View Full Version : Instant Pot cookers?

12-04-2017, 02:01 AM
Anybody here have and use an Instant Pot cooker? Heard about them on our local AR15 forum, guys seem to like them. I understand it's kind of a hybrid crock pot & pressure cooker, made in Canada.

12-04-2017, 02:16 AM
We like ours. Had it for nearly 2 years. My only complaint is it's half the size we need.

12-04-2017, 10:43 AM
Wife bought one recently, the 8qt size. She likes it. You can for more than just cooking food. You can use it as a yogurt maker.

12-04-2017, 02:28 PM
My wife uses ours a lot, we have the 5qt size. At 900w that's a lot of juice for an off grid power situation, but if we have 20+ mph wind (for our turbines) we can run it no problem.

12-04-2017, 02:49 PM
I bought one last weekend and have used it twice already. Once for pinto beans, and once for pulled pork.

It has worked outstanding for cooking both and cleaning it up is a cinch. I can see using it 3-4 times a month.

Bought this one on sale for $79.99 https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-3056467/instant-pot-duo60-7-in-1-programmable-pressure-cooker.jsp?skuId=99742311&search=3056467&submit-search=web-regular

12-04-2017, 03:15 PM
Hmmm, thinkin' I need one. Now to catch an after-Christmas sale.....

12-04-2017, 04:13 PM
We recently bought one as well, to echo the other comments " We Love our's ".

12-04-2017, 11:03 PM
When I was on the road and living out of my travel trailer for a year and a half, I cooked half of my meals in one (the other half were out of my Green Mountain Davey Crocket smoker).

Makes quick work of potatoes, made shrimp alfredo once a week, spaghetti quite often, occasionally pot roast and brisket. There are quite a few cook books on Amazon that specifically center on cooking out of the Instant Pot. I highly recommend it.

12-06-2017, 08:48 PM
Love mine

Lloyd Smale
12-07-2017, 06:43 AM
I have one of the "power pressure cooker xl" and use it all the time. I NEVER do a roast any other way anymore. I think the pressure pushes the spice flavor into the meat and it always turns out fork tender. Even a crappy cut of meat. My favorite is a chuck of venison neck and a chunk of pork but. no need to debone. Just cut the outside fat off the pork but (I save it for sausage making) Cool thing is throw your meat and spices and a can of cream of mush soup a cup of water and a pack of lipton onion soup mix in then throw your raw carrots, potatoes, onion and whatever else you like and push the one hour button and presto you have a meal that's as good and probably better then if you fooled around all day cooking and you don't even have to make gravy. Its already there. A small venison roast and a small pork roast together is my favorite. Makes chicken and rice soup a snap too. Dump a cut up chicken and two cups of water in it and cook for an hour. An hour and a half if the chicken is froze. take out the chicken and debone it and throw it back in with the broth and a cut up onion and whatever other veggies you like (but cut them small) Dump some dry rice in it and set it on the rice settting and in 15 minutes you have soup. Works great for veggy beef soup too. Stews another no brainer in it. got mine for Christmas last year and to be honest it sat for a long time because I already had "my ways" of cooking different things but id bet since trying it out about 4 months ago its been used at least once a week. Its about replaced the crock pot for me. Just as good if not better tasting meals in an hour instead of all day.

12-07-2017, 09:06 AM
Just added an 8 quart into my Amazon Cart.

12-07-2017, 06:48 PM
We had our's for several months and like Lloyd Smale, we were set in our ways as far as cooking and didn't use it until last week. All I can say is " WOW, why did we wait so long " I have used it for Pinto Beans & Hamhocks, Venison Roast with Potatoes & Carrots, to Roast a Whole Chicken & for Jasmine Rice. Man'O'Man, we have been using Instant Rice for so many years I had forgotten how good Real Rice was. I am using it again today to make Chili using Taco Grind Seasoned Beef, I sure it will be excellent :razz:

12-09-2017, 07:43 PM
I'm eating a bowl of ham and great northern bean soup that I made in mine today. Hands down the best I've ever made.

Love this thing more each time I use it.

12-10-2017, 11:24 PM
What brand is preferred? Sounds right up my alley! I use a crock pot a lot and re,ally like dry beans. Thanks, hc18flyer

12-11-2017, 09:33 AM
I think the Instant Pot is the preferred brand. There are lots of reviews on all of them though.

Rick N Bama
12-13-2017, 01:54 PM
We're into our 2nd year of using an 8qt Instant Pot on, almost, a daily basis. Cooking dried beans, Soups, Stews, and Meats are a snap in it. We also use it for Rice and Hard Boiled Eggs.

12-13-2017, 02:12 PM
Wish they had them in 16 quart.

12-13-2017, 07:25 PM
Dang it ! Ya'll got me wantin one now , heck I'm out of cabinet space as it is .

12-13-2017, 10:48 PM
I have a 3 quart should be here tommorow.

