View Full Version : Cats. What to do wit them

11-28-2017, 12:19 AM
Some time in June I noticed a cat in my stored lumber pile. I kept seeing it about once a month. We live in the country where just about all neighbors have acreage. So we figured someone from town ( 8 miles away ) got tired of their cat and dropped one off while I wasn't looking. I'm not a cat person, give me a dog anytime. About two weeks ago I was cutting some sheet rock on what level yard I do have, when the cat came up and started rubbing on my leg. First thought was do I take it back to town and drop it off, or just shoot it now. I was converting the bathroom into handicap specifications because my wife is now in a wheel chair to get around in the house. This cat stayed by my side all day, I figured it was just over a year old. Got to thinking I have often said I need a barn cat because of all the rodents in the barn. The barn is a old chicken house 30 x 86 , converted into my shop and powder coating business. While deciding what to do it just climbed into my lap ( I'm still not convinced). Put it in a carry box and took it to the vet . $99. later found it is female and has been fixed. By this time the granddaughter named her Patches because of the 4 color spots on the white body. She stayed in the barn that night because the temp was to drop below 30. I opened the door and she made a break for it, stayed gone for 2 days. Caught her and the
granddaughter brought it in the house where she stayed under the couch another 2 days. Now she will eat what food I put out outside but she will not get in arms reach. So, I'm still not a cat person but don't want it to freeze either.

11-28-2017, 12:42 AM
I have folks dump cats at our house, too. I've no use for people who solve their problems by dumping them on someone else.
The cats stay in the barn. I don't feed them or take them to the vet. And they occasionally disappear. Coyotes or disease, I suppose. Either way, I don't worry about them.

If I wanted a cat, I'd go get one and take care of it.

And the 'dumpers' better hope I don't ever catch them at it.

11-28-2017, 12:44 AM
Your location is “in a garden” and you mention “in the country” and you say that you have a wood pile. From this I surmise that you do not live in the high desert nor on a raft at sea, but beyond that I have no way to guess at your climate.

I will say that in general if the cat has access to a place out of the weather it is unlikely to freeze in most of the US.

11-28-2017, 12:48 AM
I live in a rural area also. I also get the dumpers. Sorry but I can't take care of everyone's cats. I try not to let them eat with my cats. If you do they will never leave. Before long you will have too many. Some people are worthless.

Driver man
11-28-2017, 12:53 AM
Well , sorry but you are now a cat person undergoing training by your cat. Will be interesting to see what she does to you.

11-28-2017, 01:55 AM
We had a big tom cat show up at our place and he was so friendly, we figured he'd been dumped, but now think he was going between us and the neighbors a half mile or so away. He used to come and go, I built him an insulated box on the front porch. Sometimes he'd stay for weeks then disappear for a while, but always loved people and knew he had a place to come. Got him all his shots two years in a row and took as good care of one as you can if they're outside.

He disappeared for the last time in March or April, haven't seen him since. I miss the heck out of him. We're cat people and have three that are exclusively indoors, but I liked my big "wild" one a lot.

11-28-2017, 02:07 AM
Anyone that claims they are not a cat person , just hasn't had one cooked right yet. lol

11-28-2017, 02:33 AM
Anyone that claims they are not a cat person , just hasn't had one cooked right yet. lol I was waiting for someone to suggest a favorite recipe.

Fixed female is less likely to be a dumper and more likely to be a free range house cat. Lot of folks who live in the country let their cats or dogs run, and they will often cover a fair amount of territory and be people friendly up to a point. I think it is more common with city folks that move to country and don't consider life expectancy for an outdoor cat is pretty low, and dogs will tend to pack up and cause problems. Or get hit by cars. Not much traffic is not the same as no traffic.

Last time I checked a loose dog in a field with your livestock was considered vermin. Farmer down the road from us with cows must have buried at least a dozen and he claimed over the years it was closer to 30. Shoot, then use the back blade, scrape a hole, dump in dog, use back blade to cover. Done. Kept a rifle in the barn for either dogs or wood chucks. Livestock break legs in the woodchuck holes, and dogs harass the cows or go after the calves.

Forgot to mention coyotes kill stray or lost dogs, so anyone dumping a dog as far as I'm concerned should be arrested. Cats same thing. You own it then you have the obligation to provide a home for it, or at the least take it to the animal shelter. Maybe it gets adopted, maybe not but it doesn't suffer or become someone else's problem.

I love both cats and dogs but won't own cats because I won't let them run loose, and I refuse to declaw a cat (aka amputate the last joint of each toe) because if they do get out they are defenseless and I don't want furniture or carpet damaged. Cats claw stuff, it is what they do. Dogs as puppies have to be kenneled or monitored to avoid damage but as adults none of ours have damaged stuff.

11-28-2017, 03:07 AM
We used to have a few wandering stray house cats around here. Not so much anymore. As a matter of fact, 10-15 years ago we used to have feral cats too. Don't see them much anymore either though...

Funny how the Bald Eagles around here seem to be doing just fine though. More & more every year... Healthy looking too... I like Bald Eagles.

