View Full Version : A Tumbleweed Christmas needs a Christmas gift

11-18-2017, 10:00 AM

I got this Christmas card from my parents several years ago. I really like it and I saved it. This poor cowboy is working on trimming a tumbleweed to look like a Christmas tree, He even has the paint ready to paint it green.

I suspect there aren't going to be many gifts under his Christmas tree.

I suspect some of our newer members are going to have a Christmas like my cowboy's Christmas.

Some of our newer members need to start casting to afford ammo, but can't afford the basics to cast with. Or to load with!

So here is a little Merry Christmas help for a fairly new member:

To be eligible for this Christmas gift you must have joined CastBoolits between 12/26/16 and 11/17/2017.
Since it is still before Thanksgiving, I haven't decided what to give as a gift.

To apply for this post a short post of why you need help with gifts
under your Christmas tree. Then send me a PM titled "Christmas gift"
with a more detailed description of why you need assistance, what
reloading experience and reloading tools you have, and what casting
experience and casting tools you have. Include your name and mailing
address in the PM, but not in the post.

I will likely have members pledge to help me with this. More are welcome to join in. To join in, please PM me on how you would like to help and please do not post in this thread unless you are eligible for the Christmas gift and requesting the Christmas gift.


11-18-2017, 12:42 PM
I have been diligently learning to reload. It seems when you're retired on a limited income craftiness is paramount since there is very little extra money to afford to properly assemble the necessary equipment. I believe that with some assistance I can fill in the blank spot under the tumbleweed tree this Christmas.

11-18-2017, 11:47 PM
I also am retired and on fixed income. I still have a lot to learn concerning reloading and casting, but it is the only way I can shoot and enjoy our great pass time... Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, otherwise the Tumbleweed Tree will be pretty bare....

11-18-2017, 11:51 PM
Cowboy Dan's Christmas

Don't be shy. We have all had years where we have fallen on hard times.
I post this Tumbleweed Christmas every year. Many members enjoy helping me as much as I enjoy this.
Cowboy Dan was one of our previous winners.

Here is a poem by Cowboy Dan and a picture of his Christmas tree that year:

Poem by Cowboy Dan

'Twas a week before Christmas
and in the reloading room,
not a sound was to be heard
ere the crash and the boom.
I jumped from my seat
and thought, "My homebrew's exploded!"
The floor was dry near the
door, so my fears eroded.
And what I saw there
gave me such a start.
A man dressed in red
with a golden heart.
And all 'round his belt
empty cartridges hung,
so that each time he stepped,
each one of them rung.
Then Brassy Clause said,
"You have been a good boy,
so I and the elves thought,
'Let's get him a new toy.' "
I looked at my bench
and what did I see?
A new Lyman mold
was waiting for me.
But that was not all,
for he opened his pack
and then the gifts
began to stack.
Brass and sizing dies
And goodies to boot
were all laid out by
The man in the red suit.
Then I gave him a homebrew
and as I said "adieu,"
He said "Merry Christmas
e'ryone, from me to you."


11-19-2017, 03:04 PM
I'm new to reloading and casting and have been doing a lot of research into this and learning more everyday with the help of many of the people i have spoken with on here. I recently got stuff to start reloading with the help of George. But I need help with stuff for casting/sizing Money is tight at the moment and do not have the funds necessary to get the equipment I need to start casting and sizing/lube. Any help under the tree this year would be greatly appreciated.

11-19-2017, 03:30 PM
What a change from last year!

Last year there were no qualified applicants and only two who were close!

See here:


Now don't go posting in the wrong thread. Leave it on page three!

Three qualified candidates already. Don't be shy! There is plenty of Christmas cheer to go around!

11-20-2017, 08:15 PM
Brassy Clause has six helpers already. Why stop at just three?

11-20-2017, 10:17 PM
Brassy Clause has seven helpers already. Why stop at just three?

11-21-2017, 09:17 PM
bumpty bump.

11-21-2017, 09:19 PM
Surely some one else is concerned about the bare spots under the Tumbleweed Christmas tree!