I was looking at an 8 and decided it is just me and my wife, don't need that big.

Recipe book also in same order, also found a good site for recipes.


12-25-2017, 12:07 PM
We have an Instant Pot coming from Amazon!

12-25-2017, 12:43 PM
You're going to love it.

Made beef stew in mine a couple of nights ago. Came out amazing.

Rick N Bama
12-25-2017, 10:15 PM
Last night a pot of Jambalaya was made in ours using the slow cook option, then this morning it was used for Hard Boiled Eggs, then at lunch Rice was made in it for the Jambalaya. My wife mentioned the other day that we should maybe order another just in case the one we using now goes belly up.

12-25-2017, 11:03 PM
I have been cooking with mine for 2 weeks now. Have yet to have a bad meal.

Today I dropped a one half of a frozen turkey breast into the cooker, about 2-3 cups chicken broth, some cut up carrots and celery for flavor, with a shot of poultry seasoning and a small dash of curry powder.

Used a small rack to keep the turkey up off the bottom of the cooker. Top layer of vegitables were "awash".

Half hour pressure cook on high, 10 minute natural release. Dropped just a little pressure, removed lid, stuck fork in turkey breast, had it almost up and out when it broke into 3 pieces and dropped back in. Hmmmm I said, this has potential.

Got everything out, dumped the strained broth back into the pot I cooked my mashed potatoes in.
2 packets of turkey gravey, some flour, salt, pepper, hit it with the stick blender. 3 minutes later we were eating.

Less than 45 minutes total time, no delay for thawing, turkey was beyond fork tender. But moist, juicy even, with wonderful flavor. Best gravy I ever made. The carrots and celery added complex flavors.

I also did a Beef vegitable soup with barley that was to die for, less than 2 hours total.
Pork ribs were good, but could have used another 5 min as they were partially frozen.

I have also added a non stick ceramic liner from Instantpot. So now we have 2, one can be in the sink dirty and we can still cook. Also a steamer.

One of our best meals was 3 chicken thighes, half frozen, some broth, some soysauce, and I did a ceramic bowl with 1 cup of rinsed rice and a cup and a half of water on top of the chicken.

All was done to perfection and the rice was awesome.

My wife and I love ours, and I'm glad I settled for the 3 quart size. Just right for 2 people.
My daughter in North Carolina said she bought one for Christmas, but not an instant pot. Off brand. Has been struggling with it.

12-26-2017, 01:34 AM
Back in the 70s my usual suspect for cooking was an goodwill-bought electric skillet, brought one up the coast getting our boat up here & used it on the boat later while living on it. Add the pressure cooker option & I can see why people would love these! Hmmmm for a single guy do I want a 3 or a 6 quart one...

12-26-2017, 01:58 AM
great, now I'm looking at these on Amazon

12-26-2017, 09:27 AM
Mr Sheesh unless you want to cook once a week and eat leftovers the rest of the week I would go with the smaller one.

3 quarts is still most of a gallon, so if you make soup it is easy to put lots of it in the fridge.

I am really looking forward to next summer and real hearty meals without heating up the whole kitchen.

12-26-2017, 10:27 AM
Leftovers are great :) You can reheat stew or soup 2x/day or so in a crock pot to re-sterilize it, for a few days; poach eggs in it for breakfast, meat for lunch and dinner, etc., bachelors always have sneaky ways of minimizing effort (tho the result may not be PRETTY it will feed you pretty well...) Another way to handle leftovers is to put them into tupperwares or the like, and freeze them, then microwave them when ready to eat them (I've learned not to microwave in plastic though just in glass / ceramic as plastic tends to melt TOO often.) Best bowls I've found are the Corelle 19 ounce ones, light and tough so even WHEN a pet knocks one down, it's not too likely to shatter. (Tempered glass or something?) Great for microwaving anyways :)

12-29-2017, 10:02 AM
So it was 3 o-clock in the afternoon, my wife and I are texting back and forth. And we both send a "Supper?"

So I walked out to the porch and the big freezer, it happened that my hand landed on a pair of chicken leg quarters. I got chewed out for not bringing in 2.

30 seconds of research told me Instant pot with 30 min cook time was my best bet.

In the bottom of the pot I put a cup and a half of chicken broth, a dollup of Teriyaki sauce, 3 good splashes of soy sauce, the 2 leg quarters frozen into a solid lump. On top of that I put the wire trivet that comes with the instant pot, a ceramic bowl with 1 cup of rice and 1.5 cups of water.

Put on the let, set to pressure, set for pressure cook high for 30 min and walked away.

Best rice my wife and I ever had, bar none. It was awesome. There were no left overs.

Chicken was done, falling off the bone tender, succulent, moist, and flavorful.

A spoon or 2 of the broth on the rice completed a wonderful supper. Total time 1 hour. Prep time 5 minutes. Most of that hour I was sitting in the living room reading a book.

Now that's cookin the lazy man's way.

