View Full Version : Beating a dead horse? Any success story with MrBulletfeeder and castboolits?

11-06-2017, 12:16 AM
Hi fellas, I have been reading a lot trying to find a success story but every post I see is very old and so far no one seems to have found a way to make the MrBulletfeeder work with cast (non powder coated boolits).
I'm lubing my boolits with a Star sizer and Carnauba blue. I lubed batch of approximately 500 a month ago but now when I want to load them they are sticky so this brings me a few problems. First of all, they don't drop very easily from my homemade collator and this causes a jam every now and then (dry boolits drop flawlessly). And the most annoying is that the ball bearings inside the die also get sticky so the feeder stops dropping.

I heard that adding some mica powder helps but anyone tried this? If so how do you add the powder?

Thanks in advance!

11-06-2017, 11:05 PM
If you powder coat your cast boolits first, then Mr Bullet feeder will feed them just fine.