View Full Version : Well, well, well, look what's back.

10-31-2017, 01:54 PM
It looks like Ruger has resurrected the SP101 9mm. Now just as soon as they make a 9mm GP100, the line will form behind me.


Harry O
11-01-2017, 02:06 PM
That is going to kill the pawnshop owner closest to me. He has had one of the original ones in his display case for years at just under $2,500. I looked at GunBroker when I first saw it and they were no where near that high.

11-02-2017, 02:35 AM
Wow, didn't expect that - $719 MSRP wonder what street price will be.

11-02-2017, 03:04 AM
Not trying to be disparaging, just a little ignorant about Ruger DA revolvers. I love the SA but never had more than a handshake with a DA.

What niche does a five shot nine, that weighs 25+ oz, with exposed hammer, fill.

Not a game playing arm.
Not really a concealed piece, with the exposed hammer and weight.
Seems like many bad mouth the nine as not a good stopper.

It does solve the speed loader dilemma if carried.
Everyone has a ammunition for it and it is inexpensive to toy with.
An attractive package.
And maybe best of all is it's a RUGER!

Just some random ramblings. Maybe I should go to bed, it's late.

11-02-2017, 03:37 AM
Wife uses hers in 357 as purse gun - I'd say a dandy hiking sidearm

Oh, and 9mm with correct ammo is a decent stopper in warm climates.


11-02-2017, 07:10 AM
I wish they would have come out with a SP101 in 41 magnum a 9mm revolver with moon clips just don't trip my trigger

11-02-2017, 10:27 AM
I wish they would have come out with a SP101 in 41 magnum a 9mm revolver with moon clips just don't trip my trigger

Or even a GP-100 from the factory. I'd be on that like white on rice.

11-02-2017, 10:39 AM
Not trying to be disparaging, just a little ignorant about Ruger DA revolvers. I love the SA but never had more than a handshake with a DA.

What niche does a five shot nine, that weighs 25+ oz, with exposed hammer, fill.

Just some random ramblings. Maybe I should go to bed, it's late.

For me it's just I gave a lot of brass, don't have to chase or lose brass and it it's easy and cheap to load for. Ammo is everywhere. Wish it had a 3-4" barrel tho, and it won't be as loud or kick as bad as a 357.. YMMV Todd/3leg

11-02-2017, 04:26 PM
Even 38 SUPER would more interesting.

11-02-2017, 04:30 PM
Coming from a guy who pretty much ONLY shoot 9mm in handguns......this is a silly idea. All that weight, only 5 shots and slow to reload.


11-02-2017, 04:50 PM
I love my Ruger wheelguns in .38 / .357 and .44, and have my share of 9mm semi autos, I like 'em all, and I'm usually a sucker for a new trend, but even I dont really see the appeal in a 5 shot 9mm wheelgun.... wouldn't that just be kind of a .38 special short that cant actually fire a real .38 spl? Why not just get it in .38 or .357?

Im not talking trash about 9mm's I have a G43 and love it for the weight and size, but If i were to buy a wheelgun for carry or even for the range I dont see what gap a snubby 5 shot 9mm is trying to fill?

11-02-2017, 06:53 PM
Wow, didn't expect that - $719 MSRP wonder what street price will be.

$544 on Bud's.

Tom W.
11-02-2017, 07:39 PM
Since my cancer treatments I have neuropathy really bad. It's hard to pick up primers and such. I really suck now when shooting my Glock 19, not so much with my Ruger Lc9s pro. I do so much better with a revolver, as well as a 1911 style pistol. I can shoot my S&W model 19 quite well, both single and double action, but prefer a DA revolver shot in SA mode.

All the above drivel to say that I wouldn't mind one, but preferably one that didn't use moon clips. If Ruger can make a cylinder for a .45 acp that doesn't need clips, it should be able to do the same for a 9 mm.

11-02-2017, 09:25 PM
Not trashing - but for the price of it, I'll stick with my 38 spl. Smith Model 36s - snub and 3". I don't need moon clips and I have the choice of loading up 38 Colt Short, Long or 38 Special. I like the 9mm Luger cartridge but will stick to my Shield for that. Cutting down to 5 rounds that requires moon clips in a revolver that is priced more than what I paid for either of my J frames seems like a step backwards - at least for me. I can see how it would appeal to some though so if you like it, then go for it! I wonder how long they'll be making it based on what their sales might be - but I'm sure that they had to have done their market research.

11-03-2017, 09:15 AM
There's a market for it. Factory economy grade 9mm ammo is a lot cheaper than the equivalent .38 Special. If I wanted to shoot my carry gun a lot, and didn't reload my own practice ammo, I'd consider buying one. For people whose knowledge of ballistics consists of asking "Is it bigger than a .22?" it would be a fine choice. Ruger has made sillier things, consider the 48 ounce Blackhawk .327.

