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View Full Version : been on a roll!!

Lloyd Smale
11-20-2017, 09:08 AM
About 4 months ago had a couple seizures. They wanted to do an mri so had to remove he spinal stimulator so I could get one. Had that surgery and nothing in the mri explained it. Been having lots of back pain that seemed to be getting worse so I went to my surgeon and he sent me for more mris and said I needed surgery do to some bad bone spurs, another badly bulged disc, and some bad narrowing of the nerve cannal in my spine. Went for surgery and he said when he got in there it was much worse then the mri showed and said if I would have waited much longer it could have paralyzed me. He also said it was a real bugger of an operation because of all the scar tissue from past surgerys. (6 of them). Came home after surgery and hadn't felt better in years just the day after surgery. Well that went to heck in a handbasket in two days. Pain came back with a vengeance and was probably worse then it ever had been before. I called the doctor and told him and he told me to get to the hospital immediately and had me report to the mri ward. he met me there personaly and waited till they were done and told me he needed to do emergency surgery imediatley. they wheeled me in and operated and he found a ruptured blood vessel and a huge hemotoma ( blood filling my spine canal). He repaired the rupture cleaned it out and put a drain in and kept me in the hospital 3 days to make sure it was all drained. Went home last night still a hurting puppy. Woke up this morning after 7 hours of sleep (most ive gotten in months) and I feel like a new man. Still some sciatic pain in my left leg and numbness but the right side is completely pain free and with pain meds the left side is basically not worth talking about. I can walk without a cane and that hasn't happened in months either. So maybe this time it will be over. I know I'm sure sick of hospital beds and surgery and CONSTIPATION!!

11-20-2017, 09:57 AM
Seems like things are heading in the right direction. Let's hope it continues..
good luck!

11-20-2017, 10:11 AM
Back problems suck! Glad they found the problem. I had my first surgery as a senior in high school. Our chosen profession was not easy on the ole back! Take care, my Friend.

smoked turkey
11-20-2017, 10:13 AM
Lloyd you have had your share of hospitals and pain lately. You are due some pain free time ahead. I will pray to that extent. Sounds like you had a good surgeon who did a good job on you. Now get in the bathroom and take care of the other thing.

11-20-2017, 10:48 AM
I pray that you are on the mend.

11-20-2017, 11:02 AM

11-20-2017, 11:08 AM
Good news at in the end, sure hope you continue to recover.

11-20-2017, 11:38 AM
Certainly not an easy path that you have had to tread but hopefully it will all get better over time for you. Sounds like it was a good thing you called the Dr. and he was there to meet you at the hospital! Take care of yourself and allow yourself time to heal. A lot of prayers going out for you from members.

11-20-2017, 11:56 AM
heres to hoping its all cured
I have been dealing with it since 1983 .. some days suck

Lloyd Smale
11-20-2017, 12:33 PM
ya smoke I know what you mean. this is surgery #7 for me and my back now.

11-20-2017, 06:22 PM
God's blessings on you! These surgery, although no fun, will make the difference between being on your feet or "taken to your bed"!

11-20-2017, 06:41 PM
I'm pulling for you.
Don't know if I'm encouraged since you finally got some relief or scared witless that my one surgery was only a moderate success. Did cut down on the pain and I can do stuff like walk around a gun show for an hour or so without having to sit down for relief. But holy carp, seven surgeries! Here's hoping this is the last one you need.

11-20-2017, 06:57 PM
My, you have had a time of it............... fire, back issues, and the dreaded constipation. Hope this is the end. Best wishes. 725

11-20-2017, 07:03 PM
ya smoke I know what you mean. this is surgery #7 for me and my back now.

I wish you the best my friend. I sincerely hope that they can get rid of your pain and suffering.

11-20-2017, 08:28 PM
God's best for you, I hope that this is the final surgery for you and you live long and happy.
Ole Jack

11-20-2017, 09:35 PM
Best wishes on the recovery my friend. I have bad lower back problems that I`m kinda worried about as well. As to the other problem just remember the story about the constipated mathmatition...he worked his problem out with a slide rule and a #2 soft lead pencil.Robert

11-20-2017, 09:55 PM
Good news!

