View Full Version : Scottish shortbread cookies

11-26-2017, 03:56 PM
These melt in your mouth and are hazardous to your waistline.

SCOTTISH SHORTBREAD----------2X----------4X
8 oz. plain flour (1 ¾ c)..............3 ½ C.......7 C
4 oz. corn starch........................8 oz.........16 oz
4 oz. confectioner’s sugar............8 oz.........16 oz
pinch salt
8 oz. butter (½ lb.)............16 oz. (1LB).....32 oz. (2LB)
a little water
Mix flour, corn starch, sugar and salt into bowl and work in butter until all is worked and smooth. Divide mixture into two and roll like 2 Polish sausages and roll in soft brown sugar. Wrap in waxed paper grease proof and put in fridge for 1 or 2 hours. Take out and cut into biscuit shape. Put back in fridge overnight. Cook at 350 degrees electric for 25 to 40minutes or until LITE golden brown.

(I let the butter soften first and use turbinado sugar instead of brown sugar)

For different size batches (2x the recipe, 4x the recipe. The friend I got this from used to sell them every Christmas, she had a large customer base. these are harmful to your waistline.

12-05-2017, 05:56 PM
Oh yeah... Gonna have to try this one myself.

Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Merry Christmas!

Lance Boyle
12-14-2017, 02:43 PM
First coconut cookies now this. You sir do my waistline no good at all!

We must have similar tastes. I love a good shortbread cookie.

01-08-2018, 08:32 PM
My grandmother quoting HER grandmother insisted that "shortbread" wasn't fit to eat until it had been "aged" in an air tite container for at least a year!

My other grandmother was quoted as saying that it was not "Scottish" shortbread unless the flour mix included some barley flour.

01-09-2018, 09:42 AM
These melt in your mouth and are hazardous to your waistline.

8 oz. plain flour (1 ¾ c) 3 ½ C 7 C
4 oz. corn starch 8 oz. 16 oz
4 oz. confectioner’s sugar 8 oz. 16 oz
pinch salt
8 oz. butter (½ lb.) 16 oz. (1LB) 32 oz. (2LB)
a little water
Mix flour, corn starch, sugar and salt into bowl and work in butter until all is worked and smooth. Divide mixture into two and roll like 2 Polish sausages and roll in soft brown sugar. Wrap in waxed paper grease proof and put in fridge for 1 or 2 hours. Take out and cut into biscuit shape. Put back in fridge overnight. Cook at 350 degrees electric for 25 to 40minutes or until LITE golden brown.

(I let the butter soften first and use turbinado sugar instead of brown sugar) PB

Grmps what are the extra quantities for? To make 1 doz; 2 doz, 3 dozen cookies? Thanks, Paul

02-20-2018, 07:56 PM
extra quantities for making more cookies; 2x and 4x the original recipe

02-21-2018, 01:05 PM
Almost nothing transforms such a simple and humble list of ingredients into such greatness as do shortbread cookies.