11-28-2017, 08:32 AM
Cats are good. We have three, all adopted from ones that somehow wound up here.
The latest one is a female calico and she is a sweetie. Very affectionate.....and pregnant. She was clearly a dropped off cat, and she got out by pushing out a screen while in heat.
The two boys are indoor/outdoor cats and take care of all sorts of vermin, and Girlie stays indoors. If she goes out we are standing close by. They love the barn, the shed, and the stone walls while "on patrol". We will always have at least two cats, and have had as many as five at once.
They earn their keep.

11-28-2017, 09:16 AM
we've got one here to. it seems to show up in late fall just when snow starts, moves into the shop hides from the dog all day sneaks around at night feeds from the dogs water and food. goes in and out with the cars as the overhead door is opend (we're an automotive service) makes sure its in before we close. when first nice days of spring come its hardly ever seen around great part is we never have a squirrel problem anymore no mice or rodents. Its definetly an anti social cat we've never been able to handle it and it never bothers anyone it just move in and then back out we have no clean up issues with it and no maintenece either its a really good relationship.

Beau Cassidy
11-28-2017, 09:48 AM
Driver nailed it. You don't pick cats. They pick you. Just be glad somebody paid to have it fixed- or what I call "tuned up". I also refer to the vet as the torture chamber. You are now a cat person. Accept it.

11-28-2017, 09:49 AM
One of the nicest cats we've had was a cast off. I tried to protect her from a semi feral female that we had hanging around. My mama kitty adopted me as her human and followed me every where when I was outside. Called her mama kitty, cuz she got pregnant and had 5 babies in our breezeway. Unfortunately, both her and the semi fer female disappeared about the same week, 3 yrs ago. Either coyotes, or a neighbor that once told me they would shoot cats, to protect the pheasants. Haven't heard a pheasant around 15 yrs.

11-28-2017, 12:39 PM
As long as I can remember our cats have always been 'Drop-off's & Walk-ups'...have 4 now and each one is special in it's own unique way.
The outside cats earn their way in gopher control, they are always laying patiently by a fresh mound in gopher town in one of the pastures...

I'd say...shoot the 'droppers' not the cats.

11-28-2017, 12:52 PM
I hear they taste like rabbit.

11-28-2017, 02:27 PM
I am a cat person had one in my life since I was 3 weeks old, don't know how many I have had over the decades. I currently have two companion cats and a small dog. I wouldn't know what to do without them. Yes cats do pick their humans, the house I have came with a cat the previous owner wasn't sure what to do with, well she helped us both out on that issue by coming up to me and wanting attention. Yep I am a sucker for a friendly cat. In fact she is curled up with me as I write this and yes she does demand her time each day along with the others. As many others have said you are not a cat person in training, No I don't let my cats out much and never at night or when it is really cold. I grew up working on a farm and found many a cat cold really very cold in the morning when I went into the barn, even if they were in the hay they sometimes were really cold when the temps dropped below zero, but a bowl of fresh warm cows milk sure seemed to help them out and the boss got real mad if he caught me giving milk to the cats so I had secret places they could find the milk. He never did find most and the one time he got rid of all them the rats that showed up made him happy some of the cats came back.

11-28-2017, 02:40 PM
You know...I was bad sick back in 92 or so, was in bed day and night for a week or so. At that time we had 5 cats and a cat door in that old cabin so they came and went as they wish.

I wasn't awake much or cognizant of my surroundings when I was...but...
My wife recalls that there was always one of the five cats laying on the bed beside me. When one got down only minutes would pass before another got up and kept me company. Most of the time I didn't even know they were there.

Cats? A special animal in many ways.

11-28-2017, 02:44 PM
No one is a cat person until one decides to adopt you...moves in and calls what was your house his.
Then you're a cat person....like it or not.

I do like the fact they don't really need you to survive , they bury their leavings (unlike dogs) and keep the place free of rodents. They are pretty adept at training you to do whatever they want.

11-28-2017, 05:58 PM
In our county you can take an unwanted animal to the animal shelter where they will at least make an effort to adopt it out on their website. They will take your animal or a stray you've caught with no questions asked other than sign the form and date it, check the "stray" box, and you're done. They will even loan a live trap if you need it. I know all this because I've taken two stray cats there this year after checking with all the neighbors and the vet clinic next door to see if they have one missing. We don't need strays around to fight with our two neutered barn cats.

The animal droppers are the same people who throw trash in the ditch. Too sorry to take the trash home, and too sorry to take an unwanted animal to the pound. They probably think they'll be charged with some animal abuse charge if they show up with an animal they don't want.

11-28-2017, 05:59 PM
Cats like to show their appreciation by bringing you gifts and leaving them at your door. Usually, it was a dead mouse, or a mole. If you haven't fed them lately, you will only find the heads. Lol

11-28-2017, 06:44 PM
or entrails, mouse or bunny. As youngest kid I got to go out with a shovel and toss the part the cat didn't eat off of the door mat. Grew up with cats, had them myself until a few years ago. Last two were brother and sister from the pound we got as kittens. At the end they were so old their teeth wore down and they were so stiff they couldn't reliably get all the way into the cat box, they had a harder time with a squat than I do trying to use a tree in the woods.

Loved them but they really were hard on the house, and hard to let them go when the time came, and last couple of years couldn't really leave them for a cat sitter to feed and water as they needed small meals of canned food. Not likely to get cats again but do love to make the acquaintance of other folks cats. Imagine I'll always have a dog, just to be sure someone misses me when I go, but that will have to be enough. Besides not sure if a cat would miss me or not.