Preacher Jim
11-23-2017, 05:44 PM
Brassmagnet is looking for those that need a tumbleweed Christmas, send in your needs.
Those who can help contact him and let's make this a great Christmas for all.

11-24-2017, 10:08 AM
Houston! We have a problem!

We have three qualified applicants.

Now we have eight helpers.

We have Brassy Clause and eight helpers with presents to send, but none of the three can use some of the presents.

So here is a very short poem:

Brassy Clause and his helpers sit with great decorum.
Ready to deliver gifts all over the CastBoolits Forum!
Holding gifts nice and fair.
Needing a little space under a tree somewhere.
Their cause is just.
Must these toys just sit and collect dust?

11-24-2017, 10:32 AM
Brassy Clause PM sent

11-25-2017, 05:40 PM
We are up to ten helpers now and still only three applicants.

11-25-2017, 07:01 PM
Now we are up to eleven helpers!

So where do I look for bare floor space under the green tumbleweed?

Surely there are more members in need of help!

11-26-2017, 08:53 AM
A few thoughts here -

First, if Brassy Claus has hopes of making a living as a poet, or a songwriter, well....he better not quit his real job.

Second - is there a way to filter the member list, to see who has joined in the past # of months ? Then, BC could perhaps send invitations to join in the merriment.

I know that when I joined this forum in 2016, I did not know of this Christmas (see Ron ? I typed Christmas !) giveaway. I had a good bit of help from George One-dollar Bill, which was very much appreciated, but everyone likes a good surprise.

11-27-2017, 08:00 AM
please do not post in this thread unless you are eligible for the Christmas gift and requesting the Christmas gift.

Just in case PRIDE has something to do with the responses.
You wouldn't hesitate to use a spare magazine I tossed to you in the middle of a fire fight,would you????

11-27-2017, 08:53 AM
please do not post in this thread unless you are eligible for the Christmas gift and requesting the Christmas gift.

Just in case PRIDE has something to do with the responses.
You wouldn't hesitate to use a spare magazine I tossed to you in the middle of a fire fight,would you????

I do believe PRIDE is the issue. So many Christmas gifts will just collect dust this year. Such a waste! They could go to a good home but pride keeps some of our members from saying "I could use a Helping Hand this year."

11-27-2017, 10:51 AM
A few thoughts here -

First, if Brassy Claus has hopes of making a living as a poet, or a songwriter, well....he better not quit his real job.

Second - is there a way to filter the member list, to see who has joined in the past # of months ? Then, BC could perhaps send invitations to join in the merriment.

I know that when I joined this forum in 2016, I did not know of this Christmas (see Ron ? I typed Christmas !) giveaway. I had a good bit of help from George One-dollar Bill, which was very much appreciated, but everyone likes a good surprise.

Bookworm poet songwriter naw you sure don't want to hear Brassy Claus sing though.

Sweet McAwesome
11-27-2017, 03:54 PM
So here's my story:
I began learning about reloading earlier this year, but money was tight at the time. I spoke with a couple people and got some amazing advice. I was hoping to be able to pick up some equipment over the summer, but this little event called a divorce came along. Don't pitty me, it's for the best and it's been amicable. But a divorce is still expensive, so there went my reloading dreams for another year at least. I did receive a gift from a mysterious man named George. I think he's a phantom. So I have a few hundred .40 casings and cast boolits waiting for some love. I have a scale and a powder measure waiting with those boolits and casings, but that's all so far. Hopefully santa will conspire with George and his Minions to help me out on my quest of self sufficient shooting. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, on behalf of all of us hoping for some Christmas Cheer, thank you for your offerings and support!!

11-27-2017, 04:10 PM
And now there are four!

Preacher Jim
12-02-2017, 07:48 PM
Must be like most shopper last minute but time is short get your need in here.

12-07-2017, 08:50 AM
You Snooze. You Lose!


I'll compile the info I have and send it to all of Brassy Clause's Helpers.
I do believe this will be a Tumbleweed Christmas to remember!