This morning I have dried pinto beans soaking on slow cook. Half a pound of bacon cut up for flavor. They'll get pressure cooked for I think an hour around noon. Then I want to do a big batch of that good rice. Red Beans and Rice, yumm.

I am really liking this instant pot. Might need one more liner yet, and a few more stainless steel bowls for stacking inside for pot in pot or one pot meals.

12-29-2017, 10:13 AM
My dear mother got us one for Christmas, I haven't had a chance to use it yet. Got three days off this weekend, gonna fire it up. Maybe some ham-hocks & pintos with some Hatch green chiles.

12-29-2017, 01:05 PM
My dear mother got me one for Christmas, I haven't had a chance to use it yet. Got three days off this weekend, gonna fire it up. Maybe some ham-hocks & pintos with some Hatch green chiles.

Good eatin there !

12-29-2017, 02:12 PM
This was not the thread to read at lunch time... now I am hungry and will probably also be out the cost of one of these things.

12-29-2017, 02:27 PM
Ours came today. Wife looks a little lost.
I am no help I have had a cold.
Now on the 3rd day and have no concentration.
What to fix 1st?

12-29-2017, 02:52 PM
I had never heard of an instant pot until an hour ago! Wife and I were at wallymart doing a bit of after Christmas shopping and saw some on sale and I thought GIMMICK and she thought "that's what we need", then I come here and see this, guess I gotta go back to wallyworld.

12-29-2017, 06:01 PM
Ok for all you new to IP guys out there. This is my favorite recipe site hands down.


Scroll to the bottom, chicken, beef, pork, pot in pot, pick your poison.
Good recipes, good flavor, good instructions, easy to follow.

After you have been doing it for a couple of weeks you'll figure out how easy it is.

Throw in some food, some liquid, some spices, and let er cook.

Beans btw came out awesome, after the pressure cook for an hour I had them on slow cooker for 2 hours, then kicked them up to saute on low for an hour to thicken them up, evaporate off the water.

Rice just finished, going to see what my first big batch of rice tastes like.

Enjoy people!

12-29-2017, 08:32 PM
We love the Instant Pot. Mrs. smokeywolf initially bought it to make our yogurt and a couple of other dishes that require a fermentation step. We love slow cooker/crock pot dishes during winter and also like to home can leftovers. For that reason, we wish the IP was at least half again bigger. Still love it though.

GH, thanks for the link to pressurecookerrecipes.com.

12-29-2017, 11:11 PM
I used our's to hard boil 6 fresh chicken & 4 fresh duck eggs today, they came out fantastic. Then for dinner I steamed frozen Pork Tamales from Costco, they were also fantastic. We have the Instant Pot Brand in the 6 quart version ...

Rick N Bama
12-29-2017, 11:22 PM
Ours came today. Wife looks a little lost.
I am no help I have had a cold.
Now on the 3rd day and have no concentration.
What to fix 1st?

Rice or hard boiled eggs. Easy to do and all but foolproof. After that do dried beans. they're easy to do as well and are quite forgiving in you mess something up. Our Insta Pot is used for something almost every day.

12-30-2017, 12:07 AM
Got a question about doing hard boiled eggs in these pots. How long does it usually take for hard yokes and how easy are they to peel?

12-30-2017, 02:46 AM
I got a 6 qt XL this summer. I saw electric pressure cookers and thought, “STUPID!” Then I saw the infomercial for it. I used the regular pressure cooker a lot, especially for pinto beans. These rock! Throw in a bunch of stuff, add spicy [emoji892] & some liquid and hit start! Anyone can do it. Wish I had the 10 qt. If I were to head out alone in a small trailer, my kitchen would have my NewWave oven, induction cooktop, XL & bread machine. Add a cast iron skillet & steel wok and I can do it all! Ever make popcorn [emoji897] in a wok? Grandkids love it! I never heard of the Instant Pot before. A 3 qt. would be really good for traveling.

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12-30-2017, 04:16 AM
Sneaky trick, you can make Microwave popcorn w/o the chemical-laden "Microwave" popcorn - Put 1/4 Cup popcorn kernels into a brown lunch bag, roll the top up a little to sorta seal it, microwave it (until you hear pauses of about 2 seconds between pops. Depends on your oven's power.) Easy and fast. Beware steam on opening. Haven't made it in a wok that I remember.

Rick N Bama
12-30-2017, 03:46 PM
Got a question about doing hard boiled eggs in these pots. How long does it usually take for hard yokes and how easy are they to peel?

Our pot has an Egg setting which is for either 7 or 10 minutes, can't remember which at the moment, but I think it's 7. Then when it finishes we let it release the pressure on its own for another 7 minutes. The eggs go straight into an ice water bath for a couple minutes and then the peels slip right off. My wife just said that at Thanksgiving she did 18 at one time. All 18 turned out great.