You know what they say if you die alone with your dog when the neighbours finally break in your sad dog will be curled up near the body, die alone with your cat and the neighbours will find the cat sitting ony your chest, with half your face eaten off since you didn't feed it.

11-28-2017, 09:05 PM
Was a deputy sheriff back in the 70s, got a call to check out a old hermit lady on a remote farm that collected stray dogs. Had about 25 or 30 of them. Her neighbor checked on her on Saturdays. She died on Saturday night as close as we could figure. We got the call on Friday afternoon. Wasn't much left of her but the dogs were fat.
Ole Jack

11-28-2017, 09:24 PM
I'm not a cat person, but it seems the city folks think it is fine to dump them where I live...Have even heard of the pet loving groups neutering cats and relocating them. To me that is just plain wrong..Don't make your problem my problem. We raise chickens and Rabbits, cats don't fit in that mix. I have lost count on the ferals, it is sad

11-28-2017, 09:24 PM
I live trap them and drop them off at the shelter. To me cat owners are a problem. They let their cats run wild to eat the birds on my property. Cats around here don't bury their poop, it is all over my garden and lawn along with bird feathers. I realize that some are feral and that is another wrinkle to the problem. And their are irresponsible dog owners also. Reports of packs of roaming dogs are no joke around here. They escape from the rural meth labs and marijuana grows.

I asked a neighbor once ( a cat lady ) how she and her husband would feel if I brought my labs over and let them use their garden as a toilet. Or my horses. She was indignant and insisted that her cats "stayed in the yard." Right.

That was 10 years ago. That day I went down to the feed store and bought a live trap. The lady at the feed store was sympathetic to my plight and clued me in to something. In our county dogs AND cats are required to be licensed and have collars with tags.

Well, a few weeks later the neighbor lady came looking for one of her cats. I asked her if her cat was wearing her collar and tag. She looked at me like she swallowed a lemon. I told her that I had caught two cats, neither had tags, and I took them to the shelter. She got her cat back luckily.

I confess that I don't like cats but I am not cruel. I could easily kill all of the cats on my place but that punishes the animal, not the owner. I maintain over 500 feet of fence just around my kids and grandkids play area. It costs me a lot to keep it up. I do it to keep my dogs inside and safe. I have also told my kids that if they are irresponsible and leave a gate open and one of the dogs disappears it is on them.

11-28-2017, 10:41 PM
:smile: Myself,I`m most grateful for my cats.In 1988 they saved me and mine from a house fire.Now they are just great company.Morris is a great"watch cat".Lets me know when anyone is outside,or heading to the door.Have surprised the maint people more that a few times when I opened the door before they got to it.As for the "dumpers"they are a sorry bunch for sure.Oh yeah."Anyone that does`nt like cats,must have been a mouse in another life":o[smilie=1:.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

11-28-2017, 10:44 PM
In ancient Egypt cats were worshipped as gods.
Cats have not forgotten this.

11-28-2017, 10:46 PM
My cat Tigger liked to bring me mice in bed... ALIVE... yes it resulted in lots of swearing many times and I swear he was laughing at me after.... RIP buddy! Tigger was an extension of me, acted more like a dog than a cat. Played fetch, knew sit, lay down, roll over... and he could read my mind and knew when I hurt.

Cats like to show their appreciation by bringing you gifts and leaving them at your door. Usually, it was a dead mouse, or a mole. If you haven't fed them lately, you will only find the heads. Lol

11-28-2017, 10:56 PM
I live edge of town and people are constantly dumping cats. Neighbor used to feed them so they hung around.I won't feed the strays, I do have a shelter for them made from a 55 gallon blue drum inside a stack of straw bales and they do use it. They keep the gophers in check...

One of them is semi feral, he comes to me to be petted on his terms, others are pure wild and will not let me get close.

And I do have 2 indoor only cats, both are good mousers and keep them in check. Both are are also cuddle kitties especially in bed.

11-28-2017, 11:07 PM
Not a big cat person, but we were adopted by a Tom stray when my daughter was 4. He was inside cat at night, outside cat during the day. Never a litter box, never a mess. Dogs trained him to stand at door and go outside. Lasted about 11yrs. Great cat...

11-28-2017, 11:44 PM
A former girlfriend lived on the edge of the Phoenix metro area. The few residents in the area had more problems with the Coyotes that showed up regularly near sunsets to feed on the dumped cats and puppies.

11-29-2017, 01:16 AM
Cats don’t belong to anyone, they just live with you.

-John Wayne in True Grit as Rooster Cogburn

11-29-2017, 01:46 AM
I like cats and so dose my 130 lb bull mastif. The problem is he like them a little to much and he tends to break them. That’s why I no longer have a cat. And Oh yah they don’t tase like rabbit. Kinda stringy, more like raccoon.

11-29-2017, 03:05 AM
My stray cat showed up 20 years ago. Vet figured he was 2 then. He acts like a dog, but lives to lay on my leg. Always comforts me when I am in pain. His vet died years ago. No shots, no maintenance until this year. He walked under foot while I carried in groceries. Stepped on him & broke his leg. Now he’s a 3 legged cat, & I’m out $3k. I love that cat more than my wife!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-29-2017, 06:17 AM
Cats can open any door ,they just stand there till someone opens it for them.

