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View Full Version : Any service memeber having a hard time?

11-11-2017, 12:59 AM
I know about the nightmares and regrets and anger and worry; if any service member on this board is having a hard time please pm me,before you do something rash and permanent! I'm not a professional counselor,not a deacon ,not a big hugger but you have nothing to lose and I've reached a good place and could share some of your load;I'd even meet within reasonable driving distance and have coffee or let you punch me in the face;well maybe not in the face but I do have access to a heated indoor range..
We didn't serve alone , no one who served should suffer alone.... one man out on sat the wire alone is in a bad way,2 men you have an lp, 3 an improved op and 4 a fire team. My old team Cletus ,Junior and Willie Coon,why we could take on the world!

11-11-2017, 01:12 AM
Thank you for this nagant. I didn't serve....many regrets and a long story that I won't bore you with.....but my son is currently serving in the Navy. I LOVE seeing this, as a great example of the fact that getting help is not a weakness, but just an extension of the brotherhood that most of us (including me) can never really, truly understand. Good on you, soldier! I hope this becomes commonplace.....and pray that the negative stigma of 'help' becomes a thing of the past. Thank you!

Love Life
11-11-2017, 02:23 PM
I remember when getting help got you labeled as a weak body malingerer. Things have changed for the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-11-2017, 06:39 PM
I am a graduate Mental health counselor minor in crisis and trauma, not licensed yet due to some of my own health issues that had to be addressed and I am willing to chat with any military personnel, their family, past, present and even future. I see it as paying forward for my getting home.

11-11-2017, 07:01 PM
I know about the nightmares and regrets and anger and worry; if any service member on this board is having a hard time please pm me,before you do something rash and permanent! I'm not a professional counselor,not a deacon ,not a big hugger but you have nothing to lose and I've reached a good place and could share some of your load;I'd even meet within reasonable driving distance and have coffee or let you punch me in the face;well maybe not in the face but I do have access to a heated indoor range..
We didn't serve alone , no one who served should suffer alone.... one man out on sat the wire alone is in a bad way,2 men you have an lp, 3 an improved op and 4 a fire team. My old team Cletus ,Junior and Willie Coon,why we could take on the world!

Thank you .

11-11-2017, 07:55 PM
Cool gesture(s) from both of ya, nagantguy & shdwlkr!
Thanks! from me also!

And Semper Fi! too, BTW, nagantguy!

11-11-2017, 08:56 PM
I think many Vets right here on CB may be having issues.
Just look at participation in these Posts in CB and it's not just today.

My good friend Bob was killed in Vietnam. I posted today and it has about 30 views with no response.
Over the year Vets have chimed in and said it hard to talk about.

God bless them all.

Wayne Smith
11-12-2017, 08:45 AM
Most vets find it hard to remember, much less discuss. I am a licensed clinical psychologist and have had many PTSD vets as clients. The VA actually has a rather good program for Vet PTSD if it is available in your area.

I'll add my name to to list offering help. PM for a phone conversation. I am still working, so I have limited time available.

11-12-2017, 03:55 PM
Add me to the list if anyone wants to PM, or email me directly at Lonegun1894 at yahoo dot com for a phone number. I work weird hours, but will do as much as I can. Not a counselor by any means, but just a Navy Corpsman (FMF) who became a cop. And as far as I’m concerned, this offer is open to anyone here, not just troops/vets/first responders, but everyone, as we’re all family here.

11-12-2017, 04:39 PM
Thanks to all for your interest in your fellow beinings

11-14-2017, 09:28 PM
Great, Okay my online Veteran family is doing well!!! So please each of you reach out to someone a nephew neighbor young guy at church or work. Do you see where this is going; Jesus was well Jesus the son of God and he had 12 to help him reach out and spread his word, if each of us reaches out to one Veteran whom is suffering and even by talking or listening or offering a home cooked meal we may give them one more day! Well everyday is a blessing so what are we waiting for... it can be small, we offered some of our pups to local veterans whom may be looking for a new mission ;the gentlemen who contacted us wanted to know if we would sell a pup as a service dog to his very young nephew cheaper than the $1200 a recognized service /therapy dog company was charging; and we did beat their price as in free! My point is it didn't take much to put a smile on some faces and make someone feel like they made a difference; that young man and little boy now have a new mission; a new friend; something that requires their services.
This is not a lecture nor a scolding just a reminder of how powerful we can be!!!!