12-30-2017, 06:43 PM
I did the 6 Chicken & 4 duck eggs on Manual for 5 minutes, it took roughly 5 minutes to come to pressure them cooked for 5. I manually released the pressure when it stopped at 5 minutes. transferred via a slotted spoon to an ice batch for 3 minutes before peeling the 1st one. Easy peel with a perfect Hardboil with no imperfections. Things I have read indicate a 3 minute manual cook for soft boiled.

12-30-2017, 08:42 PM
Cool! I hate it when you go peel an egg and you lose some of the white. How old are your eggs that your using in your pot?

country gent
12-31-2017, 12:30 AM
We bought one today. hoping to try it out here soon. I bought a pork roast today also. I'm thinking the pork roast some water salt pepper a apple or 2 potatos carrots and onion to start with. My Daughters all excited about it as her boys love yogurt. She is the one doing most of the cooking here now. Next week is a chicken I think. Maybe chilli or bean soup. I see that bone stock can be made with it also. SO a couple ham hocks cooked down with bone would make a good start for the bean soup.

12-31-2017, 12:51 AM
Cool! I hate it when you go peel an egg and you lose some of the white. How old are your eggs that your using in your pot?

A week or less, my 87 year old Father has Chickens and Ducks. He gets 15-18 eggs a day, usually 2 are Duck, we get fresh eggs several times a week.

12-31-2017, 01:48 AM
I know I'm about to get the "look" from the wife. She hates it when I buy things, but this sounds too good. Maybe I'll just make a dinner and surprise her. Kind of sounds like even I can use this thing.

12-31-2017, 02:57 PM
For those of you who have one. Did you dispose of your pressure cooker and crockpot ? My wife is interested.

12-31-2017, 06:06 PM
Didn't own a Pressure Cooker before but the Crock Pots have been put in storage for now.

12-31-2017, 10:08 PM
Instantpot lives on the counter. Slow cooker is now living above the pantry covered with a towel.

Pressure cooker we have other than the IP is an old fashioned stove model and is on the porch with the rest of the canning gear.

Last night wife brought home a tray of chicken thighs.

Teach me how you do that chicken thing!

ok, put in 4 thighs, cup and a half of chicken broth, splash of teriyaki and soy sauce, showed her how to do the rice, slipped it all together, set it. Walked back into the living room, watched a tv show.

Half a hour later,"You want to eat?" Its done? "Yeah its done" Dang that is easy.

Almost did the beef pot roast in it today, but its -20 below or colder, good day to run the oven.

Vegitable beef soup tommorow.

Rick N Bama
12-31-2017, 10:14 PM
For those of you who have one. Did you dispose of your pressure cooker and crockpot ? My wife is interested.

They haven't been disposed of, but since the Instant Pot has a slow cooker setting it's not been used any at all.

Randy C
12-31-2017, 10:19 PM
we love our instant pot

12-31-2017, 10:33 PM
My only beed is the XL has teflon in pan. Don’t like teflon.

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Lloyd Smale
01-01-2018, 10:01 AM
i still use my pressure cooker for canning beause its bigger. but rarely use the crock pot anymore because with a push of a button it is a crock pot too.

01-01-2018, 02:08 PM
We eat a lot of rice and have a dedicated rice cooker. I guess I should say “had”. It is in storage because the instant pot does that better too. And faster. In fact, that is what we use it for most of the time.

01-02-2018, 03:38 PM
Made a Modified recipe Hoppin' John in our's for New Year's dinner, like everything else we have done in it, it came out excellent. Also, we have the Instant Pot Brand in a 6 Quart & the Cooking Pot is Stainless Steel, NO Teflon.

01-02-2018, 05:01 PM
Thinking I might get one of these if I can catch a good sale. I figured my wife would roll her eyes but she said she has friends that rave about them.

That's how it works - if it's MY idea, it's bad. But if one of her friends does it first, it's OK.

01-02-2018, 10:12 PM
Another winner tonight!

Instant pot hits it into the bleachers again.

Started with 4 chicken thigh's, added 1 cup of chicken broth.
A sprinkle of poultry seaoning, one block of curry.

On top of the chicken I placed the trivet, and a ceramic bowl with 1 cup of rice, 1.5 cups water.


Set for delay start 1 hour, 8 min pressure cook, natural release. Was timed so that the 10 min natural release was done as my wife walked in the door.

Removed rice, chicken, thickened the sauce with a little flour.
Heaven, simply heaven.

That curry I saw listed on a couple of different sites so I got curious and bought a box from Amazon. It sits in the fridge in a closed plastic box.

There are 8 "blocks" in the box, I only added one. I went with mild as my wife is pretty sensitive to the hot stuff.

Flavor is great, has a nice mellow rich curry flavor without being overpowering.

Some brussel sprouts finished the meal off. Leftovers will be gone by tomorrow.

This is the second time I have tried the curry, first time was pork chops. Both were winners.