12-11-2017, 08:55 AM
I'll get the Brassy Clause's Helpers info out tonight.
Who knows, we may even manage to get a gift under the tree in time this year?
Hopefully we will see some pictures posted then!

12-14-2017, 07:38 PM
Hi i know I'm late but hopefully not too late, I didn't see the post before closing time, but I could use and would much appreciate a little extra help, I work hard as I can but with the family and the obligations, there isn't much extra for my new hobby/addiction. And with Christmas coming and winter time here (I'm a tree man), my work isn't full time so much anymore till spring or better weather so that puts a hold on me buying any new stuff for a bit, with all this extra free time I would love too have a little more to play with. Unfortunately I have no time for friends lately, which I don't have any friends that cast or reload anyway, which would be nice then we could share equipment and supplies, that said I'm pretty much on my own here. Regardless if I'm too late or not, this event that y'all got going here is really great. I've read throughout the links if previous Christmas' that y'all done this. Such a cool thing. With everyone here knowing how expensive it can be casting and reloading in the beginning stages. I'm really excited to know that down the road I'll be helping other beginners on this forum on another tumbleweed Christmas for people that were just like me once. Let me know either way what y'all think. And Merry Christmas to all of you.
Thanks, Bubba

12-14-2017, 10:35 PM
Hi i know I'm late but hopefully not too late, I didn't see the post before closing time, but I could use and would much appreciate a little extra help, I work hard as I can but with the family and the obligations, there isn't much extra for my new hobby/addiction. And with Christmas coming and winter time here (I'm a tree man), my work isn't full time so much anymore till spring or better weather so that puts a hold on me buying any new stuff for a bit, with all this extra free time I would love too have a little more to play with. Unfortunately I have no time for friends lately, which I don't have any friends that cast or reload anyway, which would be nice then we could share equipment and supplies, that said I'm pretty much on my own here. Regardless if I'm too late or not, this event that y'all got going here is really great. I've read throughout the links if previous Christmas' that y'all done this. Such a cool thing. With everyone here knowing how expensive it can be casting and reloading in the beginning stages. I'm really excited to know that down the road I'll be helping other beginners on this forum on another tumbleweed Christmas for people that were just like me once. Let me know either way what y'all think. And Merry Christmas to all of you.
Thanks, Bubba

We now have five qualified recipients!

12-14-2017, 10:41 PM
Thanks. You are the man. Talk soon

Sweet McAwesome
12-17-2017, 04:14 PM
Yesterday was an awesome day! I took my beautiful girlfriend on a date that lasted all day. We went ice skating, saw a Christmas street performance, and in general had an amazing day.

But something weird happened.

When we left the house, we saw a man dressed as Santa clause, but wearing a robe made of spent brass.

I tried to take a pic, but he was way too fast.

While we were ice skating, I saw this guy again, but he was outside the rink. I swear he was laughing at me, and for good reason. I'm not a natural on the ice. As soon as I pulled out my phone to take his photo, this little miniature hockey player straight up tackled me. That little minion was way too strong to be natural. Superhuman, my friends.

Street performance time. Brassy clause was standing on top of a building eating cotton candy. And again I was tripped when I tried to take his picture. That minion seemed to appear from the feet of those around me and vanish into thin air afterwards. He was a ninja, I swear it.

So we get home, right? It's kind of late and there's a rather friendly guy in the outside who introduced himself as George. We talked for a minute and he was a really nice guy. Then I looked up, and again, Brassy Clause was on the roof. But this time, he gave me a big thumbs up and a wink. Then, with a big belly laugh, he knelt down and jumped so high he disappeared into the night sky. My girlfriend and I both turned to George with a look of disbelief on our faces, but George was gone too. Perplexing...

So we go inside and under the tree was a box that wasn't there before, and I knew that I had been visited (And apparently stalked) by Brassy Clause. Kinda cool, right? But what was in the box? Man, that's where it gets even better!! A Pacific Reloading press, a set of Lee dies, a case tumbler with a big container of media, and a Lee Pro 4-20 melting pot!

So what did I learn from this? George works for Brassy Clause. His Minions are supernatural. Brassy Clause can jump, and loves cotton candy. And the community of people who reload are a very supportive and generous group of guys!!

