View Full Version : Norinco 1897 Shotgun

11-04-2017, 01:47 PM
This is the only place, I can find that is shotgun related, so I will ask a shotgun questions here. If it is out of place, I am sorry about that.

I have always like the Winchester 1897 shotgun but the prices are getting way up there. Norinco offered a clone with a 20" bbl. I know where I can get one at a reasonable price ($300.00)

The is allot be said for a shotgun that can be stored with a round in the chamber and an external hammer that is down on half cock notch. Shotguns with a round in the chamber and an internal hammer give me the willies.

I have been favorably impressed with the two Norinco 1911A1s I have owned and currently own a Norinco clone of the Uzi B carbine. While the finish is not all that great, they are reliable well made guns.

Anybody have any experience and/or knowledge about this Norinco shotgun, that I need to know before I buy one.

11-04-2017, 02:11 PM
They tend to be rougher than the originals but the SASS shooter use them because they stand up to high volumes of fire better. I have two originals but don't own a clone.

Coyote Cap does nice work on them. I have shot with him and shot his work. It's first class http://coyotecap.com/index.html


11-04-2017, 03:06 PM
I get the willies about one in the chamber.....you can open the bolt on an 870 just a bit, plus the safety and it ain't gonna shoot no matter what.

11-04-2017, 03:19 PM
I get the willies about one in the chamber.....you can open the bolt on an 870 just a bit, plus the safety and it ain't gonna shoot no matter what.

I am left handed, so most (other than Mossberg) safties are problematic. I also don't like to have to rack the slide. No kids or irresponsible adults in the house. Just a geezer who only wants to bring the hammer back to full cock and be good to go. No spring compression either, other than the mag tube. Six in the mag tube and one in the chamber for 7 rounds. The slam fire ability doesn't hurt one little bit. I am willie free on this one.

11-04-2017, 03:33 PM
OK...I just bought one for $299.56. Gunparts is selling 26 of them on Gunbroker. These were imported by the Canadian outfit Lever Arms, and I reckon they dumped their unsold inventory to Gunparts for lack of sales. They are sold are used, but my gut tells me they are just shop worn and come without the original importers backing.

I have wanted on of these since they first hit the scene some years back. These are the 20" "Riot Gun" version and not the "Trench Gun" version with all that silly extra metal.

I will put enough rounds through it to break it in, then clean and lube it. It will be placed into anti-pendejo service.

11-04-2017, 06:22 PM
Ok, I am a shotgun junkie and never met one I didn't like. Went t GB and had a look. Gonna kick like a mule, I want 2!

11-04-2017, 06:56 PM
I've got an EARLY 97 with the 2 1/2" chamber,gotta run roll crimp or all brass in her.The 2 3/4 hull pleats fold out into the forcing cone.
That silly extra metal gives me a bayonet lug :drinks:
OK...I just bought one for $299.56. Gunparts is selling 26 of them on Gunbroker. These were imported by the Canadian outfit Lever Arms, and I reckon they dumped their unsold inventory to Gunparts for lack of sales. They are sold are used, but my gut tells me they are just shop worn and come without the original importers backing.

I have wanted on of these since they first hit the scene some years back. These are the 20" "Riot Gun" version and not the "Trench Gun" version with all that silly extra metal.

I will put enough rounds through it to break it in, then clean and lube it. It will be placed into anti-pendejo service.

11-04-2017, 08:11 PM
Have one that runs without a hitch if you use Win AA hulls.

It has the "extra metal" handguard, bayonet lug, bayonet and military sling.

Rough but it works!!


11-04-2017, 09:14 PM
Hogtamer nailed it. My 12 ga 870 is fully loaded, birdshot. With one in the chamber and the bolt half open. Slam the action closed and flick the safety off and it is hot. But it can NOT possibly fire until both of those actions happen. The chances of either one of those actions happening by accident are truly insignificant. For both, your looking at a 1 and a really big number.

In the 21 years that my 870 has stood in the corner behind my bedroom door I have only had to pull it out once. Thankfully it was my stepdaughter who decided to come home when she said she was going to be on a sleepover. And she was rattling pans in the dark at 2:30 AM. When I flicked the kitchen light on she was staring down that bore from about 10 inches. Her eyes got REAL big.

Safety never came off. She promised she would always call first in the future when plans changed.

I'd much prefer getting a phone call, waking up, saying ok. Then go back to sleep.

Than have to get up and get Mr Shotgun out and go scare the **** out of everyone. Myself included.

Funny thing is I told my wife, but in 15 years my daughter has never brought it up to her. Never said a word. And I know I scared the living begesus out of her.

For self defense I don't like chamber empty. I may need every round I can get.
But I don't need a gun that can go off if it tips over either. That's the way I do it, YMMV.

too many things
11-05-2017, 12:38 AM
just keep your top of thumb low. or it wont be there

11-05-2017, 12:37 PM
Now you've gone and done it! Got me thinking which is always bad.

