View Full Version : For thought and meditation

12-14-2017, 07:43 AM
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled… JOHN 14:27
Whenever we experience something difficult in our personal life, we are tempted to blame God. But we are the ones in the wrong, not God. Blaming God is evidence that we are refusing to let go of some disobedience somewhere in our lives. But as soon as we let go, everything becomes as clear as daylight to us. As long as we try to serve two masters, ourselves and God, there will be difficulties combined with doubt and confusion. Our attitude must be one of complete reliance on God. Once we get to that point, there is nothing easier than living the life of a saint. We encounter difficulties when we try to usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit for our own purposes.
God’s mark of approval, whenever you obey Him, is peace. He sends an immeasurable, deep peace; not a natural peace, “as the world gives,” but the peace of Jesus. Whenever peace does not come, wait until it does, or seek to find out why it is not coming. If you are acting on your own impulse, or out of a sense of the heroic, to be seen by others, the peace of Jesus will not exhibit itself. This shows no unity with God or confidence in Him. The spirit of simplicity, clarity, and unity is born through the Holy Spirit, not through your decisions. God counters our self-willed decisions with an appeal for simplicity and unity.
My questions arise whenever I cease to obey. When I do obey God, problems come, not between me and God, but as a means to keep my mind examining with amazement the revealed truth of God. But any problem that comes between God and myself is the result of disobedience. Any problem that comes while I obey God (and there will be many), increases my overjoyed delight, because I know that my Father knows and cares, and I can watch and anticipate how He will unravel my problems.

12-14-2017, 07:59 AM
Good thoughts.

square butte
12-14-2017, 08:19 AM
Its a good start to the day - Thank You

12-14-2017, 08:20 AM
I agree 100%, We are the problem.

12-14-2017, 08:21 AM
Exactly so. Right on target, in the 10 ring.

You can feel that peace almost instantly when you get it right. Peace like a river, and I ain't talkin no little muddy crick neither. Peace falling on you like your standing at the bottom of Niagara falls.

And when you drag your feet, are stubborn, stiff necked, want to keep one foot in the world, or head the wrong way, it shuts off.

Wonderful stuff that peace, and the more you surrender to his will the steadier it flows.
You can get used to a steady diet of that Peace. Life gets real easy.

12-14-2017, 04:32 PM
Much truth that you can not serve two masters . Much to think about in this lesson .