11-29-2017, 12:07 PM
Around me in the country it is common to have cats dump and then if nothing get them then they live till something take them out.In the woods too many feral ones, they take out wild life and more of a problem then some think. The coyotes around here mainly control them.beside the bald eagles and redtail hawks.

11-29-2017, 12:15 PM
i have found the best thing to do with cats, is a light mushroom sauce, with garlic. Cook in crock pot on low for five hours Serve with a vegetable side. There is some argument as to the proper wine, but I think a Merlot goes nicely with it.

11-29-2017, 03:37 PM
i have found the best thing to do with cats, is a light mushroom sauce, with garlic. Cook in crock pot on low for five hours Serve with a vegetable side. There is some argument as to the proper wine, but I think a Merlot goes nicely with it.

Do you prefer deep frying or microwaved??

As sad as it might be for cat lovers. Years ago had a Vietnamese refugee family move into our cul de sac. Dad was a Colonel in Nam Air Force, a pilot. Mom a drop dead gorgeous night club singer and illigetimate daughter of a French officer. Within a year of them moving in the feral cat and pidgeon problem was gone.

11-29-2017, 03:59 PM


11-29-2017, 04:44 PM
Buy cheap food for it and give it shelter. It will catch rodents. Think of it as good karma.

Its already fixed, bonus!

11-29-2017, 05:10 PM
Buy cheap food for it and give it shelter. It will catch rodents. Think of it as good karma.

Its already fixed, bonus!

This. Won't cost you much and you'll most likely end up liking it.

11-29-2017, 06:41 PM
shoot stray cats. every one of them

11-29-2017, 09:25 PM
I give them their shots, well it's usually just one shot! I'm fine with you liking cats, keep them in your house and or yard. They do not belong running loose in the wild as they are a menace to all wildlife smaller than they are! BTW I don't let my dogs run loose, if there outside their fence, I'm with them.
My neighbor is a cat lover. The coyotes, hawks, and eagles are so bad around here that he has a climate controlled house and a huge in closed outdoor exercise area, with an in closed cat walk out to it. They are HIS cats and he takes care of them!

11-29-2017, 11:47 PM
"shoot stray cats. every one of them"

...and stray dogs. (sarcasm)

Rufus Krile
11-30-2017, 12:51 AM
Not a cat fan... My dog, on the other hand, has decided they are a God-given squeak-toy. Killing cats to her is God's work and she's been called.

MT Gianni
11-30-2017, 01:11 AM
I have cat allergies and don't care if they come around as long as they stay outside. I have traveled enough of Montana to know they can fend for themselves at -30 F, probably colder. If you feed hay to stock barn cats are an OK thing to have around but your songbird population will be diminished.

Tom W.
11-30-2017, 01:16 AM
When I was starting to date my current wife her cat would sit on the chair arm and glare at me. One day she decided that I had two hands, and between Lori and I that made four hands, which was a whole lot of hands to pet her. I have been accepted by Booger. When I was in the hospital Lori said Booger laid on my throw the whole time I was gone. And I know she kept watch over me when I got home. She has a penchant for nuzzling up to whoever is feeling bad. And if you pick her up to put her on your lap she won't stay unless it was her idea to start with. She has taught me that the couch is for snuggle time with Lori and the armchair is for playing time with me. I'm glad she was declawed, or My arm would have been shredded by now.
Now that I'm not working she follows me around the house like a shadow until Lori gets home....

Oh, cats are really space aliens. That's why the Egyptians worshipped them......

11-30-2017, 02:47 AM
If housecats were only bigger, they would hunt you down and kill you.

11-30-2017, 04:54 AM
I don't have a love affair with cats, but I don't hate them either.
Cats can be useful in reducing the number of mice & rats that always seem willing to want to homestead in or around your house. I have on hand between 2-8 cats at any given time. Two cats seems to be the right number around here as anymore than that seem to self dispose, regulating their number to just 2 or 3.
I feed them just enough to keep a few around, but, not so much that the get fat and lazy.
After all, I don't want to create a welfare system for cats.

pill bug
11-30-2017, 10:24 AM
From what i understand, scientist's have said that if aliens from outer space are anything like us, we don't want to meet them. The risk is great that we would be exploited and roughly treated by our new found "friends".

In truth, our history has shown us to be less than benevolent to fellow man and beast alike. Only powerful armies and the implied threat of force keeps our fellow human travelers on planet Earth at bay and somewhat cordial towards one another.

We seem to be a less than pleasant species and one to be avoided if at all possible. All lesser species give us a wide berth and steer clear.

Actually, all but one. Only the cat has taken the ultimate leap of faith and trusted us. They self demesticated themselves. a truly unique and somewhat unexplainable phenomenal that one would think not probable or possible.

Of course befriending man is not without risk. As we see in this very thread, the humans that would do harm to our trusting feline friend are many and justify a healthy caution. But for the cat that puts caution aside, ventures forth and has a measure of luck, the reward is great. To bond with a human companion and be housed, protected and fed is a prize that is not to be taken lightly.

The clever cat seems by nature to be aware of its good fortune and works its magic, 10,000 years of practice, a close match in DNA and who knows what else allows or causes a family like bond to develope between man and small beast, to the benefit of both.