11-16-2017, 02:19 AM
For those who fight for it,
Freedom has a flavor the
protected will never know.

Good Shooting


11-16-2017, 05:43 AM
I'm a Gulf War vet. And that's all I have to say about that.

If I wasn't good at 'fixing myself', I expect I'd be dead. After all, it was just a 'Joke War', right?

Right. Keep it up, laughing boys. You can kiss my ***.

11-16-2017, 06:09 AM
I'm a Gulf War vet. And that's all I have to say about that.

If I wasn't good at 'fixing myself', I expect I'd be dead. After all, it was just a 'Joke War', right?

Right. Keep it up, laughing boys. You can kiss my ***.
Just finished up digging a Gulf war get out of a whiskey bottle and he was just on a carrier, so no, I don’t think it was a joke.
A week before Christmas last year, a friend of mine blew his brains out. He was a meteorologist and they sent him to a biometrics lab. They gave him a rifle and he got security patrol for the 6 weeks that he was “lost”. Screamed in his sleep, hid under the bed on 4th of July, so on. He’d gone through officer training to not have to do that.
I don’t think any war or conflict is a joke.

11-16-2017, 09:12 AM
To all the Hannibals out there. Hannibal was brave enough to post what he did. Call me we can talk, or call one of many folks here.

Hannibal please find someone to vent to. Please go talk to a Pastor, Priest, whatever or whoever they might be.

11-16-2017, 01:48 PM
No war/action is a joke, and I don’t care what anyone says. If you’re at the tip of the spear, it’s all real and serious. And “official declaration “ doesn’t mean squat. As far as I’m concerned, war is war, regardless of where, how, how long, etc. We all wrote the same check when we took the Oath.

11-16-2017, 02:09 PM
Vietnam was a conflict according to the know it alls back here, ask anyone who was on the ground during that conflict and it sure seems like it was a war. Me I was a combat engineer instructor and hung around even then with a lot of returned vets with issues, got called more than once to get to the post hospital asap because a new arrival needed some talking too. Took part in way to many military funerals. I saw what war does to folks up close and personal only took me 30 years to get myself back to being a person, lost 3 relationships, families, etc. Lost first wife to accident, next 2 hung around long enough to get a good pay day when they threw me to the curb, last year lost someone that understood me to another accident. Have lost two daughters along the way, life is tough and either you figure out why you have enjoyed so much fun or it will eat you alive. Have had two vet friends end up dead, one did it to himself on the steps of VA hospital, the other got stabbed for $5 and died; he was homeless living under a bridge with other homeless people. I got my masters in mental health so I could help others and now I wonder if it was really worth it, running out of time to get my hours figured out so I can take the license exam and hopefully be able to be a counselor. Doesn't help an accident I was in a few years ago has left me with issues I am still figuring out. My two youngest kids seem to be taking up a lot of dad's time and thoughts as they live with mom and dad only gets them sometimes and we really enjoy out time together and it is good for me also, gives me a reason to keep going many times. Well that is the short version of my life and challenges, now I wonder just much longer I have to put up with things in this life and what they will be. Funny thing is that I am getting used to being alone now after 7 years and find I have little time to get some things down. I garden, can my own veggies, read, have my tv programs, watch the weather, wonder how much snow that we will get this winter, what to plant next year in the garden, should I wash the truck or not, what to eat for meals today and most of all when I have my kids what are we going to get into and have fun at. We all have issues, challenges, bumps in the road of life, detours, dead ends, smooth travels, sad times, etc. it is important to take each day as it comes and look for the good parts, deal with the challenges, and hope the bad stuff doesn't waste to much of our thoughts, time, money or energy.
Hang in their things will get better it just takes time to work through the challenges, live well, be safe and enjoy life we only get to do it once.

11-16-2017, 02:44 PM
I'm a Gulf War vet. And that's all I have to say about that.

If I wasn't good at 'fixing myself', I expect I'd be dead. After all, it was just a 'Joke War', right?

Right. Keep it up, laughing boys. You can kiss my ***.

I'm not and never laughed at you sir;
Let me tell you about a day at the office and then you'll know I'm not laughing. An entire weapons platoon was on a CH53 with a Cobra gunship escort and for whatever reason,how ever why ever the Cobra lost sight of the 53 on radar and put its rotors through the troop compartment; 57 dead at low altitude right over our position. And no that wasn't in a "real" war.
Just wanted to be clear this thread wasn't a mockery or joke about ANYONE.