View Full Version : Thankful for........

11-27-2017, 10:00 PM
It's a little late, but I've been so busy I didn't even have time to think about it.
Now that I have a little relax time, I started to think.
Sometimes a very dangerous thing for me.
I always seem to be "not buying things" because I'm always short of cash.
But I always seem to do things for others for free.
Almost done with all my Christmas shopping, and as normal, I spent way more than I intended.
Seems like I never have the time to do all the project I want to do, because I'm helping others.
Back is getting stiff. Way to fat. Eyes not as good as they were. Arthritis and Gout giving me problems. Mind not as sharp as it used to be. Just part of growing old.
So I'm sitting here wondering what it is I have to be thankful for.
These are a few that comes to me.
I'm thankful that I can restrain myself in not buying things that I want, so I have money to buy Christmas presents. (I did cheat and buy myself a Tig welder for Christmas this year)
I'm thankful that I have friends that think enough of me to ask for my help.
I'm thankful that I am still able to complain about all the aches and pains I've earned in my old age.
After shooting and dinner, our gang go to McDonald's to eat ice cream. Last week i saw a homeless guy sitting alone. I was going to get him something to eat, but someone beat me to it.
As I was driving home, I saw him sitting across the highway, all alone.
What I'm most thankful for is that I have friends, that keep me so busy, that I don't have time to feel sorry for myself.

Thin Man
11-28-2017, 07:48 AM
In rank order, I am most thankful for my faith, my family, and my friends. Everything else can line up behind these favorites.

11-28-2017, 08:01 AM
abunaitoo you are truly wealthy beyond compare...to have true friends is much more important to me than money! Have a Merry Christmas brother....Paul

11-28-2017, 08:48 PM
abunaitoo - gotta agree with Paul. You are blessed
Paul, haven't been around for a while, but you should know I'm gratful and thankful for you. A good encouragement at a time I really needed it.
Today I'm thankful that I'm still here with a loving wife, two great daughters and their spouses, a wonderful family and a heart that's working just fine. Thankful that I was given time to heal old wounds with siblings. Motsly I'm thankful for a wonderful loving Savior who takes me as I am an loves me still.

12-02-2017, 11:15 AM
Abunaitoo, as said above, you are blessed and not alone. Looking around as you have, you see others that are not as fortunate as you are. Your able to be on the web and have a community of friends here also. Their prayers and blessing count even over the web, not being there with you in person.
I too spent more time helping others, putting their needs ahead of mine and some family when they needed help.
I used to be a volunteer fireman. That alone cost me plenty back then when I was 18. But, It gave me an eduacation in all areas of rescue, firefighting etc..and a family of brothers.
Two years ago, I had major surgery. Didn't think I was going to make it so I asked God to take me in the hope it might spare a young person that had not lived life like I have (now close to 60). Well I'm still here and so are the two young people (9&26yr) that were loaded with cancer.
My point is I feel that God wants me to continue "Helping-others" and thus why I'm here. Family takes a high priority first now as we are older. I do what I can when I can for everyone.

keep up the good work you do. It's not in vain.
