a small drop on the sprue plate screw, block screws where thety go thru the handles, and couple on the handles hinge pins.
Another little thing that increases mould life is to pick up a piece of small angle 3/4 X 3/4 X 6-8"long is fine can be aluminum or steel. Set it point up and rest blocks on it when closing, this pre alighns blocks alighnment pins saving wear on pins and holes.
My cleaning is to get the tap running hot and a small drop of dawn dish soap on the sink edge. Wet blocks and warm, dip tooth brush in the soap and scrub to a good lather. I scrub all the surfaces. I then rinse and repeat one more time. Dry well and lube as above.
Casting with this mould should go quick and easy. While round balls are normally cast with pure lead, a small amount of tin (40 or 50 lead-1 tin) aids fill out and finish, with little change in hardness.