View Full Version : GOD are you still there ?

11-13-2017, 08:03 PM
God so many are searching and searching and so many are hurting . So many watch TV , look on the internet , wake up every morning trying to find you . They think in their mind , they wait for others to mention your name . They are waiting for you to make sense of everything , they wait for you fix all the problems . They are waiting for you to straighten out their lives . The want you to fix their children . They wait for you to eliminate the evil in their lives and the world .

..............................................When is the last time YOU TALKED TO GOD ??

11-13-2017, 09:03 PM
Yep, talk all the time.

I asked. Where are you? He answered, seek me.

I said. I'm so weak. He answered, in your weakness I'm made strong.

I said. Lord please fix these people around me! He said, in my time.

I said. Why won't things work out like I want them to? He answered, my ways are not your ways.
I asked, Lord why am I not happy? He said, I am the way.

I asked, why can't I find peace? He said, throw your troubles on me.

I said, sometimes my life seems pointless. He said, loose my life, yet find it.

11-13-2017, 09:33 PM
Paul said in his weakness he gained strength ,you are correct . We are all weak . But in that understanding builds us . Thank you .

11-13-2017, 10:12 PM
Every day, and he talks back.

But you have to be listening. In my case I have to put the world out of my mind. Let my thoughts slow and still until they become like a very early morning pool of water. Not a ripple.

Then I hear him plainly.

Last weekend I was sitting in my chair, feeling guilty because I was too lazy to get up and light 2 candles, inviting the lord into my home for my humble worship service.

He said bill you have been doing my work. Do you think I will hate you and spit on your head because you don't follow a ritual I never asked you for?

But I know it gives you Joy Lord when I do.

Yes bill, and right now it gives me joy that you remember me. That the spirit is willing, even if the flesh is weak. Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

But Lord I am not even making it to ManorCare to visit the old and infirm since the weather changed.

Bill, if you did not have to drive, would you go? You and Casey? Would you do what you do?

Why yes Lord I would, it is just the stress of driving on top of the cold weather that sucks the life out of me.

And today, 3 days later a neighbor knocked on my door.

Bill, I had offered to drive you to Manorcare this winter, and I forgot to give you my phone number.
So we talked, and arranged for the first trip. Exchanged phone numbers, and she made me promise to call.

Thank you Peggy, and thank you Lord. I know you watch over me.

Coincidence? Methinks not. I come Lord, I have heard your call, I come.
I am trying Lord, but I fail and stumble and fall daily.
Truly I am living in your goodness and mercy, your abundance surrounds me. I am not worthy.
But thank you Lord.

11-13-2017, 10:47 PM
Makes me think of the words of a newer Christian pop song. "God why don't you do something? He said 'I did, I created you'."

11-13-2017, 10:54 PM
Talking should be a daily lesson on asking God for forgivness and to take you by the hand and lead you to where He wants you to go.....then dont be stiff-necked and it will work out!

Wayne Smith
11-14-2017, 08:43 AM
God never leaves me - I leave Him!

11-14-2017, 09:25 AM
God is always there, some times we don't hear or see Him because of all the clutter we surround ourselves with.

11-14-2017, 09:43 AM
I talk to God everyday several times