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12-02-2017, 09:39 AM
My Anchor Holds Fast

Hebrews 6:19

The mariner’s term for the collection of ropes, chains and anchors that hold their ship in one spot is “ground tackle.” While ground tackle seems simple enough, much care is taken in selecting and maintaining this equipment on a vessel, because they know that in a good blow, it may save your life.

I remember an episode from my younger days as a teenage living on the coast of Southern California. A cruise ship, past its prime, had been purchased for the purpose of converting it into a floating resort, complete with casinos and restaurants. The ship, christened La Jenelle, was towed into position in the Pacific Ocean, just off shore, while awaiting refitting and conversion. Now, folks in Southern California are use to “high rollers” with grand schemes, but this was something quite new. We would drive to the beach in the evening sometimes just to see this remarkable white ship sitting quietly at anchor.

A winter storm blew up, as often happens in the cold and inhospitable Pacific, with strong winds and large waves. During the night, the La Jenelle dragged anchor and went aground, where it remains to this day, a monument to the folly of those who planned to use it for profit. The bones of the beached ship are still visible; the area is shown on recreation maps as a favorite spot for surfing.

There may be days when our own lives seem as tempestuous as a Pacific Ocean storm; when we are assailed on all sides and in danger of being driven onto the rocks. Be assured that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is our anchor, will keep us from harm.

Prayer: O Lord, who calmed the waters, be merciful to us on the sea of life. Be our anchor and salvation so that, grounded in you we may prevail against all adversity. Amen


Pine Baron
12-02-2017, 09:41 AM
Thank you Wayne. Amen.

12-02-2017, 09:48 AM
GOD is our anchor if we have faith . Thank you Wayne , a great read to start the day ! You always do well brother .

12-02-2017, 11:58 AM
Amen brother and AMEN.

12-02-2017, 05:18 PM
Thank you, Sir. That is a fitting and timely reminder of where our security truly lies.

Have a blessed Christmas season,

Preacher Jim
12-02-2017, 11:25 PM
We all need to hold fast to Jesus our anchor, trouble is the temptations of world, friends and things causes us to let that anchor slide. Thank you Wayne great reminder.

12-03-2017, 08:38 AM
Thanks, everybody. I have to remind myself of this fact from time to time.


12-03-2017, 09:36 AM
I thank God daily for saving me and giving me the ability to believe in Him as my Lord and Savior, He is my Rock and Fortress and my Anchor in which I hold steadfast and sure.