11-20-2017, 11:08 PM
I have been delaying a lumbar fusion for over a year now... might happen this winter. Pain is getting to where I can't sleep... would be the 2nd lumbar surgery...

So I know your pain, the fun with pain med side effects... lots of fiber every day!

Lloyd Smale
11-21-2017, 07:01 AM
Well I just about got in the truck a couple of hours ago and headed back in. I had left leg sciatica like ive never had it before. It was brutal. I was eating narcotics like m&ms. Went to bed a 8 tossed and turned and then went in the spare bedroom so I wouldn't keep he wife up because she has to work in the morning. Well that didn't work either so more pills and out to he couch. layed there in about eye watering pain for a couple hours and said the heck with it. No use trying to sleep when it felt like there was a steel rod driven down the length of my leg. So got up (only with the help of my cane) and fired up the computer and through some bacon and eggs on the stove. About 10 minutes into it the pain disappeared like it hadn't even been there. don't know if the nerve was pinched and freed itself or if ALL the narcotics finally took hold. Guess ill find out in a couple hours. Another night that that though and I'm going to be back on the table getting cut on AGAIN. This sure has me scratching my head!!!!!

11-21-2017, 07:11 AM
Lloyd, I'm sorry to hear that my friend. I also know what it is like to live in pain. I've spent a few nights in the chair myself but fortunately I'm not as bad off as you are. God in his willingness to change the game started playing with my heart. So, instead of the pain I get to sit in a chair all night trying to breath. Its so much fun to walk across the room and be normal one minute and the next step or two has me trying to get my breath because I've suddenly lost it.

I sincerely hope that you haven't lost your faith in God like I seem to have. I feel like a pawn in a game and just when you start to get ahead again God shakes the container that hold the little pieces of paper that once pulled out will dictate what your next thing to deal with is.

Wayne Smith
11-21-2017, 08:53 AM
You are surely on antibiotics. They kill all the good bugs in your digestive system, thus the bowel failure. Get some probiotic foods and talk to your MD about re-establishing the fauna in your gut.

11-21-2017, 09:15 AM
Sorry to hear about your long night. Was hoping you were on the mend.

11-21-2017, 11:43 PM
Instability after back surgery is common. As your muscles build back up that will help stabilize things some...

Lloyd Smale
11-22-2017, 05:25 AM
back again with vengeance. Funny thing is the operation was for my right leg pain and that's gone. Now it just moved to the other leg. I did have problems with this leg in the past but nothing like this. Been up all night again. I'm going to have to call the doctor when the sun comes up.

white eagle
11-22-2017, 11:02 AM
sorry to hear of you health issues
I hope they got you fixed up and it all is worth
what you have been through

11-22-2017, 09:54 PM
I know your pain all to well! Fight it a couple times a year. Swelling from the surgery may be compressing a nerve on the other side...

back again with vengeance. Funny thing is the operation was for my right leg pain and that's gone. Now it just moved to the other leg. I did have problems with this leg in the past but nothing like this. Been up all night again. I'm going to have to call the doctor when the sun comes up.

Plate plinker
11-22-2017, 10:26 PM
Hang in there. Chronic pain sure sucks, but can be beat.

11-22-2017, 10:45 PM
My brother had a narrowing of the spinal column near the tailbone. I do too. He had an orthopedic surgeon operate and could barely walk for a year. Then a Neosurgeon operated, cleaned up the mess inside and put him back together. Like you for about 6 months he occasionally had severe pain that came on unannounced. Now two years after the last surgery he is relatively pain free, though occasionally he does get a shooting pain. DO NOT RUSH YOUR RECOVERY. If it hurts don't do it, you're not ready.

By the way both of us will be flying into Kansas City in mid December to spend 4 days together enjoying BBQ, Dodge City and Powder Valley Munitions. The best is yet to come. Prayers to you.

11-23-2017, 08:02 AM
praying for you Lloyd, I have my share of back pain so I can identify with you but fortunately most of it stays out of my legs.