View Full Version : I'm a Seenager.....are You?

11-15-2017, 04:59 PM
I struggled with whether it belongs here or in the joke section....but upon review I discovered that the information is mostly true.....just cute to boot!


I just discovered our age group! We are Seenagers. (Senior teenagers)

I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 50-60 years later.

I don't have to go to school or work

I get an allowance every month.

I have my own pad.

I don't have a curfew.

I have a driver's license and my own car.

The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant, they aren't scared of anything, they have been blessed to live this long, why be scared?

And I don't have acne

Life is Good! Also, you will feel much more intelligent after reading this, if you are a Seenager.

Brains of older people are slow because they know so much.

People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains.

Scientists believe this also makes you hard of hearing as it puts pressure on your inner ear.

Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for

It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise.


I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names.

So, please forward this to your friends; they may be my friends, too.

11-15-2017, 05:10 PM
This is SOOO true ! I'm getting closer everyday to being a seenager fer sure. I look older, I feel older but I'm not just there yet ! Lol
Be safe Paul

11-15-2017, 05:11 PM
I like this because it is so true. I admit it, I'm a seenager

11-15-2017, 05:19 PM
You are so right. . I don't Look @ it as Being slow. I tell most I forgot more than Most people Know

11-15-2017, 05:23 PM
:drinks: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so very true.What`s that old saying?Oh yeah."No more school.No more books.No more teachers dirty looks".
Good luck.Have fun.be safe.

Preacher Jim
11-15-2017, 05:24 PM
Sal we have not forgotten it, we just have to figure out which drawer we put it in

11-15-2017, 05:25 PM
Two and a half years to go for me!

11-15-2017, 05:46 PM
Unfortunately, I have nothing left in My Drawer

11-15-2017, 06:29 PM
this is more true than Icare for

11-15-2017, 06:48 PM
That is definitely me, now what was it I am?


11-15-2017, 07:05 PM
I've had a busted Zorro watch stashed away since I was in second grade and just completed cleaning and adjusting the timing on Sunday night. Its gained less than 30 seconds in 72 hours.
I ordered a relic Cinderella watch just to get its crystal and wrist strap to complete the restoration.

Funny how getting something like this done means so much more going on 60 years later.

Momentary forgetfulness when you first stand up to go get something is not a brain problem. Its caused by the veins of your lower legs losing elasticity, which results in a momentary drop in blood pressure reducing blood flow to the brain.
I found this out many years ago. Compression hose will pretty much eliminate this.

11-15-2017, 08:19 PM
So THIS is why I keep saying "What did you say?"

11-15-2017, 08:26 PM
Great post Paul ! But I forgot the question ?

11-15-2017, 08:48 PM
Paul who??
Ole Jack, I think.

Preacher Jim
11-15-2017, 08:49 PM
My wife said I need hearing aids, I am not giving up my selective hearing. I could Get in trouble.
Now what were we discussing.

Rufus Krile
11-15-2017, 09:08 PM
If I'm alive, then why do my joints hurt so much.... and if I'm dead, why do I have to pee?

11-15-2017, 09:43 PM
All true , aren't you glad that we are old enough to appreciate it.

If at 17 we knew what we know now it's not likely we would reach old age. Now we just don't care.

Retired not long ago but really like it.


11-15-2017, 10:32 PM
When you get to an age,you suddenly discover that many things you thought were rights have been taken away ,or made subject to a request made to a burearocracy.2A might be guaranteed,but plenty of other things arent,and the govt at all levels is very keen to take them away. Local govt seems to have become very dictatorial.And anything you want out of them has a fee,and costs heaps.User pays,they keep parroting.Otherthing I notice is public servants wont give any advice any more..........you ll have to engage a professional.,they say.

11-15-2017, 10:37 PM
Dang it! I gotta go back to the top to see what that name is....has something to do with age.

11-15-2017, 10:38 PM
I just have CRS syndrome. Sometimes called part timers. The periods get longer and closer together till it becomes full timers

mold maker
11-16-2017, 10:04 AM
It's good to know there is a name for what I have, but I've already forgotten what it is.
For years I've said the brain is like a computer, and I have an old model. It has very limited ram memory and in order to remember anything new, I have to purge something older. There are traces of what I forgot, but it's been overwritten so many times it's not recoverable.

11-16-2017, 11:59 AM
At 56 I am in full seenager bloom, with the addition of being more energetic than a man my age has a right to be. Unfortunately that just creates additional problems with the memory issues, in so far as I may go through three rooms before I remember what I Didn’t want to forget! As an energetic man, I get a lot of strange looks, especially from those younger folks, you know the ones in the 40s that have a hard time keeping up.[smilie=l:

11-16-2017, 12:15 PM
I think that Mark Twain had the right attitude when he said that as he aged his memory got better. So good in fact that he could remember things that he was certain had never happened.

11-16-2017, 12:20 PM
That works!

11-16-2017, 01:14 PM
"Brains of older people are slow because they know so much.

People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains.

Scientists believe this also makes you hard of hearing as it puts pressure on your inner ear.

Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for

It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise."

I knew there was a reason for that, I just couldn't remember what it was.

Tom W.
11-16-2017, 02:41 PM
And I can eat what I want WHEN I want. Sometimes pumpkin pie for breakfast is just the thing....

11-16-2017, 03:15 PM
Now that I'm eligible for the senior discount, I've found out why you have to be this old to get it; because at this age, you always forget to ask for it.

11-16-2017, 03:23 PM
Count me in. My sister in law called me up on my birthdays to say, "You're not getting older, ....you're already old!"[smilie=p:

11-18-2017, 07:08 AM
Yep, I'm one too! Being fairly recently retired from a demanding job, I really enjoy the freedom. If I want to go to deer camp a few days early, I can. If I want to stay a few days after the season closes, I can. If I want to come home during the season to see the Grandkids, like I'm doing right now, I know that I can make up those times. I just wish that I could get around like I could 45 years ago!

11-18-2017, 08:59 AM
My wife said I need hearing aids, I am not giving up my selective hearing. I could Get in trouble.
Now what were we discussing.

These days, I have trouble hearing high-pitched sounds, like my wife's voice.


mold maker
11-18-2017, 12:14 PM
Boy Wayne, that can be a real problem, but sometimes a gift from the age God.

11-18-2017, 06:14 PM
what was we talking about?

11-18-2017, 08:56 PM
This Thread has gotten too long, Now I forgot the Original post