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View Full Version : Offhand Shooting & Prescription Meds

12-03-2017, 03:25 PM
All, Since May '17, I've noticed my offhand shooting, specifically steadiness, has declined. (I should add, I was never the best offhand shot.) My urologist doubled 1 med and added another, which seemed to be the source of the problem. Now that I'm finished with that regimen, I've experienced less dizziness and much better offhand target results. In short, if your shooting has gone south as mine had, you may want to check your meds. Btw, I took 1st place in a woods walk today v. abysmally for the 2 previous ones.

12-03-2017, 03:59 PM
Congratulations on your win and your recovery. May you have many wins in the future.

12-03-2017, 04:04 PM
Thank you, quilbilly!

Plate plinker
12-03-2017, 04:18 PM
Side effects suck. My brother shakes a fair bit these days. Far to many pills that he is on.

12-03-2017, 04:26 PM
A noticeable degradation of your steadiness (wobble area) will cause you to "snatch" or jerk the trigger. The end result is much worse than the initial lose in wobble area.

12-03-2017, 05:25 PM
Old age did it for me, bench and prone still good but offhand at 76 went south

12-03-2017, 06:56 PM
Ace inhibitors messed with my offhand and working outside. Went to beta blockers and offhand came back and the sweating isn't near as bad. Messes with my asthma but regular exercise helps that.

12-03-2017, 07:08 PM
Pretty much done offhand..80 years and some breathing issues and meds make my offhand shooting more of a pattern than a grouping...still use my little "Pistolero" shooting rest and sit at the bench...and I shoot more rifle off the bench than I did...and the beat goes on.

Tom W.
12-03-2017, 09:20 PM
I took some gabapentin for my neuropathy. I stopped it quickly when I found out that it took me to never- Neverland and tried to keep me there. I wouldn't even attempt to drive.......

12-03-2017, 09:59 PM
We are talking about firearms rite?

12-04-2017, 03:03 AM
Effects of prescription meds on shooting, pretty close. I found that Gabapentin zombified one family member some years back, so I avoid that med family.

Tom W.
12-04-2017, 09:45 PM
We are talking about firearms rite?
Yep. If you can't drive you surely can't shoot..........not safely anyway.

12-05-2017, 02:50 PM
All, Since May '17, I've noticed my offhand shooting, specifically steadiness, has declined. (I should add, I was never the best offhand shot.) My urologist doubled 1 med and added another, which seemed to be the source of the problem. Now that I'm finished with that regimen, I've experienced less dizziness and much better offhand target results. In short, if your shooting has gone south as mine had, you may want to check your meds. Btw, I took 1st place in a woods walk today v. abysmally for the 2 previous ones.

Question for you. At NCBS I sponsor and event called the "practical rifle shoot" which is 10 rounds in 3 minutes with iron sights offhand at a mystery distance. This thread is making me rethink that a bit for us old geezers (i assume we are both geezers). With your meds, were you still able to shoot OK with cross sticks or a tall monopod?

Big Boomer
12-05-2017, 03:29 PM
Sometimes shakiness can be unrelated to meds. An extended bout with thyroid cancer (first surgery in 2004) ended with the total removal of my thyroid and one lymph node plus Radioactive Iodine 150 at age 69 in 2009, finished off any steadiness for me. Nissen Fundoplication in 2008 and prostate cancer in 2012 did not help any either. Not only am I shaky and can no longer handle the extremes of heat or cold, a good sneeze can bring on any number of consequences all at once that necessitates a change of clothes, especially underwear. But I'm still loading and shooting. Have also taken on a tutoring class for mainly rifle reloaders in a nearby Church of Christ/Christian Church. Never give up! Big Boomer

Tom W.
12-05-2017, 04:46 PM
I can sympathize with you, Big Boomer.....but the shaking hasn't gotten to me yet. Tired comes fairly quickly though....

Rick N Bama
12-06-2017, 12:54 PM
I took some gabapentin for my neuropathy. I stopped it quickly when I found out that it took me to never- Neverland and tried to keep me there. I wouldn't even attempt to drive.......

Tom I've been on that for a month now & I'm going to stop it as the med has done absolutely nothing for me.

12-06-2017, 01:57 PM
I predict a lot more problems with drugs as doctors are being pushed to put most of us old folks on blood pressure meds. Almost all my peers put on those have problems with fainting, dizziness, and feeling lightheaded.

12-06-2017, 05:59 PM
Have had high blood pressure since 2000. It is under control. When ever I was given a choice I always asked for beta blockers. Will keep me out of the Olympics but so will the steroids i get as part of my chemo. Any way the beta blockers have kept me from shaking . I still shoot fairly straight. Us old people on the right meds have an edge when shooting. We deserve it!

12-06-2017, 07:12 PM
Duckkiller, Just remember that old age and treachery will defeat youth and inexperience every time!:bigsmyl2:

12-06-2017, 07:30 PM
When I was shooting competition I took vitamin B1, B6 and B12 that are known to help stabilize the nervous system.

12-06-2017, 07:56 PM
I took some gabapentin for my neuropathy. I stopped it quickly when I found out that it took me to never- Neverland and tried to keep me there. I wouldn't even attempt to drive.......
I took gabapenetin for a couple of years. I didn't realize it but it was causing me to lose strength/stamina and made my mind a fog. Got so bad I couldn't walk 100 yards to the mail box. Thought I was headed to the grave. But I quit gabapenetin and things cleared up a lot. I am very suspicious about trying new meds now because of that.

mold maker
12-09-2017, 01:03 AM
As I fill my pill cup each morning from the large cookie tin of orange bottles, I wonder which actually help, and which I'd be as well or better off without. Most bottles have a warning sticker that advises not to operate machinery, at least until the side effects are established. How do I know which symptoms are side effects or a real illness?
Ever notice the smartly dressed folks parading through the Drs office with a big satchel? It's obvious they aren't sick or they couldn't carry that huge leather bag. Then everyone seeing the Dr., is given a script for the latest wonder drug, only to see it a year later on TV, reported as causing horrible side effects. Do the promo folks have too much influence with those we entrust our health? Just how many fancy car and house payments are being made at our expense.
I'm only 75 and If heredity has its way, I will probably live another 15-20 years. I hate to think of those remaining years, chair or bed bound, with someone else carrying all those pills to me.:veryconfu

12-25-2017, 02:52 AM
I have a life long arrhythmia that Meds (Metroprol) keeps under control, For my Multi position 22 rifle bullseve shooting the meds improve my Scores!

Until I had a minor stroke Several years ago I HAD a Resting Tremor in my Right hand that was annoying when doing pistol shooting.
but in the Stroke and/or aftermath from it I lost the tremor, Frankly If I had been asked before hand it's a trade I would have not agreed to
But in the regard to my 22Pistol scores It is a trade I'm generally happy with.

There are prescriptions I dutifully Refill, but do not actually take. Like Lasix. If I take it I simply can't stop pissing
On my last Doctors visit I admitted to him that I rarely actually take it, but my Blood pressure is regarded as "under control"
so he is OK with it and understands my reasons

12-25-2017, 06:08 AM
Makes me wonder where their going to find replacement income stream from reduced Opioid trafficking .

12-25-2017, 08:11 AM
If you have any trouble keeping your blood sugar stable, be aware that some of the beta blockers can mask the symptoms of low blood sugar.

12-28-2017, 06:41 PM
Not sure which pills are messing with me take 42 a day not all different some multiple doses of same med. And only 30 are prescription the rest are supplements. A better life through modern pharmaceuticals.