We have the 3 quart IP, one of the earlier accessory's I bought was a ceramic non stick liner.
I really like this, just a quick spray of pam or a dab of oil and it washes clean quick and easy.
I would highly recomend that if you use your IP more than once a week you might want to get one.


And the Adventure continues! Tommorow I think it is beef soup day.

01-08-2018, 05:51 PM
Wife just bought a 6 qt Duo, all her co-workers had them. she had to search to find one locally, seemed to be all sold out due to Christmas. Did some Eggs, Mac n Cheese and Chicken breasts yesterday. All came out great. today is applesauce and Pot roast with a tri tip (since that is what we are stocked up on and chuck roasts are about 4-5 bucks a Lb) is on the schedule for her next days off. Never had eggs peel so easy, nedd to make a new batch of pickled eggs.

01-08-2018, 11:06 PM
Turkey thighs with Curry gravy for Sat night supper, with quartered potatoes in steamer basket above. Leftovers went into turkey chow mein noodle hotdish sunday.


01-09-2018, 09:23 PM
We eat a lot of rice and have a dedicated rice cooker. I guess I should say “had”. It is in storage because the instant pot does that better too. And faster. In fact, that is what we use it for most of the time.

Best rice I've had comes out of a high end Zojirushi rice cooker with induction heating. We also eat a lot of rice.

Rick N Bama
01-17-2018, 01:00 PM
My wife found this earlier this week.


country gent
01-17-2018, 02:47 PM
My daughter has found out she can use it to sterilize here things for the baby in it also quicker and easier. Shes learning to do yogart in it now for the older grandsons also. Weve done roasts, A whole chicken, rice Soup so far and its really doing good. Shes sterilized the parts for her pump several times also.

country gent
01-19-2018, 12:30 PM
My Daughter did rice in ours the other night and it stuck to the bottom pretty hard. Any tricks here? Has anyone tried on of the slow cooker bags in the insta pot to ease clean ups? Curious here. were doing bean soup in it tonight.

01-19-2018, 03:40 PM
Not sure you would get a good seal on the pot with a Slow Cook bags.
I tried this recipe earlier in the week w Boneless port chop and got no sticking or burning. Used some teriyaki in the water too. Cooked for 5 minutes and natural pressure release.


Rick N Bama
01-19-2018, 08:20 PM
My Daughter did rice in ours the other night and it stuck to the bottom pretty hard. Any tricks here? Has anyone tried on of the slow cooker bags in the insta pot to ease clean ups? Curious here. were doing bean soup in it tonight.

It may be that she should add a bit more water to the pot. Did she use the 1 to 1 recipe? If so maybe she could try 1 to 1.25 or maybe a minute or so less time. Experimentation is sometimes in order. I've read of some using a "Pot in the Pot" method of cooking Rice. Ours does come out dry every once in a while, but it's still good even if it does stick. My wife said yesterday that we need to order another to have a backup to use especially around the Holidays when she does a lot of cooking.

Not sure you would get a good seal on the pot with a Slow Cook bags.
I tried this recipe earlier in the week w Boneless port chop and got no sticking or burning. Used some teriyaki in the water too. Cooked for 5 minutes and natural pressure release.


I don't know why it be any harder to get a seal with the slow cooker bag unless it's sticking up high enough to interfere with the top closing.

01-19-2018, 08:26 PM
when I do rice I do brown rice and use 2 cups rice for 3 cups of water.

01-19-2018, 09:41 PM
I did a full batch of just rice, in the steel liner, it did stick some. Also overcooked it a bit.

Our best rice has always been 1 cup of rice one and a half cups of water, I use a ceramic bowl, and do it first so it can soak.

Put that on top of whatever is in the pot. 8 min pressure cook, 10 min natural release. Perfect rice every time.

If I was to do another batch of just rice I think I would use a steamer basket to keep the rice off the bottom. You'd probably have to do 2 or 3 batch's to really get the recipe dialed in.

We are still using ours 2-4 times a week. I am experimenting more and more with my own recipes, my own seasoning.

I did just receive 2 new steel trivets for the rice bowl. These are sized perfect for my 3 quart IP.


Should keep the bowl up off the meat more, more secure and stable.

01-20-2018, 12:32 PM
We dont use ours a lot but it is very handy at times. You can pull a roast from the freezer and be eating in about an hour. I just hate the electricity part of it.

We have an smaller old pressure cooker that goes on the stove that we've never used but picked up cheap. I need to try it one day. One of our stove top pressure canners is set up for cooking too

01-23-2018, 03:02 PM
Haven’t tried rice specifically, but would think hitting the bottom with Pam or equivalent would help. Didn’t like it sticking in rice cooker so went that route.

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Rick N Bama
01-23-2018, 03:57 PM
We had Rice last night cooked in the IP. I normally use 1:1 and yes it comes out a bit dry and sticks. My wife fixed it last night and used 1:1.5 Rice to Water. It came out fluffy with just the right moistness and with hardly any sticking.