Thanks everyone who helped George, Brassy Clause and his Minions!!

12-17-2017, 05:35 PM
Somehow I think that George One Dollar Bill, Brassy Clause, and "The Minions" are not yet done with this years work.......

Budzilla 19
12-18-2017, 01:08 PM
^^^^ pipefitter, you’re probably not wrong in that assumption............................I’m just sayin’.

Iron Whittler
12-18-2017, 02:13 PM
HEE HEE HEE Jingle Bells, Jingle bell, Shot gun shells, and the goodies to make it happen. I would guess pipefitter may be on to sumthing good. Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All. :awesome:

12-20-2017, 01:59 PM
This is awesome. Never knew about this going on the past couple years but so happy to see people being blessed. "George" has helped me in the past and is surely a blessing to this community! Hope all have a Merry Christmas!

12-22-2017, 08:19 PM
Brassy Clause is old and slow.
He just sent out some presents and PMs with tracking info.

Merry Christmas!

12-24-2017, 01:58 PM
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!

12-25-2017, 12:29 PM
Merry Christmas! Brassy Clause is amazing. I tell my kids Santa isn't real but Brassy is!

12-25-2017, 12:31 PM

This I found under the tumbleweed this morning...
Thanks to Brassy Clause and all his Helpers....


12-25-2017, 11:44 PM
I just want to throw in my Merry Christmas to all. Better late than never.
Glad George and Brassy Claus were out and about this year, .... bringing Christmas cheer !


12-26-2017, 08:47 PM
Well I had several great surprises from Brassy and his helpers!! Much needed and much appreciated. Thanks BrassMagnet and iron whittler. And everyone else.

12-26-2017, 08:48 PM
http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd459/Dubl0bubba/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-12/20171222_190228.jpg (http://s1220.photobucket.com/user/Dubl0bubba/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-12/20171222_190228.jpg.html)

12-26-2017, 08:49 PM
http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd459/Dubl0bubba/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-12/20171222_190221.jpg (http://s1220.photobucket.com/user/Dubl0bubba/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-12/20171222_190221.jpg.html)

12-26-2017, 08:50 PM
http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd459/Dubl0bubba/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-12/20171226_194953.jpg (http://s1220.photobucket.com/user/Dubl0bubba/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-12/20171226_194953.jpg.html)

12-26-2017, 09:30 PM
Well done everybody!

12-27-2017, 09:03 AM
My jaw dropped! I was a conduit for Georges minions to get presents to James (shoots 45acp), Ryan (shoots .40) and Roy (shoots 257 Roberts). I figured only a few cases would be provided for these new reloaders, was I ever mistaken. The generosity toward new loaders was amazing. All of the newbes can't believe their good fortune and as time frees them from holiday duties we will be reloading and working up loads. Before distributing the supplies the minions delivered I was able to take a photo. 210399 You can also see my post "Brassy Clause visits - Am I Promoted?" a little bit farther down the Helping Hands page.

I received a fantastic, much needed, reconditioned Lyman Lubisizer ( the color matches my Lyman Tru Line Jr, perfect for my bench decor) and 3 Dillon ammo boxes. I am ecstatic. This is definitely the best!!!! 210400 Sorry about photos being sideways, couldn't fix that.

To all who participated in this AWESOME offer Thank you sooo much. To BrassMagnet for organizing this - You are the best!!!!

Sweet McAwesome
01-08-2018, 12:47 PM
It's taken me a couple weeks to compose myself from all the weird happenings over the holidays. But now I'm good and ready to tell my story. I had several visits from George, his Minions and that mystery man, Brassy Clause!! My neighbors were starting to worry about the amount of seemingly nefarious activity and my girlfriend was getting jealous of the amount of gifts I was receiving.

So here it is. Some pics of the great generosity from all of you who helped Brassy Clause. I can't thank you enough. All I need is some powder and primers and I'll be ready to start casting and loading.

To Brass Magnet, words can't thank you enough for putting this together. You're a great influence on the community and set a great example for all of us to follow.