The benefits and "magic" are well known and wide spread. there are estimated to be three quarters of a billion cats world wide. the numbers will grow as people continue migrating to smaller dwellings of the cities that would be unsuitable for dogs but perfect for the ever adaptable cat.

and finally, how do i feel personally about this familiar yet strange and bewildering creature? well for me the cat is walking, living proof that we on the whole are not an evil, nasty race of beings that are hell bent on destruction. in short, the trust in us by a small animal, of its own accord is a measure of our humanity and basic good will.

11-30-2017, 10:51 AM
I come from a small family ( 1 brother, 4 sisters) we always had a cat growing up that allowed us to live. When we all grew up the sisters all have cats that allow my sisters to take care of them. My brother and me both have dogs. I've nothing against cats but I like my dogs. Marc likes his dogs too. Mom's cat couldn't stand me. She would attack me some time when I would come for a visit. I never did anything to it, till after the attacks started, then I'd tease it. My sisters would get mad at me for that. I thought it was fun. Miss them, both of them, even the unsocial cat.
By the way, the cat I grew up with would catch strippies and bring them up to the back door to be praised before she would eat it. When we moved up town and there was no more strippies, she started chasing tree squirrels. Till one of them left her stranded in a tree. She would ignore them thereafter. She'd be sleeping out in the sun and they would be throwing pods from the locust trees at her. If they hit her she would just get up and move to one of her other favorite sunny spots. She was no dumdum.

11-30-2017, 12:07 PM
I don't have a love affair with cats, but I don't hate them either.
Cats can be useful in reducing the number of mice & rats that always seem willing to want to homestead in or around your house. I have on hand between 2-8 cats at any given time. Two cats seems to be the right number around here as anymore than that seem to self dispose, regulating their number to just 2 or 3.
I feed them just enough to keep a few around, but, not so much that the get fat and lazy.
After all, I don't want to create a welfare system for cats.

I have a farm.. and I'd much rather have no mice and rats than worry about songbirds. Not many trees, so not too many birds and squirrels anyway.

11-30-2017, 12:53 PM
We have outdoor cats to keep the mice away. I have warm beds for them and they are fed well, so songbirds are pretty well safe. I think I have seen my 12yr old female with two birds in her life. Don't find feathers anywhere, they are well fed and lazy. Now, if they would catch the small garden snakes that frequent the yard, my other half would be very happy with them.

I did have one female that was both an indoor/outdoor cat. She wouldn't take anything from the dogs we have had over the years. One time, I got after the dog. Yelled at it and told him what a bad dog he was. He just lowered his head and ears like, "yeah, I know I shouldn't have but it was too much fun". I turned and walked away. That female cat had been watching the dog get in trouble, so she walked over to the dog and just started meowing and hissing at him like it was her turn. Dog look at us like "do I have to take this??", but he didn't leave until the cat was done.

Also, when I was single, I would go by Arbys and bring home sandwiches to supper and would save part for the cats. One day, my girlfriend came over later with an Arbys sandwich and proceeded to eat it and didn't give the little female any. After the last bite, the cat looked at me, kind of like, "I didn't get any?? You need to get rid of her!!", twitched her tail and ran in the other room. Ended up marrying my GF and that little cat wouldn't have anything to do with my wife, for about three years. Finally it was like she figured the gal was here to stay, so better get used to things, but never really totally warmed up to the wife.

11-30-2017, 01:31 PM
We have a Siamese type of female cat that was dropped off at our place by a granddaughter. The cat grew up with an absolute fascination for my reloading bench where I spend a lot of time. She will sit on the bench and watch my every move and when I finally get up to leave, she will pack up my small hand tools and such in her mouth and carry them off to various locations in my basement. I am still looking for some items. However, she has a wonderful personality, plays well with my two brittany bird dogs and is a real love. And, I have absolutely NO rodents or pests around this place!

Tom W.
11-30-2017, 09:42 PM
If housecats were only bigger, they would hunt you down and kill you.
I think those are called mountain lions, bobcats and lynx

12-01-2017, 12:55 AM
Any bigger? The chair is 22 inches wide...


If housecats were only bigger, they would hunt you down and kill you.

12-01-2017, 02:47 AM
I think those are called mountain lions, bobcats and lynx

My point was, given their disposition, if they were able to grow to the stature of a mountain lion, cheetah, lion, etc., they would stalk and kill humans. Have you ever been petting a housecat nicely and have it suddenly, without provocation, turn around and bite you? Hmmmm . . . .

You can make light of it if you wish, as I do not think housecats are going to attain such dimensions anytime soon.

Americans are afraid of Pit Bulls. Hah! Be thankful housecats can't grow to 85 lbs.

12-01-2017, 10:05 AM

Anyone see the Indian?

white eagle
12-01-2017, 10:19 AM
just leave it be
nature will care for it

Tom W.
12-01-2017, 02:43 PM
Booger bites me all the time. Nothing hard, not enough to puncture skin, unless I snatch my hand away.
All cats have their own personality.

12-01-2017, 05:04 PM
Bullet test media

12-01-2017, 11:40 PM
Ollie does love bites... he got me on the nose earlier! He is 28 inches long stretched out and 29 pounds and 1 1/2 years old so not full grown yet! Never hard, never breaks skin... his way of saying I love you. He will grab my hand with his mouth and pull it toward him for an ear rub too.