01-23-2018, 11:55 PM
Made turkey necks, taters, carrots & onions tonight with 2 beef bullion cubes (no chicken). Extra water for gravy. Mmmmmm!

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01-24-2018, 03:05 AM
Lecithin is the same thing as PAM and can be cheaper, just a FYI

01-30-2018, 06:20 PM
We found a new favorite in our Instant Pot.

At costco we happened across a pretty good deal on a marinated flank steak. Probably designed for the grill. Well I remembered a "Mongolian Beef" Instant pot recipe that called for flank steak, so we bought it.

At home it was obvious 2 of us were not going to eat all that flank steak in one or 2 sittings so I sliced it into thirds. Vacuum sealed and froze 2, put one in the pot.

Half an onion sliced, 2 cloves of garlic finely diced, a dash of soy sauce, a dribble of terriyaki a sprinkle of sugar and some mushrooms.

Flank steak was cut into 3/4 inch pieces, lightly sauted in a pan (could have used IP) While those were cooking some awesome baby bella's were sliced up. Meat onion and garlic went into the pot while I fried the mushrooms to a light brown, then they joined. Added a cup of water with a little better than boullion beef and the above mentioned seasonings and spices.

Put the rack in, set my 1 cup of rice and 1.5 of water in a correlle bowl on the rack, 8 min on manual pressure cook on high heat and pressure, 10 min natural release.

Removed meat and onions to a bowl, sprinkled in some flour from a shaker and in 2 min I had gravy to go with the rest. A vegetable in the microwave and you have a feast.

I've done this meal twice in the last week. The beef comes out succulent, fork tender, full of flavor.
As to the seasonings, all I can say is experiment. Find out what you like.

I was concerned that the mushrooms would be overcooked. But they were fine. Full of flavor and wonderful with the beef and the rice.

The second time we found flank steak it was not marinaded. So I just sliced it into chunks, in a blender combined 3/4 cup canola oil, Soy Sauce, Terriyaki, Basalmic Vinegar (cheap stuff works) a squirt of mustard, worchestershire sauce, and adolph's meat tenderizer.

Combined it all, put the meat in a gallon zip lock bag, poured the marinade over it.
Made sure all was covered and put it in the fridge. The next morning most was vacumn bagged and sealed and frozen.

Seriously folks, grab whatever beef you can find that is cheap, on sale. Round steak, chuck, brisket, flank steak I don't think it matters.

Slice it up into bite size chunks or strips to keep cooking times low.

Throw it in the IP with some broth, water, beer, whatever you have a hankering to try.
Let it pressure cook for 8-12 minutes depending on quantity. Do the pot in pot thing with a rice bowl if you like. Or taters. Or boil up some noodles or pasta.

Remove the beef, thicken and season to taste.

Your in for some of the most tender tasty beef you ever had. Enjoy!

01-30-2018, 06:31 PM
Last, for those who dislike teflon.

One of the best accessory's we bought for our 3 qt unit was a Ceramic non stick liner.
I love it so much compared to the steel I bought a second.

Its like those new fry pans that use ceramic over steel. Gray in color, with a dash of oil, quick spray of pam it is very good about not sticking. They are SO much better I don't understand why they don't come standard. They are not that expensive.

As of right now, there are 2 non stick IP liners in the sink and I am cooking chicken thighs curry in the plain steel one.

Yeah we love our IP.

Slow cooker, who needs it? Same for pressure cooker, rice cooker.

Our 3 qt is just right for 2 people, perhaps a third if they are not really big eaters.
It makes just the right amount of soup so I can have a couple of meals and freeze a couple.

Best buy for 2017 at this point.

01-30-2018, 07:51 PM
have a crock pot branded ip.
use it for a ton of things including yogurt and quick breads.

have to keep the stovetop pressure canner for canning though.

02-03-2018, 02:47 PM
Went and bought a 6qt one last night. Trying to decide what to make in it first.

02-10-2018, 12:19 AM
Just tri d doing hard boiled eggs in my instant pot 6qt. Don’t have a egg rack yet. But after tonight I will be ordering one. I asked y’all how it did eggs. Y’all told me it was very good at doing eggs and easy to peel. Well I will tell you your darn tooting it makes hard boiled eggs and easy to peel.

Since I did not have th egg rack. I used the short rack that came with it. I put 1.cup of water in the pot then the rack. I used my folding steamer that you use to steam veggies. on that rack added 1 dozen fridge cold eggs on their sides touching each other. Put the lid on set the sealing, hit the egg button adjusted to more. 5 mins. It does it’s thing builds the pressure in about 5 to 7 mins. It lid locks about a min. later it counts down. After 5 mins. I canceled the appointment warmed funtion. Left under pressure for another 5 mins manually vented. Take the top off. Had 3 cracked eggs. Ok no whites over anything like it would if you water boiled them. Used to gs to put them in a bowl of cold running water. Cracked the shells and basically slipped the shells right off them. Perfect whites. Had the wife try one. Homes were done prefect. No green ring. So I loaded up the steamer rack with another dozen. With the remainder of what water was in the pot. Again fridge cold eggs. Wanted to see if y’all when everything was warmed up with cold eggs if the time would be off. Set and done everything the same. Took less time to build pressure and lock and start counting down. The 2 eggs cracked. Peeled the same. Checked the yokes for doneness. Perfect. Can’t wait to get the egg rack so I can do 17 eggs at a time. Checked the water that was left it used just a little over a half cup. Don’t know how I ever lived in other out this instant pot to do hard boiled eggs. Was well worth the price just to do eggs.

