View Full Version : Second annual Christmas brass giveaway!

12-07-2017, 12:14 AM
Moving this here..... I had it posted in PIF, but on reflection I think this is a better fit.

So anyway....I did this last year and had a ton of fun with it....so let's do it again.

I have five lots of brass, as follows:

1) 70ish pieces of WW 257 Roberts - believe to be 1x
2) 80ish pieces of FC 220 Swift - believed to be 1x
3) 70ish pieces of FC 25-06 - believed to be 1x
4) SFRB of FC 270 Win - believed to be 1x (also have Win and RP, I believe)
5) 50 pieces of Grafs 30 Remington - New in sealed bag

Now the way the game is played..... (cue sad music)....you can't have it for yourself.

BUT - What you can do is nominate someone to receive one of these lots. By PM - send me a message and tell me who you would like to gift one of the lots to, and why. I'll accept nominations until midnight eastern on December 15th, which should allow me plenty of time to get it shipped out and under someone's tree in time for Christmas. If I get multiple nominations...I'll either choose a recipient based on YOUR story, or may double them up if I have the brass to do it. I also have a lot of other brass, so if you have a really compelling story in, uh...another caliber? :smile: Shoot me a PM and ask. I may mix it up and may have something specific you're looking for, if the lots above aren't getting much interest.

I'm paying shipping....so this costs you nothing but a few minutes to think about someone in the reloading community who could use some good will and a bit of help!

I'll announce the winners anonymously on this post by sharing the nominations with names removed. This was really neat last year, and we got some great nominations, and really inspiring stories about folks just wanting to help someone out.

So.....let's get this Christmas brass party started!!

God Speed!

12-07-2017, 11:27 PM
Alright.....shameless bump in the spirit of giving. Surely you know someone that could use some brass!! Got a specific friend/project in mind? Shoot me a PM...I just might have it. If not.....I DO have a 'red phone' direct link to George. And I hear he has everything..... :)

12-07-2017, 11:59 PM
Alright.....shameless bump in the spirit of giving. Surely you know someone that could use some brass!! Got a specific friend/project in mind? Shoot me a PM...I just might have it. If not.....I DO have a 'red phone' direct link to George. And I hear he has everything..... :)

Wow! And just like that we now have three nominations! :) I won't spoil any surprises....but the last one was a GREAT story!!

Keep 'em coming, gang! They're free for the 'taking'...or, eh...giving! :)

12-08-2017, 08:44 PM
Very cool!

12-14-2017, 12:24 AM
One last bump..... Surely ya'll know someone that could use some shiny brass to brighten up their Christmas!?

12-17-2017, 06:18 PM
Well....it is said and done. We ended up with three nominations....and drumroll......all for 257 Roberts brass! :) Just so happens I had enough to handle all three requests, so the winners are.....

1) A member whose father recently past away. His father was 93 and served in WWII, and left our member a really nice 257 Roberts bolt action. The winner is of retirement age, and on a very small fixed SS income, and in need of 257 Roberts brass to make his father's rifle sing again. It is done.

2) A member will soon be mentoring a friend of his, and will be teaching his friend to load for 257 Roberts. Here is his story. He is the father of three kids, 2 of a previous marriage. He does not see those kids much if at all. His son with his current wife is the recipient of his interest and time. He has come to see that kids need a father who can teach them and love them. His son is a Sophomore in high school and our friend attends all the Boy Scout and high school events his son is involved in, says he wouldn't miss them.

Here in rural central Texas part of a boys rite of passage is learning to hunt and shoot. At church when I get the chance to talk to young men their passions for cars and shooting seems about equal... It is deer season now and I here stories as I am sure our friend does of dads and sons hunting, the adventure and the game they bagged. I am sure that is the impetus behind his request to learn to reload originated. Since I do not shoot or load rifle cases I do not have dies, a sizer, a trimmer or a mold. I have everything else and would happily let our new friend use my equipment and I, frankly, get a kick out of seeing the pride and smile on the faces of those I've helped when they know they can turn out a quality product.

I nominate **** for the 257 cases, if more can come his way so much the better, because, we can get started sooner.

We have brass for our member.....and we're working on some cast boolits and maybe a mould for him as well!

3) A long standing member here who will be helping not one, but TWO co-workers begin loading for the 257 Roberts AI. The brass is on its way!

Thank you all for participating!! This has been fun......and we'll do it again next year!

Merry Christmas, and God Speed!

12-18-2017, 08:37 AM
Thank you for the contest. It is great reading the stories and seeing how members will help others with the gift. Puts a big smile on my face. You are AWESOME Trails4U!!

02-18-2018, 10:13 AM
Trails4U your inbox is full!