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11-15-2017, 11:45 PM
I want to share a little known and not understood medi al issue that could save your life. Late last year i was diagnosed with a blocked lower Aorta was almost 100%.
My doctor by chance decided to ask for a CAT SCAN WITH CONTRAST. That showed the blockage. If i would have waited 6 months i would have died. Any day above ground is a good day. If you ever get realy bad leg pains, cold feet and other symptoms go get checked out before you Check Out. Surgery was in February and I'm still having issues. But I'm alive.
It is repairable as i now have a Dacron lower aorta that goes down to both legs.207800

11-16-2017, 11:56 AM
Good to see that you are healing well. What a blessing from God to you for the Cat scan at the right time.
Ole Jack

11-16-2017, 11:56 AM
Hope you feel better soon.
And you're absolutely right about getting things checked out.

I guess its a man thing about not going to the DR.
2Yrs ago on a Friday morning at work I wasn't feeling right figured it had something to do with the 19 degree cold weather.
Finished work , went home, felt crappy Sat, was fine Sunday, Monday SWMBO talked me into going to Dr.
Found out I was having a heart attack ,left something or other in my heart, they call it the Widow Maker because it is usually fatal.
99% blocked, rushed to hospital and have a stent there now.
Dr. said if I waited a day or two longer I would have been dead.

Got me to thinking about guys I worked with.
Told them (The 40 & 50 Yr old guys) it might be a good idea to be checked out, just in case.
A year later my supervisor (52), a former Marine in good shape and healthy, did some outside work for 5 min, took a puff off a cigarette and keeled over dead.

So I would say, Man up, you may be a strong guy and think you're in good health, but don't let your ego get the best of you.

11-16-2017, 12:28 PM
The simple reality here is that none of us are guaranteed another breath! I am in pretty good health at 56, to the degree that my doctor marvels at me every time I go in for a physical, but, low blood pressure and high activity are no guarantees that there is nothing wrong. You are right, us men Are terrible about avoiding doctors, very much to our physical detriment. Annual physicals, and actually going to the doctor when we hurt or don’t feel well it’s something we need to do, and yes, I’m preaching to myself on that one!

mold maker
11-16-2017, 03:21 PM
Yes, that gown makes you look fat.
You look as if you could use a very small laugh that won't hurt much.
Glad ya got what was needed and hope it solves the problem.

11-17-2017, 07:41 PM
My cardiologist was so bored with me he retired, but I still get checked every 6 mos, EKG etc. I have a filter in my lower vena cava to catch any big clots (they don't worry about little ones, so I guess I need not worry either - right?) problems left over from double bypass 11 years ago...

11-18-2017, 01:45 PM
I had to hold that towel or a pillow on my stomach so it would not hurt when i coughed. I gained about 10 lbs in water, 5 of which went into my scrotum. Doc never warned me about that. Scared the hell out of me. It went down after a couple of days. I was only in for 6 days. I'm getting better but slowly. Now they think i have vally fever, plus asbestosis from navy exposures. When it rains it does pour. Any day above ground is a great day.

11-18-2017, 02:20 PM
Wow I count myself lucky to only have arthritis in all my joints and osteoporosis. Winter and damp weather is real fun have so many aches and pains I wonder where I hurt more. Doctor told me I was pre-diabetic so I changed my eating habits and am doing as good as those folks on Metfromin and I like it better that med made me really sick. Count every day above ground as a blessing all too soon we will all be taking that long nap.