To George and his Minions. All of you are amazing. The generosity from you guys astounds me. And again, I can't thank you guys enough.

I'm impressed and humbled by all you have done for us newbies. And i look forward to my opportunity to pay it forward when my time comes.

Update: I'm having technical difficulties uploading photos from my phone. I'll try to post them from the computer when I get home tonight.

01-10-2018, 09:32 AM
Yesterday was an awesome day! I took my beautiful girlfriend on a date that lasted all day. We went ice skating, saw a Christmas street performance, and in general had an amazing day.

But something weird happened.

When we left the house, we saw a man dressed as Santa clause, but wearing a robe made of spent brass.

I tried to take a pic, but he was way too fast.

While we were ice skating, I saw this guy again, but he was outside the rink. I swear he was laughing at me, and for good reason. I'm not a natural on the ice. As soon as I pulled out my phone to take his photo, this little miniature hockey player straight up tackled me. That little minion was way too strong to be natural. Superhuman, my friends.

Street performance time. Brassy clause was standing on top of a building eating cotton candy. And again I was tripped when I tried to take his picture. That minion seemed to appear from the feet of those around me and vanish into thin air afterwards. He was a ninja, I swear it.

So we get home, right? It's kind of late and there's a rather friendly guy in the outside who introduced himself as George. We talked for a minute and he was a really nice guy. Then I looked up, and again, Brassy Clause was on the roof. But this time, he gave me a big thumbs up and a wink. Then, with a big belly laugh, he knelt down and jumped so high he disappeared into the night sky. My girlfriend and I both turned to George with a look of disbelief on our faces, but George was gone too. Perplexing...

So we go inside and under the tree was a box that wasn't there before, and I knew that I had been visited (And apparently stalked) by Brassy Clause. Kinda cool, right? But what was in the box? Man, that's where it gets even better!! A Pacific Reloading press, a set of Lee dies, a case tumbler with a big container of media, and a Lee Pro 4-20 melting pot!

So what did I learn from this? George works for Brassy Clause. His Minions are supernatural. Brassy Clause can jump, and loves cotton candy. And the community of people who reload are a very supportive and generous group of guys!!

Thanks everyone who helped George, Brassy Clause and his Minions!!

SweetMcAwesome is having trouble posting photos of his great, fantastic, awesome visit from George, so, here they are:211560 211561

Iron Whittler
01-10-2018, 12:01 PM
bbogue1, hold on to your socks!! Might be a few late arrivals to sweeten the pot. It's great that you and your group are getting a helping hand to get going. Ring a dingle dingle. HE HE HO HO.:bigsmyl2:

01-10-2018, 11:07 PM
The late arrival is great!!! Our little reloading group all feel very thankful tonight. THANK YOU!!!!211701

01-16-2018, 05:44 PM
I guess Brassy, George, and the minions were not finished with me yet. This was just on the porch sitting on top of the snow when I went to check the mail. What a nice surprise.

01-16-2018, 05:44 PM
http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd459/Dubl0bubba/Mobile%20Uploads/2018-01/20180116_164007.jpg (http://s1220.photobucket.com/user/Dubl0bubba/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2018-01/20180116_164007.jpg.html)

01-16-2018, 05:45 PM
It was an even nicer surprise when I opened it. Exactly the one I been wanting next. Thank you so much everyone. http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd459/Dubl0bubba/Mobile%20Uploads/2018-01/20180116_163024-1.jpg (http://s1220.photobucket.com/user/Dubl0bubba/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2018-01/20180116_163024-1.jpg.html)

01-16-2018, 05:48 PM
This was by far the best holiday season I've had in several years. So glad I found this forum, I've learned more here in the past few months then I think I ever have lol. Such kindness and generosity from strangers, I'm so happy to call you all friends now. Like a huge family here and I love it. Thanks

01-30-2018, 05:35 PM
Had a great Christmas from brassy clause. Sorry for the delay is responding on here been going threw a lot. Thank you to everyone who sent stuff I greatly appreciate it. I will try to get some pictures up soon. Thanks