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08-14-2008, 06:40 PM
Can it be used for casting? A friend just dropped off 4 pounds of solid and 4 pounds of acid core. It cost me $5.

08-14-2008, 07:02 PM
I have melted in with my mix acid core solder. I never noticed any negative effects.
Start the pot cold, or put it in in straight form. Do not let the acid pool in the pot. It spits.
If the pot is wet, straighten out the solder and push it in reasonably slowly. Let the acid collect on the top.
You got a good deal.

08-14-2008, 07:09 PM
I have a friend that hits garage sales and estate sales. He is "in the hunt" for me. I told him I wanted a lifetime supply, so "keep looking".

08-14-2008, 07:23 PM
One day, getting some free time from my second ex-wife to be, I went to a yard sale.
This person was a pack rat.
I showed some interest in some of the older tools and we started talking about melting lead. I was looking for an older plumbers pot.
He brought me into his barn. He had ends of solder on spools, lead in wire form, 50/50 solder bars, bars of tin, heavy fish sinkers, sheet lead, and lots of old Swede Saws. I bought all the Swede Saws, and he threw in the lead.
I ended up making ingots for weeks.
I was in heaven. Never know what you can find if you show an interest.

08-14-2008, 07:38 PM
good job and the find in the barn was WOW. kjg

Down South
08-14-2008, 09:16 PM
Can it be used for casting? A friend just dropped off 4 pounds of solid and 4 pounds of acid core. It cost me $5.
I'd mix it outsise with a bit of a breeze. The acid in the solder can cause some unplesant effects. The acid will burn off pretty quick but best done outside or with good ventlation. To answer your question, Yes it can be used. That was a good deal for 5 bucks.

08-15-2008, 12:06 AM
Most are 63% tin- 37% lead, some is 50/50. Melt with a torch in open air to get rid of the flux
if you think that is necessary. I'd just keep it for 'sweetening the pot' with tin.

Great deal. A few inches dropped into a pot will add some tin if you are
having fill-out problems. I haven't done it with acid core, but it should
be OK in small quantites. You got a bunch of tin there, man.


08-15-2008, 01:08 AM
I usually put a 3 pound ingot in, and then add about 12 inches of solder. Not very scientific, but it works pretty well for me.

He said he runs into acid core a lot. I told him I will take all he gets.