View Full Version : Wanted to apologize to Charles...

12-03-2017, 11:03 PM
I want to apologize to Charles and anyone else concerning my posting a "looking for..." in the wrong place. I didn't have enough posts to put it in the correct thread and not enough sense to figure out what to do about it. To make matters worse, I reposted it again, or at least an answer to the original that had been moved to the correct place before I saw a PM from Charles about not doing such things. I meant no disrespect towards the forum rules and should have read them closer.

I haven't been here often for a few years as my interests had wandered, so now that my interest has returned, maybe I can visit more often and see what else I can screw up:razz:

Thanks for being patient with an old man folks.


12-04-2017, 08:56 AM
Not a problem, Connor. Glad to see you getting back into this very addicting hobby, and we'll help you any way we can.


12-04-2017, 09:43 AM
I did a rule breaker a while ago (unintentional and absolutely beyond the purview of that forum), reread the rules and asked a few questions of the moderator because I didn't quite understand. Now I see and I can see why. A hearty WELCOME to the best forum on the internet. These guys know their stuff and bend over backwards to help. Visit often, stay a while each time and when you can, help another along this fascinating path.

01-02-2018, 05:03 PM
Good posts, guys, I too blew it on getting certified for the forum, mostly due to my 80 year old age and Macular Degeneration, I just couldn't see the yard long code that was required to join. I wasn't able to post on the Forum, even tho my name and password was accepted, so I contacted the Moderator, and he kindly waived the access code requirement! This old guy owes you one, too!