And Tigger(RIP) was 30 pounds at his prime, and was know to attack people he didn't like. Guy crashed a party I was having. He was sloppy drunk being a problem so I asked him to leave. He pushed me and all I saw was a blur of fur around his legs. Shredded his pants and skin, over 20 stitches and an ambulance ride. Then he was arrested for assault by the cops. I didn't press charges but he had punched someone else(female friend of mine) and she wanted him to pay for the black eye. Tigger was super protective of me, and he was a part of me. I still have a hole in my heart from his passing. He also acted more like a dog than a cat! Played fetch, knew some commands to sit, lay down, roll over(his favorite because he knew it meant a belly rub)... met me at the door when I got home...

My point was, given their disposition, if they were able to grow to the stature of a mountain lion, cheetah, lion, etc., they would stalk and kill humans. Have you ever been petting a housecat nicely and have it suddenly, without provocation, turn around and bite you? Hmmmm . . . .

You can make light of it if you wish, as I do not think housecats are going to attain such dimensions anytime soon.

Americans are afraid of Pit Bulls. Hah! Be thankful housecats can't grow to 85 lbs.

12-02-2017, 03:10 AM
Streetwalker, one pretty good answer to keep your tools where you want them is to put them in tool drawers, shoe boxes, zippered pouches, or the like, those keep inquisitive paws out. Bored cats can knock everything down just to entertain themselves.

12-02-2017, 03:14 AM
MaryB, my older kitty, Francine, has a little trill she uses when it's time for the royal belly to get rubs. They find a way that works :) She also tends to gently gnaw on my thumb's joint, not quite sure what that's about.

12-02-2017, 05:15 AM
Ollie does love bites... he got me on the nose earlier! He is 28 inches long stretched out and 29 pounds and 1 1/2 years old so not full grown yet! Never hard, never breaks skin... his way of saying I love you. He will grab my hand with his mouth and pull it toward him for an ear rub too.

And Tigger(RIP) was 30 pounds at his prime, and was know to attack people he didn't like. Guy crashed a party I was having. He was sloppy drunk being a problem so I asked him to leave. He pushed me and all I saw was a blur of fur around his legs. Shredded his pants and skin, over 20 stitches and an ambulance ride. Then he was arrested for assault by the cops. I didn't press charges but he had punched someone else(female friend of mine) and she wanted him to pay for the black eye. Tigger was super protective of me, and he was a part of me. I still have a hole in my heart from his passing. He also acted more like a dog than a cat! Played fetch, knew some commands to sit, lay down, roll over(his favorite because he knew it meant a belly rub)... met me at the door when I got home...

I know what you mean when you say you have a cat that acts like a dog. I was never a cat person but my wife brought home a kitten about 5 years ago for Christmas because my youngest son was begging for one. We are a dog family with a Chocolate Lab and a Golden Retriever when she brought the cat home. My son named him Jonesy and he was raised with the dogs. He thinks he is dog. Whenever we take him to the vet he runs up happily to any dog that comes in and hisses at the cats. I got a Red Heeler puppy last winter and Jonesy and Ruby the Heeler play all time. Red Heelers are a handful to say the least but Jonesy plays rough with Ruby all the time and gives as much as he takes. My wife laughs at me all the time and says it is funny that a dog guy has a cat. But I love my cat and wouldn't take for him.

Driver man
12-04-2017, 06:46 PM
I used to be a dog person but my cat wont let me get one now.

12-04-2017, 08:14 PM
Wife was driving home the other night and saw a half grown black cat lying curled up in the middle of the road. Of course, she turned around to check on it and it was friendly and meowed. A sheriffs deputy saw her turn around and stopped to check and took the little guy to the county shelter. She couldn't stop worrying about him so we went by there yesterday to check on him and he's still there. They seem to have an idea who the owner is, cat might have been micro chipped. While I was there, I walked into the cat colony room where the friendly ones can socialize with each other and have free run of the room. Two or three very affectionate three or four month old kittens mobbed me to be petted. We left without getting another cat, but I figured we were bound to. Might still end up with one, the lady said they periodically will get ones in that are at least half feral and can't really be adopted out as anything but barn cats and I could use an outdoor cat or two here. They'd at least get shots and fed regularly, but likely wouldn't live to be very old out here.

I love cats, but we have three indoor ones now, really don't need another one.

12-04-2017, 09:06 PM
Was it Larry or Jeff that said he loves cats and has 2 of them,...........
stuffed and mounted one on each side of his fireplace.[smilie=l:

12-25-2017, 04:21 AM
I have two house cats. Both are technically "rescued cats" . what they were rescued from is becoming fur-lined Clydesdale Hoof prints,
because these two cats have No talent for staying out from under foot.

Both of these two cats now just over 2 years old have chosen me as their human much to my girlfriend's Dismay.
The Grey tiger Ignores her and the yellow tiger hisses at her if she tries to touch him, but she opens all the cat food cans.

I've had cats or at least A cat all my life but other than the first one all of them were "self-Domesticated strays that Volunteered to be "my cat"
OR is it that they "caught their very own Human"?

Sitting here at my computer desk The yellow cat is asleep on top of the Cable Box and the Grey cat is asleep on the window sill behind me.