02-10-2018, 02:05 AM
So what brand/size everyone have? We got a pp/6qt

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02-10-2018, 02:42 AM
Went and bought a 6qt one last night. Trying to decide what to make in it first.

mainly use mine for beef-veggies stew. in 2 cups of knorr beef broth,1 spoon of flour , and steak spices , the layering goes like this: potatoes,meat , sprouts ,cabbage, green beans ,onions,carrots lowest setting for 8 hours .

tried some ribs one time, but you still need to finish them in the oven with the BBQ sauce,so it is faster in a pressure cooker . however,there's no better stews than the ones cooked slowly for hours.

02-10-2018, 12:05 PM
Instant Pot 6qt

02-10-2018, 11:11 PM
Flank steak again in the IP 3 qt tonight, rice at 1 to 1.5 was perfect and fluffy.

Added half an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 green onions, and a dash of Worcestershire sauce with salt and pepper. There was NOTHING left over but a bit of rice.

I did cheat and used a ceramic fry pan to saute the meat and vegi's before dumping into the IP.

Plus 1 cup of water and a half teaspoon of better than bouilion beef.

Best part, 7-8 minutes prep time, assembling everything. Load the pot, set it for 9 min high pressure and hot, put the lid on, and walked away.

Half an hour later we have a plate full of awesome. Don't get no better than that.

Last week it was one third of a big round roast, got about the same treatment but more in the pot roast + potatoes and Carrots style.

For a tough cut of meat it was darn tender. And there are 2 more from that roast yet to come.

02-18-2018, 10:10 PM
Boston baked beans and chili in a hour from unsoaked dry beans and ground beef, tomato and cabbage soup so far . Tomorrow is an outside round roast with taters and carrots, usually a tough cut, we'll see how it does .

02-18-2018, 11:36 PM
Made a chuck roast tonight. 2.68lbs 2 hrs it was falling apart and juicey. Then washed th pot and start doing eggs. Done 5 dozen 1 dozen at a time back to back. Only lost 2 eggs. One cracked lost some whites. And the other morning broke it in half while peeling, I got to rough my fault. I am loving the IP.

02-19-2018, 12:45 AM
Reading this thread made me hungry and wanting to buy one to try out!!

02-19-2018, 09:35 AM
Sat evening, wife brought home a "flat iron steak" about 2/3rds of a pound.

Rubbed with Adolph's meat tenderizer and Worcester sauce and let it sit for half an hour while I talked to the neighbor.

Sliced into roughly 8 3/4x3/4 strips. Cut up some green onion, and diced up a clove of garlic. Threw it in a fry pan, quick saute turning the meat twice. Threw it in the IP with 1 cup of water and half a spoonful of betterthanboulion beef. Set the rack, rice on top. 1 cup rice and 1.5 cups water in a correlle bowl. Set the IP to 10 min and gave it the usual 10 min natural release.

When the meat came out I arranged the strips on a plate, topped with the cut up tops of the green onions. Set the rice bowl there.

Used a Schillings Mushroom Gravy packet and a spoonfull of flour. Hit it with the stick blender to make the onions and garlic disappear. (But the flavor remains)

Poured a spoonful of gravy over the meat/onion tops and called it supper.

It was tender, it was flavorful, the platter was argued over who got the last gravy/onions. There were no leftovers, the dog licked up the last of the gravy. A good meal was had by all. And the meat was falling apart tender, look at it and it broke. Juicy, succulent, wonderful.

I love the IP.

Tonight, turkey curry! Wife brought home an unfrozen complete turkey breast with rib meat. It will all go in the pot with a cube of that vermont mild curry.

02-20-2018, 11:09 AM
Well, the outside round roast went well. Seasoned the 3 pound roast all over with Montreal Steak Spice and used the sautee function to sear it a few minutes on all sides. Pulled it out and deglazed the bottom of the pot with a package of dry onion soup mixed in 2 cups of water, added 6 medium potatoes halved, 2 very large carrots quartered, a halved onion and a stalk of celery, plopped the roast on top and cooked on high for 45 minutes with a 10 minute natural pressure release before I opened the valve and opened it . Took the roast out and tented it with some foil and put the veggies in a covered serving bowl while I put the remaining liquid back on saute and whisked in a bit of cornstarch to thicken the gravy. Meat was as tender as 8 hours in a crock pot I would not have wanted to go any longer than 45 minutes as I fear the veggies would have been reduced to mush.