Lefty Red
11-03-2017, 01:04 PM
There's a market for it. Factory economy grade 9mm ammo is a lot cheaper than the equivalent .38 Special. If I wanted to shoot my carry gun a lot, and didn't reload my own practice ammo, I'd consider buying one. For people whose knowledge of ballistics consists of asking "Is it bigger than a .22?" it would be a fine choice. Ruger has made sillier things, consider the 48 ounce Blackhawk .327.

I totally agree. I and I will start off by saying I am a 38/357 snubbie fanboy! But the ammo for 38 is expensive and pretty weak compared to the 9mm offerings out there, when a person is buying off the shelf. Except for Remington G\W 125gr +p SJHP in 38. :). Good blend of cheap and effective.

I’m carrying a Taurus 405, it’s a five shot 40SW. It’s my weapon I carry when I go to work in uniform. I can carry it easier and unload easier and load and holster it safer (IMHO) while in the truck and storing it at work. The moon clips make it easy.

Now does the 405 offer anything that my TAURUS CIA 357 doesn’t? Nope! Except it’s more convenient for me. And I won’t forget a round laying out in the front seat and someone tells IA on me and I get a scolding from the warden. :) the moon clips makes unloading and loading very quick and painless.

And the 405 take the ammo as my G23 and G22. So I only worry about packing one caliber when going to the range.


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11-03-2017, 01:09 PM
i'll have a gp100 in .40 s&w please!

11-03-2017, 02:21 PM
Not trying to be disparaging, just a little ignorant about Ruger DA revolvers. I love the SA but never had more than a handshake with a DA.

What niche does a five shot nine, that weighs 25+ oz, with exposed hammer, fill.

Not a game playing arm.
Not really a concealed piece, with the exposed hammer and weight.
Seems like many bad mouth the nine as not a good stopper.

It does solve the speed loader dilemma if carried.
Everyone has a ammunition for it and it is inexpensive to toy with.
An attractive package.
And maybe best of all is it's a RUGER!

Just some random ramblings. Maybe I should go to bed, it's late.

Only reason to have a 9mm revolver is if you don't like 9mm autopistols, but want something that can fire the round, to exploit any ammo which falls off the tailgate of the alien spaceship...

Lefty Red
11-03-2017, 02:24 PM
i'll have a gp100 in .40 s&w please!

Second that!

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MT Chambers
11-03-2017, 02:51 PM
I don't understand the attraction of the 9mm revolver, a .38 would be much less hassle, now a 10mm!!!! That might be worth the hassle.

11-03-2017, 03:20 PM
The guy in the video did a good job and as always it comes down to personal choice weighting all the variables. There is no one gun or round that is better. I know folks keep trying to advance that notion, but as I said, the guy in the video is right.

Over the years, I have carried quite a few different handguns, both autopistols and revolvers. Where I am now, at my age and health, I carry a 2" Smith and Wesson 64. Around the house it is usually a 1911. Because, I don't "carry" a 1911 for defense, for home or field use, I ALWAYS keep the chamber empty. I do not do this for safety reasons, but to be consistent. If I am going to shoot the 1911 at home, at the range or in the field, I must rack the slide. No exceptions. I am not worried about the extra split second it takes to rack the slide under those circumstances.

I am not going to tell anybody else what they should do, much less what they must do. I will just tell them to reason it through for themselves. It is their life on the line and not somebody's else's. To weight the pro and cons of both types of handguns, the video above does a fine job of helping with that.

11-03-2017, 04:57 PM
... ;)

11-03-2017, 07:03 PM
Been out of the loop on gun stuff for a few months dealing with lesser matters such as work and family (not really lesser, but you get the idea). I can see the 9mm SP-101 appealing to those who already have a 9mm bottom feeder and would like to add a wheelgun but not another caliber. Otherwise, I really don't get it. About the same size and more weight and purchase price than my Glock 26 with half the ammo. No thanx, I'll pass. The 8 shot .22 SP-101 looks like alot of fun though.

11-03-2017, 07:33 PM
There are a couple places that will machine the cylinder of the 357/38 revolvers for 9mm moon clips. The gun will still fire 357/38 after the conversion. I don't know how well they'd shoot factory 9mm due to the larger bore. For lead bullets it would probably work fine.

11-03-2017, 08:31 PM

11-03-2017, 09:51 PM
I have read that Ruger used the exact same barrels on the Six series revolvers across all calibers (.38, .357, 9mm, .380 Rim/.38 S&W), just stamped for the correct cartridge.

11-03-2017, 10:12 PM
now a 10mm!!!! That might be worth the hassle]

I was just thinking that .... a GP100 in 10mm would definitely have my interest... and maybe help breath a little more life into that cartridge again

Lefty Red
11-04-2017, 03:57 AM
I was just thinking that .... a GP100 in 10mm would definitely have my interest... and maybe help breath a little more life into that cartridge again

Or in the SP101! That would be interesting. Able to shoot both 40SW and 10mm with moon clips.

That would be on my wish list!


