View Full Version : storage full on phone, how to manage apps?

11-23-2017, 01:10 AM
I have an LG Vista phone with 8gb total storage, and only .35gb free.
I have a micro sd card that has 49gb free. When I go to app manager, only a few apps let me move them to the card. The rest stay out on the phone's internal storage. Most of the apps are the ones that were pre installed. I never use most of them and can't delete them or move them to the card. The only apps I can delete are the ones I downloaded and actually use. Does anybody have a solution to this? I know the phone is old, but it still works and I would rather not but a new one.
I frequently clear the cache, so that's not the problem. The apps use up 10+ th by themselves.

11-23-2017, 01:18 AM
If you can plug into your computer you might look in the DCIM folder for pictures and copy them off then delete from phone. Check downloads too. I think some apps will pull down updates etc. then not clean up the installer or updates.

I think you might be able to configure photos, or videos and music to be stored on your external card.

A lot of this is phone specific so you might need to Google for your phone model and your question. I bet you can see why people hack their phones so they can side load applications to the micro SD card storage.

Stop at your phone service providers store, there may be some tips they can give you. Just be prepared for them to "encourage" you to upgrade, just decline and pursue your own goal. And I mean an actual company store not some mall phone reseller kiosk.

Video, music, and photos use a lot of space in that order. but you hit the nail on the head it is the apps added by the service provider that really use up the space

11-23-2017, 01:28 AM
I have an LG Vista phone with 8gb total storage, and only .35gb free.
I have a micro sd card that has 49gb free. When I go to app manager, only a few apps let me move them to the card. The rest stay out on the phone's internal storage. Most of the apps are the ones that were pre installed. I never use most of them and can't delete them or move them to the card. The only apps I can delete are the ones I downloaded and actually use. Does anybody have a solution to this? I know the phone is old, but it still works and I would rather not but a new one.
I frequently clear the cache, so that's not the problem. The apps use up 10+ th by themselves.Besides maxing out the sd card usage by moving whatever apps, data, pics etc to it, rooting your device and removing unwanted apps is all you can do. This is a tutorial, be aware it is for advanced users and can lead to bricking your phone if not done right. http://www.android.gs/root-lg-g-vista/

It's really not that hard but things do happen, be sure if you attempt it you have a full charge to minimize issues and if your provider has a way to make a backup of any important data or you can copy the data elsewhere you do that just in case.

11-23-2017, 07:58 AM
This is more of a warning for next time -

Do not purchase the phone from the service provider. They put all that bloatware on it.

Buy the phone directly from the manufacturer, the phone comes with an operating system, and nothing else. Then, take the phone to the service provider, and tell them to hook it up.

This is easier with GSM services (like AT&T), because it's a standard (GSM = Global Standards for Mobile), than it is with CDMA service (like Sprint), which is why I'm not on Sprint anymore.

The advantage is, that you can pick any phone you want - you are not restricted to the selection at the provider.

I purchased two Motorola phones; a Moto E for her, a Moto G4 for me, directly from Motorola. Cheaper than from the phone store, and no carp programmed in. They came with Android 6, and nothing else. They work fine. Motorola updates them.

Something to think of, prior to the next phone.

11-23-2017, 02:26 PM
my flip phone has zero apps.
it makes marvelous phone calls however, when I remember to charge it, or where it is.

11-23-2017, 07:30 PM
Bookworm gives good advice, but most phones right now are more expensive thru manufacturer. Lenovo who makes the Motorola phones now has zero discount and btw, stay away from the Moto newer versions. motor and pure both have poor life battery. Less than 2yrs on each and phones are failing. But newer Android versions, 6 and after allow apps to be easily moved to card

Sent from my XT1097 using Tapatalk

11-23-2017, 08:26 PM
my flip phone has zero apps.
it makes marvelous phone calls however, when I remember to charge it, or where it is.

It prolly slipped out of your overalls and into the recliner again...there's prolly a handful of change in there too. Your lost screwdriver and a couple of pocketknives also!

11-24-2017, 12:01 AM
screwdriver & pocket knife I'd believe.
maybe even a dog bone the stupid chihuahuahuahua hid under a cushion.
but there is no way there is any change in there...:lol:

11-24-2017, 10:13 AM
Nice to know i am not the only one with a rude chiuahua that hides food throught the house. Found his nest under the guest bed....... still cant figure out how he gets into the trash.

If i am not mistaken. Years ago. One of the android updates prevents the system from putting apps on the SD card and blocked most apps from accessing. My new phone doesnt havr expandible memory so i dont know what became of that. Its also a good idea to move pictures and home movies to the computer.

11-24-2017, 11:12 AM
Thanks for all the help. It's frustrating to have the room on the card and not be able to use it.
It looks like I'll attempt to root it. Knowing where to buy a new phone with out all the garbage in it is really good info, as I'm not that knowledgeable and may very well need a new one after I attempt to root it.
As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, fix it til it is."

Geezer in NH
11-24-2017, 08:29 PM
Old guy here. What's an app?? I use my computer with programs I own on it. I now have one of the new smart phone. it sucks. I make calls on it. Text who can see the tiny key board? I have a hard enough time with a full keyboard let alone a tiny one my fingers do not even feel.

The smart screen does not turn on unless I lick my finger and slam it on a hard surface.

Spell check? *** it spells stuff I never heard of. IT was simpler before the new gen who will die getting robbed than look up from their phone.

11-24-2017, 08:42 PM
Tommag, gf got her a Kyocera from at&t for 50 bux and it kicks butt for what it cost. The network protocol evolves so fast that older hardware chokes on trying to keep up with it even when it isn't full of pics, vids, and other files. You might be pleasantly surprised with the performance of a new phone.

11-27-2017, 04:20 PM
I'm like R5R, my flip phone works fine. It doesn't even have a camera on it. I have a camera for that.