View Full Version : Caldwell Chrony software help

12-02-2017, 05:57 PM
I just started using a "Caldwell precision ballistic chronograph" and it's working great. I'd like to view the groups some where other than my phone. I was wondering if anyone had an excel spread sheet I could import the groups to. Or perhaps a good suggestion on some other software I might use.

12-02-2017, 06:45 PM
I just email the groups to myself and cut/paste into my spreadsheet. If I knew Excel macros, I could probably write an import script but it just hasn't been worth the time.

12-02-2017, 07:23 PM
^ same.
When a script gets written, I'll use it.

12-02-2017, 08:04 PM
I use the application on my phone & send it to myself @ email. Then, I write the info down in a notebook. I prefer to have a non electronic backup for my data.

Be nice to have a program on the computer, but I do find it relaxing to copy it down in the notebook. I think I remember the info better when I do that also.

Kinda like writing, "JB is a bad boy.", 100 times on the chalkboard from when I was a lad.

12-02-2017, 08:17 PM
Thanks guys,
Ok, so emailing each group is a pain. What I've done is save them each as an excel file (CSV) which drops them into the download file on my phone. I then either send them to "dropbox" all at once or plug my phone directly into my computer and move the files en masse. I found that in this format Excel opens the files in a readable format but it would be nice to have a script written that could compare the groups. Maybe in a graph? That's beyond me. Any takers?
BTW- how do you delete them out of the app on an android?

12-02-2017, 08:23 PM
Just so ya know. You can send more than one at a time using the Caldwell program itself by choosing more than one at a time to send..

As far as deleting, I have not yet wanted to do that. I also have an Apple so cannot help there with an Android , although I would like to do it. Deleting off an Apple is not difficult, the program/app provides for that. I would reckon you could do the same with the Android using the Caldwell program.

I guess I don't have anything else to offer.


12-03-2017, 12:01 AM
yeah, sucky thing is with the android version its one group at a time.