I've been toying with the idea of a new bear gun/slug gun and 12 ga. with hard cast round ball or slug is my preference. I've been mulling over:

- get a rifled pump gun (which I don't have) for slugs only
- get an O/U and cut it down for easy packing and two fast shots of slugs, buckshot or even birdshot
- get a side by coach gun or cut down same as above but side by's are so much nicer than O/H (in my opinion)

All of which would do what I want.

I like the O/H or side by for two fast shots and no mechanism to operate but would prefer a hammer gun for reasons same as char-gar mentions. But now... I have to consider the 1887! I always liked them but have not really thought about one for this service but it would certainly do. I think lever action is faster and more natural than pump (maybe familiarity?), the single barrel is a benefit with slugs though at close range though barrel regulation isn't to important at close range... and it has a hammer!

Hah! Just realized I misread. I saw 1887 not 1897. Didn't think there was a trench version of the '87 but its early yet on a Sunday.

Much the same comments apply though and I have always liked the 1897 too! Largely because it is a pump with a hammer. I like hammer guns.

So now it turns out I have to reconsider both the 1887 lever and 1897 pump for my wish list!

I have heard the Norincos are quite good overall and good value for the cost. Never handled one though so no first hand experience.

Sorry, a little thread drift but all shotgun and all defense use, just the wrong model in my old brain.


11-05-2017, 12:57 PM
I'd have no problems buying one.
I think I have all the Norinco guns, but the 97, and they have all worked and held up well over the years.
they copied the gun's they were supposed to copy well enough that the original parts will usually interchange with little difficulty.

11-05-2017, 01:10 PM
just keep your top of thumb low. or it wont be there

Boy, that's the truth!

11-05-2017, 01:47 PM
I seem to remember out of all the Chinese 1897 shotguns that I handled and thought of buying, that none had the old style disconnector. All had the more modern version, with the trigger needing to be released after every shot to fire again after pumping.

11-06-2017, 01:02 PM
I have heard the Norincos are quite good overall and good value for the cost. Never handled one though so no first hand experience.

I've owned pretty much every "type" of gun made by Norinco. Shot, rifle, pistol, anyway.

The lever is very inelegant in that you have to really crank on the lever to make it function. Anything less than "I want to break this off" force and it won't cycle properly.

Coach gun is just a fun little lead thrower, with two triggers & two external hammers. Touch off 3" shells in both for a world of painful grins.

In Canada, any Norinco over $300 (CAD) is worth it, anything under is not.

11-06-2017, 05:22 PM
I seem to remember out of all the Chinese 1897 shotguns that I handled and thought of buying, that none had the old style disconnector. All had the more modern version, with the trigger needing to be released after every shot to fire again after pumping.

Here is a video of a guy shooting and talking about the Norinco 1897 and it does fire without reseting the trigger.


11-06-2017, 08:04 PM
:grin: Unless i`m mistaken,the M12 is the same way.
Good luck.have fun.Be safe.

11-06-2017, 08:07 PM
The Norinco 97 copy is alright if you are buying toys. Not a gun I would want to depend on for
Bear or 2 legged critters. $300 will buy a very nice older gun that is more dependable. I have
only had one 97 knock off and that was enough. I herd they also have a Ithaca 37 knock off, I
bet that's a winner too. If I had my heart sent on a 1897 style gun, you are getting close to the
price of a shooter grade Winchester. It may not be new and shiney but will run a lot better. The
price on Winchester 97s has went up because of cowboy, but the price of the M12 win has come
down to $300-350 range for good shooter. The Riot and Trench models are high in 97s & 12s.
A pipe cutter will make it any length you want. Pic of 97 that I rescued from a bubba job. It now
has screw in chokes, I was able to save just under 24" of barrel.207313

11-08-2017, 10:58 AM
I have a Norinco 97 that I use for Cowboy action. Had it lock up one time when one of those tiny screws in bottom of action came loose. Put sealant on it and it hasn't missed a beat in 10 years.

11-18-2017, 03:07 PM
I got a 1887 lever Chinese clone. Was the biggest pile of burrs I ever saw. I smoothed out EVERY part in the action, reblued and it works great and is very reliable. Hit a double in 5-stand with it, surprised a few folks with that! Its a Mod choke, so Im scared to run slugs through it. Heavy and not ergonomic at all, the comb is way low and the stock/pistol grip is too fat. But its fun and holds 6+1.

11-19-2017, 03:12 PM
I almost hate to tell about a very nice condition Win. Model 97 12 gauge with a Mod. barrel sell for under $350 2 weeks ago on an on line auction.Robert

01-24-2018, 10:16 PM
Quick word of caution to anybody keeping a model 97 with the hammer at 1/2 cock...manually lowering the hammer on a live round is a recipe for an accidental discharge. There's a hole in my dad's porch because of this. It seems the back of the action can bump your thumb off the hammer, allowing it to fall just enough enough to ignite a primer. Dunno about the nor income model, but the original winchester manual specifically cautions against this.