If I stand up and walk out of the room, they will both Race me to the bedroom. Usually the Yellow cat sleeps by my feet the Grey one sleeps on my pillow
But if it is particularly cold the yellow one will crawl under the covers to warm up.

12-25-2017, 04:38 AM
Hmmm, you could try having her set treats out for them, so her scent is on the treats (That's how I got the younger kitty to be OK with strangers coming over, the ones who come over most often she will let rub her tummy or pet her, far better than screaming and running which was where she started off at.) Also maybe playing with them, with some good cat toy? If she is associated with some GOOD things it might offset their previous experiences (Maybe some woman was abusive to them?)

A cat has you, not the other way around, pretty sure :P

Torti calico Older kitty often sleeps ON me or right in front of me (she doesn't want constant pets but frequent at least, and doesn't mind constantly touching me.) Calico Younger one often asks to be let in under the blanket when I'm in bed, and will let herself in if I'm asleep or gone (so I keep finding a warm calico LUMP under the blanket.) One day I was away & a family member had traded me doing some laundry for some computer work, they got the younger kitty outside (picked up the blankets and balled them up) before realising they'd caught a kitty - LOL - Both were surprised.

Meal times - They race me to the kitchen, since I trained them to put paws up on the catbinets to ask for food they don't meow (I was tired of getting "Kitty Committee" yelled at so I tried something new, worked out nicely!) Since the younger one's always under the covers the older one will crawl in if she is cold. They're pretty smart on getting what they want.

Seen the younger one steal a towel off some computer gear, wrap it around themselves, and ball the excess underfoot then walk in a circle to make it ball up and they ended up, as they wanted, swaddled up in that towel. Pretty sneaky and smart that :)

12-25-2017, 05:17 AM
We have barn cats. I am a dog person, but cats are a necessity on the farm. We give them a warm dry place and feed.
If you have cats, you don't have mice, no mice equals less snakes.
I would rather step on a cat in the dark than a copperhead or rattler.

12-25-2017, 11:34 AM
If they are friendly and do not cause a problem i will leave them alone i have sent the dog after them he likes cats but also likes to run after them . Had a big orange cat hanging around one morning it attacked Wally (our Dog 32 pound corgi mix) they were both pretty bloodied up Wally came back to the house looking at him i knew by the bites and scratches a cat got him. I loaded the S&W model 17 up with hollow points and told him to take me to the cat and he did , at which time the cat charged me! It took 4 hits to turn the attack next 2 shots ended the vermin . Cats do a terrible amount of damage out here in the wild and they also are often food for hawks owls eagles and coyotes I witnessed one two years ago hot on a rabbit across the front yard 30 yards behind the rabbit was a coyote running out i saw a second coyote get in front and grab it buy the neck while the first coyote coming from behind grabbed it's belly and gutted it alive! I agree with the comment above anyone dumps a cat or dog should be tried for animal cruelty! The fools that left the cat that attacked my dog cost me a $150 by leaving it when they got evicted from a mile down the road . Now i have two people up the road have a number of "outside cats" They say they vanish regularly i have told them how they die badly but they keep getting more and let them get ate!
As far as a cat freezing i doubt it if they are healthy.

12-25-2017, 11:50 AM
Our Grey would make short work of any cat, so, we have a ferral yellow one that competes with the coons for the cat food I put out. Cat come before the coons so it usually gets to eat.The cat is ok with me as its killing the moles in the yard. Friends have cats that are really nice. OTOH, daughter has a cat that may meet its end next time Im up there. This spring was watching grandaughters, cat has been declawed but goes outside in daylight. Owls and such means it has to come in at dusk. Went to get cat, picked it up to bring in house, it stated growling and hissing, didnt want to come in. Told it to be quiet, petting it, " That darn cat "bit me on both hands. Ended up having to go to MD.

12-25-2017, 12:03 PM
Taco cat spelled backwards is taco cat. Just sayin'.....

12-25-2017, 06:29 PM
Cats and Griz bears or both neat. The former does not belong running loose outside, the latter does not belong in the house.

Feral cats are the worst killers of birds and small game that exist.

We own a nice house cat who stays inside. Any I see outside get the suppressed 22 treatment.

Dave W.
12-25-2017, 09:38 PM
Anyone that claims they are not a cat person , just hasn't had one cooked right yet. lol

Reminds me of a joke my mother used to tell about a fellow that ate at a Chinese restaurant. After the meal he complemented the chef and and asked what type of meat was in the dish. The chef replied "rabbit, catch out back, goes meow, meow".

12-25-2017, 09:58 PM
With 74 reply's to my post, it is obvious people have feelings for cats. Some positive and some negative view points. So I decided to give a update on the cat that selected me to live with. My granddaughter called her Patches because she has 4 tan and grey patches of color on the top of her white body. I took her to the vet and got her shots. The vet said she had already been fixed. I brought her in the house because it was going to be very cold at night. My indoor dog, Stubby, wanted to play with her so she hid under the couch for about 24 hours. Stubby couldn't help it he was a mix hound breed and weighs 101 pounds.
I finally got her into the barn, which she has now claimed as her own. She will now come to me when I call her name but will hide from anyone else. When I am working in the barn she will stay perched on a old car chair and watch me all day. Got to thinking yesterday, haven't seen or heard any rodents lately. So I would say she is earning her keep and can stay as long as she wants.