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11-04-2017, 04:55 AM
There are a couple places that will machine the cylinder of the 357/38 revolvers for 9mm moon clips. The gun will still fire 357/38 after the conversion. I don't know how well they'd shoot factory 9mm due to the larger bore. For lead bullets it would probably work fine.

TK Customs https://www.tkcustom.com/services/machining machines a 38/357 cylinder to take moon clips and modify them also to accept 9mm rounds. All the ones I have seen have been machined to take a moonclip for the standard 38/357 case and they performed very well . I have never handled a 38/357 converted to 9mm.


Source for 38/357 moonclips


11-04-2017, 01:24 PM
If you are a police officer whose issue round is the 9 mm, then a 9 mm Revolver makes a modicum of sense as a choice for an off-duty weapon. You use the same ammo you carry in your duty weapon, use department issued, practice ammo, or at worst, cheap, generic ball for training purposes. A lot of people in Law Enforcement aren't exactly rolling in dough, so economizing on ammo helps.

11-04-2017, 05:51 PM
Coming from a guy who pretty much ONLY shoot 9mm in handguns......this is a silly idea. All that weight, only 5 shots and slow to reload.


Revolvers will always have a place because self loaders don't work from inside your pocket or purse after the first shot.



11-04-2017, 06:49 PM
Revolvers will always have a place because self loaders don't work from inside your pocket or purse after the first shot.

11-05-2017, 04:16 PM
Only reason to have a 9mm revolver is if you don't like 9mm autopistols, but want something that can fire the round, to exploit any ammo which falls off the tailgate of the alien spaceship...

I have to admit my keyboard get dunked on that comment. Please give a warning when I have coffee in my mouth. :>)

Take Care


11-10-2017, 12:03 AM
I have a 9mm revolver but it isn't exactly easily concealable.

11-10-2017, 12:26 AM
I have a 9mm revolver but it isn't exactly easily concealable.

I would really enjoy that particular model of 9mm Revolver.:Fire:[smilie=w:[smilie=w:

11-10-2017, 12:37 AM
it's expensive but it shoots and handles great.

11-10-2017, 12:47 AM
I wish they would have come out with a SP101 in 41 magnum a 9mm revolver with moon clips just don't trip my trigger

Or even a GP-100 from the factory. I'd be on that like white on rice.

GP-100 or GP-101 in 41 mag ...Sign me up !

I'm only posting this, in case Ruger is watching this thread :wink:

11-10-2017, 02:20 AM
Kinda seems to me like buying a new car with manual crank windows and no power locks.

Tom W.
11-10-2017, 06:17 PM
And now there is a Ruger SRH in 10 mm auto....that ought to be a rip!

11-12-2017, 02:58 PM
You know, it’s nice to have the option, but I won’t be buying the 9mm SP101 because I enjoy the same gun in .357 too much and carry it ever day. For 9mm, I have a couple bottom feeders and a TC Contender. To me, the 9mm is an excellent target round and a cheap to shoot reloadable replacement for a .22LR. I really like the caliber, just not for defense.

11-12-2017, 03:15 PM
Lots of people say they don't like the 9mm for defense and I don't understand why. With modern ammunition, it is at least as effective as the 38 Special which has been pretty much a standard for decades.
I guess it matters what you are defending against.

11-12-2017, 03:34 PM
Kinda seems to me like buying a new car with manual crank windows and no power locks.

Wish I could still buy them like this. It's one of the reasons the only "fun" cars I have left are old ones. Engines are running big turbos w/ stand alone engine management. But manual everything in the interior is to my liking. Sometimes simple is better.

Love Life
11-12-2017, 03:48 PM
Wish I could still buy them like this. It's one of the reasons the only "fun" cars I have left are old ones. Engines are running big turbos w/ stand alone engine management. But manual everything in the interior is to my liking. Sometimes simple is better.

I wish vehicles still came with cigarette lighters and ash trays.

11-12-2017, 03:52 PM
Lots of people say they don't like the 9mm for defense and I don't understand why. With modern ammunition, it is at least as effective as the 38 Special which has been pretty much a standard for decades.
I guess it matters what you are defending against.

Isn't that the truth. The cartridge has been around longer than the 45acp and has performed longer in Military and Police handgun applications than any other cartridge. Fortunately for those who really need the cartridge the beat goes on.

Take Care


11-12-2017, 04:05 PM
Isn't that the truth. The cartridge has been around longer than the 45acp and has performed longer in Military and Police handgun applications than any other cartridge. Fortunately for those who really need the cartridge the beat goes on.

Take Care


Don't know about that Robert, they are just about neck to neck. Browning's first 45 acp was on 1902 Colt parts. It was a proto-type. That evolved into the 1905 which was a legitimate productioin item in 45 acp. The 9x19 came about in 1902 also. Browning had the 38 Auto (basically 9mm caliber) before the 9x19, but yes I know there were many 9mm's before that even.

11-12-2017, 04:10 PM
I have to admit my keyboard get dunked on that comment. Please give a warning when I have coffee in my mouth. :>) Take Care Bob

I'm glad my snide comment had the desired result 8-)