02-20-2018, 10:41 PM
Did the turkey breast last night. Now this was one half, bone included, skin, ribs, and the bones in front that support the wings.

I wanted to finish with the turkey done, and a rice bowl on top.

So I put the turkey in for 6 minutes, with chicken broth. Removed, deboned, pulled meat scraps off the bones. Put back in the pot with a curry cube, and the rice bowl on top. Gave it another 8 minutes. My normal cook time for the rice.

Turkey was done, succulent, juicy, rice was perfect as always.

Try 30 min on the roast then slip in vegi's and hit it another 8-15 min.

I think in most cases halved potatoes would be done in 8-10 min. Carrots would need less than that. But they would not be cooked to mush.

02-21-2018, 09:40 AM
Try 30 min on the roast then slip in vegi's and hit it another 8-15 min.

I think in most cases halved potatoes would be done in 8-10 min. Carrots would need less than that. But they would not be cooked to mush.

Yeah that or perhaps just do the roast in the water and onion soup mix , when done tent it under tinfoil to rest before cutting and do the diced veggies for 10 or so, shouldn't take long for it to come back up to pressure with the hot liquid in the bottom. I used our 6 quart, we also have the 3 quart mini but I really wanted to do it one pot as I am chief cook and dishwasher since I retired. :-D

Tom W.
02-22-2018, 10:12 PM
I saw on the news today that they are recalling some of those things due to overheating....

02-23-2018, 07:28 AM
I saw on the news today that they are recalling some of those things due to overheating....


02-23-2018, 08:24 AM
I saw on the news today that they are recalling some of those things due to overheating....

Thanks , looked it up, that model " The Gem Multicooker " in the recall is more of a crockpot type cooker than pressure cooker. Yeah I was a bit uneasy using it the first few times as I remember stories in my youth of the old fashioned stove top ones going very bad from my mom 60 years ago.

02-23-2018, 09:36 PM
I saw that Safety Notice & went checked our Instant Pot 6 Qt. It is not the same model unit that is having the problem, we always unplug our's when not in use and never leave it unattended. Basic safety precaution for electric kitchen things [smilie=s:

03-09-2018, 09:42 AM
Well this thread "made" me purchase a IP
Shipped Monday due to arrive Wed.
USPS 2 day air from Co to KY back to Co
Today will only make matters worse as another snowstorm is due to hit KY and NC
Hey it may be 12-14 days for a 2 day air delivery
All i can do is read recipes and daydream about eating IP cooked food
Keep 'em coming ...got to be entertained :) :)

03-09-2018, 11:05 PM
I bought one this Fall on account of glowing recommendations of one of the girls that works for me and the internet. I have used it to can a case and a half of venison and boar for making stroganoff this Spring. Makes ****ed good rice, too. Wife won't let it in the kitchen so I have use it at the clubhouse. She has a morbid fear of pressure cookers as one blew up in their kitchen growing up.

03-14-2018, 06:52 PM
Well we made our first dish in the Mealthy IP
Korean beef. Used deer instead. It was delicious. Cooked perfectly. Tender and juicy
I am thinking orange chicken or bread next

03-15-2018, 04:31 PM
I haven't given it a test run yet but I think I am going to try this corned beef and cabbage recipe for supper Saturday for St. Patrick's day.

4-5 Cloves of Garlic
4 cups of water (I may use some beef broth I canned a while ago)
2.5-3# Corned beef brisket and spices
2# baby red potatoes
3 cups carrots
1 head of cabbage

1. Place corned beef brisket, spice packet, garlic and 4 cups of water into the instant pot (use the rack to keep the brisket off the bottom of the pot).

2. Cook on 90 minutes using the meat/stew setting or high pressure for 90 minutes. Once time is up, quick release pressure. Remove corned beef to a platter and cover with foil. Let rest while cooking the vegetables.

3. Without discarding liquid, add potatoes, carrots, and cabbage to pressure cooker, you may remove the rack.

4. Cook at high pressure for 4-5 minutes. Do a quick pressure release before removing vegetables.


DerekP Houston
03-15-2018, 05:17 PM
wow looks like lots of positive reviews here. Thanks for sharing yall, I'll look into getting one myself.

03-17-2018, 07:15 PM
Just set our 6 Qt IP to 90 minutes on High Pressure, going to give the Corned Beef recipe a try [smilie=s:

Had a heck of a time getting the picture to attach .... It turned out excellent, I used Beef broth in place of the water. One of the best Corned Beef Dinners I have done [smilie=s:

03-17-2018, 10:10 PM
Well its confirmed the corned beef and cabbage was delicious!

03-17-2018, 10:36 PM
We got one at Christmas and used it once for a pot roast. It did cook in far less time and taste was equally as good as the slow cooker.