12-25-2017, 10:03 PM
Sounds like you have a good relationship going. Good on you for taking her in.

12-25-2017, 10:16 PM
I've not read all, but get drop off every 2 or 3 years. Last was a dog, a Catahoula Leopard Dog. Wonderfully behaved. I'm guessing the car I saw stop and slam doors was a Colgate student who got a nice dog foe HS graduation, then found they could not have it on campus. My sister keeps her as I have a 99 year old in the house and a rambunctious pup could be a real health risk. As for cats, they comer and go, semi feral. I put out food at time, but they love the compost pile. My shop/barn has sunny windows and warm places to hide. I don't have a mouse problem either. They also keep the red squirrels in manageable numbers.
Cats cost me nothing, and they will on occasion freeze to death if without any shelter.

12-26-2017, 12:05 AM
A few years back I was working the back yard and I happened to look over my wall into the alley, there laid a cat that had apparently been ran over and crawled there to die.
I grabbed a shovel and proceeded to dig a hole and buried him, my wife saw me walk back with a shovel and asked what I was doing, burying a dead cat I said, she innocently asked "why did you bury a dead cat"? I answered "cause a live one won't stay in the hole", she didn't think it was funny since she knows I'm a dog person.

12-27-2017, 08:51 PM
I know exactly what to do with them although the last time I posted a comment on this subject it got pulled down and I got a warning about all the complaints.

12-28-2017, 06:58 AM
My Wife feeds the birds, so any stray cat that comes up on the porch gets trapped in a live trap and relocated. I figure that any cat that can get into trouble catching birds can make a living around grain bins so I take them to a friends farm. My 13 year old house cat came here as a kitten and has lived like a queen. She has never been outside since we have had her, except for annual trips to the vet's office. And yeah, She just about has me trained!

12-28-2017, 11:55 AM
A good barn cat is useful. I have one that is not interested in birds, only in fluffy or furry small animals. She will eat alongside a chicken at her dry feed bowl.

12-29-2017, 01:05 AM
Streetwalker, one pretty good answer to keep your tools where you want them is to put them in tool drawers, shoe boxes, zippered pouches, or the like, those keep inquisitive paws out. Bored cats can knock everything down just to entertain themselves.

Cats are very good at telling you "Dude, your **** was in my way"

I recently bought a couple of old aluminum Ice cube trays from a thrift store (paid less than $1ea)
Just to keep my screw drivers off the floor.

12-29-2017, 08:37 AM
A good barn cat is useful. I have one that is not interested in birds, only in fluffy or furry small animals. She will eat alongside a chicken at her dry feed bowl.

That's a good cat to have.

12-29-2017, 11:13 AM
The yotes takes care of the cats around here

Geezer in NH
12-29-2017, 06:31 PM
Cat fur makes great linings for mittens.

Note many of us do not like cats.

12-30-2017, 06:35 PM
You tough guys that like to abuse little kittys are going to loose your 'Man Cards' if 'they' find out about it!

12-30-2017, 06:46 PM
Being 'Tough' has nothing to do with it. I get tired of the darn things insisting on crapping right next to the door on the house and garage. There's literally 1000s of acres around here, and you insist on doing that next to my door?

Nope. Cat's gone.

My wife feels the same way. The only fecal matter I know of that smells worse than that from a cat, is that from a hog. And I don't let hogs **** next to the door, neither.

pill bug
12-30-2017, 06:48 PM
Well thanks ofitg for the housecat decapitation video that generated a thousand post, internet battle among the viewers on youtube. Great way to clear the mind of any residual Christmas cheer.

12-30-2017, 06:52 PM
Video evidence is neither warranted, nor wise.

The above applies to many activities, in my experience.

12-31-2017, 08:11 PM
Being 'Tough' has nothing to do with it. I get tired of the darn things insisting on crapping right next to the door on the house and garage. There's literally 1000s of acres around here, and you insist on doing that next to my door?

Nope. Cat's gone.

My wife feels the same way. The only fecal matter I know of that smells worse than that from a cat, is that from a hog. And I don't let hogs **** next to the door, neither.

Odd, its my digs that do it near the house and where I park.

In the 20ys I've been on this proper I've never seen cat-scat outside.

Dog, horse, cow, pig, pigeon, chicken, duck, raccoon, etc.. Yes.. But not cat.

12-31-2017, 08:15 PM
Odd, its my digs that do it near the house and where I park.

In the 20ys I've been on this proper I've never seen cat-scat outside.

Dog, horse, cow, pig, pigeon, chicken, duck, raccoon, etc.. Yes.. But not cat.

I don't get it, either. But I won't tolerate it, no matter the reason.

12-31-2017, 11:11 PM
Cats do not go on the sidewalk. They like to bury their feces. It was probably a racoon or some other animal.

01-01-2018, 12:42 AM
Sidewalk is 36" wide. All along the edge of the sidewalk was the spot chosen. And come to think of it, in the raised bed garden any time it was anywhere near dry. :evil:

01-01-2018, 06:10 AM
They may not defecate on the side walk, but they sure will spray your door! I'd rather smell a skunk than old tom when I open my front door! You like your cat? Then keep it at your house for the cats sake!